Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Way Of The Beast ....Or...Something Better

Many have asked several questions about our spiritually and
technologically advanced off world visitors and how they will
interact in the future. They have also asked about their take on the
economy. As far as an economy most advanced civilizations have
abandoned money a long time ago. They have transcended all material
need or lack. They found money perpetuated greed and separation the
height of which you are experiencing as we speak. It also allowed the
few to control the masses eventually ending in an uneven dispersal
of wealth and class separation. We can now see the end result of
capitalism without consciousness.

Following the path of advanced civilizations cannot be done without a
change in consciousness moving into unity consciousness and
abandoning the me, mine, competition and control game, a game of
separation. Nature is abundant. One ear of corn makes about 500
seeds. Plant them and you get 500 X 500 some with multiple stalks. It
is exponential and the same goes with all other grains and
vegetables. We have a mass surplus of food much of which is laying
to waste due to transportation costs and price fixing due to
government controls. Alcohol is being exported as we speak while gas
is seemingly at a shortage. Whether or not this is manufactured lack
and the misuse of supply and demand is another issue the fact of the
matter is there is no lack. There are oil fields found and capped
that would take care of the next 200 years and adding alcohol to the
gas would end the shortage as a short term fix yet again this is not
the issue the issue is consciousness.

We have not needed the oil since the 30's and have had the
technology to supply all our energy and transportation needs
fuelessly courtesy of back engineering ET crashes and inspired
individuals given the technology only to have them bought and shelved
or the inventors harassed even killed. There are water technologies
as well surfacing some of which are very efficient as a fuel. The
masses, enslaved through dependency have been ignorant or willing
participants in this often living in survival fearing change. They
have become dependant on an enslaving program and they be lie ve
their very survival depends on it. The leadership on the whole has
not been serving the people and has chosen to perpetuate the
enslavement through dependency serving the me, mine, controllers, the
elite who are playing the separation game arrogantly forgetting a
little universal law called KARMA.

The available land for living is abundant yet there are several
factors making it unusable. The availability of fresh water for
drinking and growing crops, power, etc all can be easily overcome.
with fueless technologies and drilling a few wells. Water
conservation and preservation, building energy efficient homes and
living in harmony with the land also has to be taken into account.

The bottom line is until there is a change in consciousness and the
leadership reflects that change there will continue to be a downward
spiral in evolution resulting in social, economic and environmental
collapse. Your freedom as well will shift to total enslavement unless
a shift in consciousness occurs. It is your God given right to live
an abundant life in harmony with each other and your environment. The
original plan for Earth was to be an Eden where people lived by
universal principles necessary for a healthy society and environment.
It was hijacked and it does not take a rocket scientist to see just
who is responsible. It is also a no brainer to see who is behind it,
who allowed it and is continuing to support it to one degree or
another. A little impeccable integrity and brutal honesty, "Self
Evaluation" is in order here.

Why is it the ETs responsibility to clean up the mess? Are they here
to save us from our self created realities, keep us from gaining the
wisdom through experience? How dark, how ugly, how enslaving does it
have to get before people decide to save themselves? When off world
visitors come here they are feared, greeted by the military, shot at
with reverse engineered weapons all in an attempt to steal their
technology and use it in the war industry. Some even want to make a
religion out of them. Now you know why they don't land on the White
House Lawn. Considering the current state of affairs, the condition
of society, the economy, the environment and those who were entrusted
to act in the highest and best good of humanity and the Earth who
serve a different cause it is obvious why our current leadership is
not the avenue for contact. The simple people are a much better
avenue for communication, those with pure intent, open minds and
loving hearts. How pure is your intent, how open is your mind, how
loving is your heart and is your life a reflection of it? Is the
leadership a reflection of the people, truly serving the people?

If the leadership truly served the people you would have peace, the
end to most diseases, poverty and homelessness would be no more. Face
it the war, disease, oil and banking profiteers are running things,
the me, mine, elite with a lust for power and wealth that is
insatiable. This will end in social, economic, environmental collapse
and total enslavement if the masses don't wake up. Your divine right
to live according to the basic principles necessary for a healthy
society and environment has been severely undermined. Universal
Peace, Brother Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Abundance for
all honoring the Sacred Circle of Life, The Omnipresent Creator
within all Creation are principles and understandings advanced
civilizations live by. We as a civilization, especially in the
leadership have not risen to the occasion yet the masses are far
beyond the leadership in this evolutionary process. In each
individual, their heart of hearts they desire to live a thoroughly
loving, joyous, abundant live in harmony with each other and the
environment. It is time for this to come forward and what we are
experiencing is the uncovering and eventual demise of all that which
has stunted humanities evolution. There will be reactions to actions,
an acceleration of karma, a grand awakening and healing on every
level. It is time to get body, mind and spirit in order, flow and
align with this awakening and healing process. It is destiny for
humanity and the earth to take a quantum leap in evolution, heal the
past, clean up the environment and join the rest of the universe in
peace. We can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Take
the upward spiral or the downward spiral it is all a matter of
choice. Now is the time to choose with loving detachment the upward
spiral. The age of tyranny is over and those aligned with the beast
shall go the way of the beast. Be well James Gilliland

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