Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
May 24, 2010 by Elizabeth Trutwin You will know your Mission. Your Vision for Your Mission comes to you after you have passed all your tests. Mother will come to you directly or through your Guides. She will suggest you may want to take a Chosen Responsibility, because it is YOUR MISSION. The Vision will be so big, you will weep. You will weep in humility, wondering if you are capable of such a large Vision. That is how you will know YOUR MISSION. Outline: My Vision for the Children This World is for the Children. The adult role will be to Guide them and support them in their Dreams as we allow the Children to show us the Path back to Balance. We will build this World together based on Truth, Respect, and Love. Immediately after Announcements, children everywhere will be provided with food, shelter, pure water, hospitals, and schools. These will be provided to their families as well. Not all will immediately receive money though the basics for a dignified life are guaranteed immediately. Dome Homes are built and in storage now. They will be shipped on the morning of Announcements. Every Country will receive Dome Homes and there will be no more Homeless people. There will be no more Refugee Camps. There will be no more Shanty Villages. The Countries who need this assistance are aware it is coming. Dome Homes come in different sizes to meet the needs of the family. They do not require heating or cooling. They are the perfect temperature at all times. No matter whether they are placed in cold climates or hot climates, they do not require temperature control. Dome Homes are very low maintenance. For example, in times of flooding, they float. No one will lose their home or their life in case of a flood. These Dome Homes are called Love Bubbles. This advanced Dome technology will be available in larger buildings for medical clinics and schools. There will be no delay putting these into place. Higher technology will be used for healing the children who require this. Hunger, digestive issues, immunity issues, traumas, prosthetics, cleft palate surgeries and life saving surgeries will be available to all the children at no cost to them or their families. The new healing techniques are profoundly advanced compared to what we have to offer now. They are available to be in place immediately. Proper nutrition will cure many ailments children suffer now. Local fresh organic foods will be available everywhere and will be provided to the children. Immediately there will be Teams in place to visit Children and their Families in small Villages in rural areas in Africa, South America, India, Europe, North America, and anywhere schools are an immediate need. There will be schools set up for the children called Knowers Arc. These schools will have technology, some you know about, and much that is new. Large monitors will be set up for the Children up front in the classroom where there used to be a chalkboard. One of the functions of these monitors will be to connect the children of the World together. These children will visit each other via live stream over satellite transmission. Classrooms will join classrooms for the purpose of sharing culture and sharing lessons in science, history, and astronomy. There will be transportation available so these children in the shared classrooms may have Cultural Exchanges. The students and their parents will visit the foreign classroom and in the next Exchange they will swap. In these Schools, Parents and Community Elders will part of the time play a role in the Teaching. The children will be immersed in their own Cultures. They will learn their history, their Folk Tales, their Traditions, their Foods, their Dance, and their Songs. There will be gatherings at the schools during important Days in their Cultures with traditional foods, games, and costume, as well as stories, song and dance. The children will have part of their Day learning about Mother Earth and all her gifts as well as The Stars, Systems, and Planets. Children will learn about their natural World and their role in taking care of it. There will be magical programs designed for every age Group learning the Truth about our Galactic Heritage. Children will be shown Who They Are…Where They Come From and Why They Are Here. The Children will learn the Ancient Texts, the Universal Truths. They will study movement and Balance in the body. They will know what Ancient Arts they choose – yoga, martial arts, and the aesthetic spiritual practices. They will know how to access their third eye, how to travel outside the body and how to be One with their Monad. They will know how to eat to take care of their body. Children will have many new ways of learning we have never seen before. There will be Holographic Learning. There will be LERN technology. There will be adaptive machines we do not know at this time. These are available now. Children will learn advanced math at very young ages. They will master Quantum Physics as it relates to the Earth Grid and their own bodies. Children will learn Hands on Healing. They will learn as many other languages as they desire. Children will learn the True Science in the Natural World. They will learn the Truth about the Magical Kingdoms. They will learn about Unicorns, Mermaids, Fairies, Elves, Leprechauns, Wizards, and their place in our World, along with their Origins from Other Planets. Children will learn the Sacred Mysteries in the seed, stem, leaf, and flower and how they relate to the biorhythmic cycles of the Moon and the Sun. They will learn the barren times and the growth times. They will learn to live in Harmony with all the Universe. They will learn about the Two Leggeds, the Animal Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Cetacean Kingdom as well as all the living Creatures that share Mother Gaia with us. Children will learn in the Holodecks on the Ships to Master these Worlds. The Children will visit their Counterparts at Inner Earth. They will learn that Every Planet becomes a Star and Earth has an Inner Sun and Inner Continents and Seas. They will travel to the StarPortals in the Poles and see how the Ships travel through the Poles to Inner Earth. At Inner Earth they will meet the Sentient Sea Beings, the Whales, Dolphins, and MerPeople. They will learn about how to travel from Inner Earth to the Surface through Worm Holes. They will learn about how these are Connected with the StarGates, Portals, and Pyramids with Zero Point Energy brought in through the Ziggurats and Mounds built by the Original People, the Aboriginal Moabite Nation. The Children will learn to hand make wind and string instruments and drums and play music on them. The children will learn Dance and Song, Plays and Theatre. The Children will learn to Share Stories with All these Mediums. The Children will learn to Sculpt, Paint, Draw, and Create Graphically in all ways. They will know how to draw Holographically. They will know photography at very early ages. The Children will bring through New Art, Fractals, and will understand the Connections between Numbers and Creation. They will understand the meanings behind the Tree of Life, the Flower of Life, and the Seed of Life. They will know they are Created out of their Mother, Sekhmet, from the Antimatter Universe into the Matter Universe. They will know their Father, Ra, who Created this Universe. They will know they are Co-Creator gods/goddesses who have abilities of levitation, telepathy, teleportation, time travel, crossing the StarGates, and InterPlanetary Travel. When the children study art they will know it is math; as they learn baking, they will know it is chemistry. They will study energetics and vibrations. When they study the Body they will understand the Divine Blueprint as it applies to the Adam Kadmon Body, the Earth, the Galaxy, and the Universe. Knowing all of these things together, they will be our Future Teachers.Envision YOUR MISSION
Posted by
6:52 PM
Labels: crop circles
An extraordinary crop circle
By Daily Mail Reporter An extraordinary crop circle based on the 'world's most beautiful maths theorem' has appeared in a field next to a windmill in Wiltshire. The complex disc, which measures 300ft across, appeared to the east of Wilton Windmill near Marlborough in a blazing yellow rape seed field. It appeared on Saturday just 25miles from another circle that popped up a fortnight ago by the Iron Age hill fort of Old Sarum. The latest circle appears to be based on a mathematical formula. It appeared on Saturday in Wiltshire Lucy Pringle, a renowned crop circle researcher was puzzled by what appears to be a hidden code based on complex numbers within the shape. She said: 'I believe it contains binary, a numeral system, or base-2 number system that represents numeric values using two symbols, 0 and 1. 'Working from the centre outwards, people are suggesting it has a connection to Leonhard Euler's theorem e^(i)pi+1=0 which is thought to be one of the most beautiful theorems in mathematics.' She added that it could even contain a hidden tune. 'Historically over the years, crop circles have been associated with diatonic scales (white notes on the piano),' she said. 'These diatonic scale frequencies are encoded in each segment of the crop circle and can be played on the piano. 'This is a unique formation incorporating both music and mathematics and is similar in importance to the famous 2008 Barbury Castle Pi event.' There is speculation that the circle represents Leonhard Euler's complex theorem e^(i)pi+1=0 Another crop circle expert said everyone can draw their own conclusions from the circles, adding: 'The thing about math and the circles is that you are dealing with something which isn't an exact science so one person may decode the circles as having diatonic ratios, the other may find meaning in binary numbers or astrological cycles. 'The only possible explanation which covers all areas would be humans, however this can only be a problematic relationship shared by creaters and researchers since the [UFO] researchers hate the idea that a sense of wonder and optimism is quoshed by the admittance of human involvement.' Carved out in a barley field, the Barbury Castle crop circle was a pictorial representation of the first ten digits of Pi, one of the most fundamental symbols in mathematics. The image was an example of what is known as a fractal, or geometric pattern. It was solved by astrophysicist Mike Reed who saw a picture of the crop circle and made the mathematical link. Crop circle designs have developed from simple circles in the 1970s to pictorial designs in the late 1980s and binary number designers from 2001.Crop circle hiding 'beautiful' maths formula appears in rape seed field
Last updated at 10:53 PM on 24th May 2010
Posted by
6:32 PM
Labels: crop circles
Monday, May 17, 2010
Michael Tellinger: Human Slave Species for ET Gods
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10:23 PM
Labels: Science
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Twilight Of The Psychopaths
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8:56 AM
Labels: 911, AmericanWarOfTerror, Law, Politics, Protest
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What is about to Occur...Saul
05/12/2010 by John Smallman As you are all well aware, enormous Earth changes are in progress which seem quite alarming. They are all necessary to ensure and enable the continuing viability of Earth as a life-supporting ecosystem. Release your sense of alarm or fear, because these changes encourage and support humanity’s move into full consciousness, which is programmed to occur quite soon. It is the state toward which you have been working for a very long period of Earth time, and through many Earth lifetimes. The moment of fulfillment of God’s promise to humanity of a new Golden Age is shortly to dawn. When it does your joy will be stunning for you, as understanding of its meaning floods into your awareness — like the depths of winter changing instantly into the lushness of full summer. Your thoughts, your imaginings, even your dreams have given you not the smallest inkling of what is about to occur. Rest assured that the wonder of this approaching event leaves absolutely no room for even the slightest sense of doubt or disenchantment. Not one of you has even the faintest idea of the amazing work that you have been doing, and the fantastic achievements that you have accomplished in bringing the divine plan forward to this moment. When the moment for this divine event arrives, and the veil that hides it from you is removed, you will gaze with awe and wonder at what you have accomplished by your constant and unremitting efforts as you have struggled through the fear and suffering of the illusion to reach the brilliant (but almost totally hidden from you) divine Light of God’s eternal Presence. Deep within you, knowledge of His Love for you and of your rightful place in His eternal Presence has kept your hope alive and vibrant — although not consciously — and enabled you to continue along your perfectly designed individual paths towards the great awakening. Every one of you has worked long and hard to bring about this moment of divine fulfillment. There is not one among you who has not struggled with immense determination and skill to ensure the completion of this stage in God’s plan, no matter how inadequately this may have been apparent to you in your illusory reality. Even the most seemingly damaging and unconscionable behavior has had a divine purpose of unimaginable importance. All memory of pain, misery, and suffering that you have sustained as you worked your way through the darkness of the illusion will be totally and instantly erased, so that nothing in any way intrudes on the eternal bliss into which you will shortly emerge. Fear, anger, pain, resentment, doubt, illness and general savagery and disharmony are all illusions — very unpleasant and disturbing aspects of the illusory reality that you cooperatively imagined into being and continually sought to renew and rebuild. They will be gone instantly as though they never existed, because nothing that could hurt, harm, or destroy God’s children could exist. You are infinitely loved and protected by your heavenly Father in every moment of your existence, within which nothing but Love, Joy, Harmony, and Bliss are possible. And you are about to awaken into the endless wonder of that state. With so very much love, Saul.Saul: You Have Not The Smallest Inkling Of What Is About To Occur
Posted by
6:31 AM
Labels: GoldenAge
(Venus, Florida- May 12rd, 2010) On the Gulf Coast of the United States the
shock is now setting in for millions of American citizens as we now realize
the true extent of the damage caused by our desire for obsolete and
dangerous fossil fuels, and our perpetuation of an outdated monetary world
society, where the bottom line has always been profit at all costs, be it
human or environmental. It is time for a viable solution to deal with a
system hardwired for self destruction.
It is with that very unfortunate introduction that we, The Zeitgeist
Movement, now must enter the international conversation to express the need
for true change. That word is not some jingoist slogan devised by a focus
group, but the evident desire of the public for a meaningful transition out
of the destructive legacy, the burden of our past mistakes as a maturing
civilization. We only have one Earth; there is no reset button here.
We must break out of our established ideologies that have prevented
progress. Ending the political duality, economic stratification and false
divisions is key to overcoming our apparent historical bondage that says
the future we were promised must remain an elusive dream. We must now
rethink our society and outgrow those parts of it that serve to paralyze
As of Friday, April 30th it was reported by CBS News (US) that the spill
had spread to cover 2,100 square miles and was still spilling at a rate up
to 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) a day. As of today, there has been no
progress in stopping this catastrophe. This did not have to happen. It
happened because we continue to use an obsolete technology for the sake of
maintaining a profitable establishment. An establishment that perpetuates
vast inequality in its wages to its employees versus its core owners,
destroys fragile and vital eco-systems, and pollutes our air.
It is time for real change, not empty promises. No amount of socialism or
free market ideology will save us from ourselves, there needs to be a
fundamental re-write of what we think we know, to achieve a sustainable
human enterprise.
Our generation has stood and watched as our planet has been raped and
pillaged, yet we do nothing. Our generation has stood and watched as our
government bailed out the very people who created this economic crisis, yet
we do nothing. Our generation has stood and watched as our rights have been
stripped away from us, and yet we do nothing. Our generation has stood and
watched as we have been handed the problems of the countless generations
before it, and we are preparing to do the same to the next generation, and
we do nothing.
Let us be the first generation to hand solutions to our children and our
children’s children. But we can’t do it alone. Let us break down the
barriers we have created amongst ourselves. We need all of you, every last
one, to say enough is enough in one voice. Not as Americans or Russians,
Christians or Muslims, but as fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Let
us destroy the lines between us and work to create a world where our
children are truly safe and free. Let us create a world where we can tell
our children that they can be and do whatever their heart desires, and know
deep inside us we are telling them the truth. Let our generation be the
We have the tools, we have the knowledge, we have the technology. It is
time we make the transition to a world, an economy, and a future we all
deserve regardless of geographic location or economic disposition. As long
as we rely on legacy systems defined in a 19th century mentality all we
will do is spin our wheels while a parade of economic and ecologic
disasters visits us again and again. It is time to pull the plug on this
charade because as you will find out, there is a better way.
We, the Zeitgeist Movement representatives, reach out to you so that we can
all work together to do what must be done. Every man, woman and child has a
voice, but together we can create one voice so deafening that no one will
have a choice but to listen. But it requires you. It requires you put away
preconceived notions you have been told about “the way things are” as
if it is the only way, because it's not! Our way of thinking will no longer
sustain us. We can either remain in the house of cards we have built and
watch it collapse all around us, or we can, through the best our society
has to offer, begin to construct a stable mature and thriving society so
that the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, the Exxon Valdez and many others are nothing
more then an embarrassing footnote in history.
The choice is yours.
The preceding Press Release was created by the Comm Team of The Zeitgeist
Movement and is encouraged to be spread to anyone and everyone. Some media
suggestions are as follows:
thank you
ZM Team
Posted by
6:18 AM
Labels: Protest