Constitutional Questions
Samuel Adams
Knowledge is Power. Free your mind. "Condemnation before investigation is the greatest form of ignorance." Albert Einstein "Never fear the path of truth, for the lack of people on it" JFK "In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary." George Orwell "Yet you kill so that you can steal the oil that you covet." Aton "Speak peace in a world of conflict" Marshall Rosenburg ***** Mitakuye Oyasin
Posted by Raven at 6:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Law
Located in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii and measuring in at roughly twice the size of Texas, this elusive mass is home to hundreds of species of marine life and is constantly expanding. It has tripled in size since the middle of the 1990s and could grow tenfold in the next decade. Although no official title has been given to the mass yet, a popular label thus far has been "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch." As suggested by the name, the island is almost entirely comprises human-made trash. It currently weighs approximately 3.5 million tons with a concentration of 3.34 million pieces of garbage per square kilometer, 80 per cent of which is plastic. Due to the Patch's location in the North Pacific Gyre, its growth is guaranteed to continue as this Africa-sized section of ocean spins in a vortex that effectively traps flotsam. Few visitors The cause for the Patch's relative lack of acknowledgment is that the portion of the Pacific it occupies is almost entirely unvisited. It lacks the wind to attract sailing vessels, the biology to encourage fishing, and is not in the path of major shipping lanes. What little air movement there is blows inwards, further trapping the garbage. According to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, Marcus Eriksen, a director at the Algatita Marine Research Foundation, said that "with the winds blowing in and the currents in the gyre going circular, it's the perfect environment for trapping." While the trash is in the ocean, it is doing what could be irreparable harm to sea life, the water it's in, and eventually humans. Plastic resists biodegrading. Instead, a plastic shopping bag or pop bottle will photo-degrade over time, meaning that it will break down into smaller and smaller pieces but retain its original molecular composition. The result is a great amount of fine plastic sand that resembles food to many creatures. Unfortunately, the plastic cannot be digested, so sea birds or fish can eventually starve to death with a stomach full of plastic. Even if the amount of plastic in a creature's body is not enough to block the passage of food, the small pellets act as sponges for several toxins, concentrating chemicals such as DDT to 1 million times the normal level. This concentration then works its way up the food chain until a fish is served at our dinner table. A deadly shining Some birds, attracted to the shining in the ocean, approach the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in search of food. Marine researchers have commented that pelicans dissected in that area have stomachs so full of lighters that they resemble convenience stores. Sea turtles are also prone to mistaking plastic bags for jelly fish, which then cause their deaths or sit in their guts for the decades it takes the bags to break down. In total, 267 species have been reported to have eaten from, or become entangled in, the Patch. According to Chris Parry of the California Coastal Commission, regrettably little can be done to clean up the Patch, although many urge that a decreased reliance on plastic is the first step. "At this point," said Parry, "cleaning it up isn't an option . . . it's just going to get bigger as our reliance on plastics continues." "The long-term solution is to stop producing as much plastic products at home and change our consumption habits." Cleaning up the Patch will likely cost billions of dollars and, as an approximation, be more difficult than vacuuming every inch of the United States. The plastic and garbage reach more than 30 metres down into the ocean and a great number of organisms would be destroyed in the process. So far, no country has so much as proposed a solution, presumably because no nation wishes to claim responsibility. Even if all plastic usage were to stop immediately, future geologists would be able to clearly mark the stratum designating the 20th and 21st century by an indelible layer of plastic coating the world's oceans. Related Tyee stories: David Reid is a reporter for The Phoenix, the student newspaper of UBC Okanagan, where this first appeared.
Earth's Eighth Continent
It swirls. It grows. It's a massive, floating 'garbage patch.'
By David Reid
Published: November 21, 2007
The Phoenix
An ocean awash in lethal bags, bottles, pellets, line, tarps and diapers.
Excerpted: 'Basking Sharks: The Slaughter of B.C.'s Gentle Giants'
Enviro groups slam Canada's sonar in naval mock-up.
Posted by Raven at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Environment
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on!!
Posted by Raven at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Inspiration
Silver Wolf Productions Inc./Thunderbolts Project
Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science and human evolution. Watch this film and in an hour ... all » know more than most NASA scientists about the fundamental force that forms and sustains the universe (summary below).
- to subscribe to a free newsletter that will keep you up to date on the latest discoveries in space and a revolutionary new interpretation of them
- to purchase the DVD and\or Thunderbolts Of The Gods 'monograph' (book),
The Thunderbolts Project calls into question not only countless modern scientific assumptions, but also the billions of dollars of big-science government and corporate funding that continues to preserve and entrench questionable theories - elevating them to the status of doctrine - while systematically excluding legitimate alternatives that threaten the status-quo. Alternatives that may represent the future of science.
The Thunderbolts Project offers remarkably simple explanations for 'black holes', 'dark matter', the electric sun, comets that are NOT made of ice, planetary scarring and many other 'mysterious' phenomena.
It proposes that much of the currently observable phenomena of deep space can be intelligently explained by already known principles of electricity. High school students get it immediately. A doctorate in higher math is not required.
This extraordinary new theory also redefines ancient history, linking rock art images carved in basalt 5,000 years ago with identical images found only in Hubble photographs of deep space or in photographs of recently declassified high-energy plasma discharge experiments generated in a billion dollar lab.
The Thunderbolts Project invites you to participate in this revolution, to test and even challenge its validity, or, if finding it rational and intriguing enough, to contribute to its expansion and further evolution.
Thank you,
The Thunderbolts Project
Posted by Raven at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Space
Criminal collapse of Citibank and Morgan Stanley imminent
Page update: 20.11.07
A stolen sum totalling $4.5 trillion (four and a half trillion American dollars) was held illegally in a suspense account at Citibank’s offices at 399 Park Avenue, New York, USA, at the end of October 2007 and the beginning of November 2007.
The USA Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, is centrally involved in the administration of this theft. It is said that Paulson cannot now travel to Europe without being arrested. On Tuesday 20th October 2007, the Chinese authorities pressed Paulson to instruct release of the $4.5 trillion.
The money originally came from The People's Bank of China in May 2006, at the time when Henry Paulson took over as USA Treasury Secretary in Washington. It was a private transfer of funds from China to an American financier called Lee Wanta of AmeriTrust Groupe. Henry Paulson stole this $4.5 trillion in June 2006.
Also on Tuesday 30th October 2007, the Provost Marshal for the USA (Brigadier General Rodney Johnson), visited Citibank. Everything was set ready for payment of the $4.5 trillion to be made into the AmeriTrust Groupe securities account at Morgan Stanley at the latest by 6.00pm on Wednesday 31st October. This payment was not made.
Citibank and Morgan Stanley are mired in a criminal conspiracy with the USA Treasury and the USA White House which will result in the arrest, in the USA, of William R. Rhodes (Chairman of Citigroup), John Mack (Chairman of Morgan Stanley) and Henry Paulson (USA Treasury Secretary).
Now that this matter is in the public domain, it is possible that the affair will bring down not just Citibank, Morgan Stanley and their auditors, but also the American Stock Market and the White House.
The $4.5 trillion has become tangled up with banking release procedures to do with the much larger NESARA global prosperity programme shortly to be announced. The $4.5 trillion is referred to in G8 Nation memos as 'The Wanta Plan' funds.
On Sunday 4th November 2007, after an emergency board meeting, the chairman and chief executive of Citibank, Charles Prince, resigned. He was replaced as chairman by former USA Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, and as chief executive by Sir Win Bischoff. The reason given was the recent losses in Citibank's mortgage-backed securities business.
Now relieved of his duties, Charles Prince is a dangerous man. He knows about Citibank's active involvement in the papertrail which used the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds to lubricate off-limits stealth trades. And he knows about the covert Citibank accounting strategies which kept knowledge of the Wanta Plan funds theft from several major shareholders.
On Tuesday 6th November 2007, it was reported that the entire Citibank Board of Directors had been arrested by the USA Provost Marshall. This report was premature. All members of the Citibank Board of Directors will be arrested by the Provost Marshall soon, but this has not yet taken place.
What did happen was that three thousand American banksters, corporate lawyers and others were taken into custody. It was said at the time that the others included Bill and Hillary Clinton, but not their clones. (More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here, here, here, here, here and here.)
Nine aircraft were filled with handcuffed prisoners. Six of these planes were made available to the USA Provost Marshall at Dulles International Airport (Washington DC). Another aircraft came from the UK and another from Germany. The provenance of the ninth aircraft used is not yet clear.
The prisoners had their passports confiscated and after being moved to a military holding area were flown out of the USA to face the due process of international law in Europe and elsewhere. London and Frankfurt were two of the destinations. The miscreants involved are now beyond the reach of Presidential Pardons. The spouses and family members of many of those who have ‘disappeared’ have been turning up at police departments asking for information about their loved ones. The police are reported to be informing such people that the banker or lawyer concerned has been arrested for serious offences but that he’s in good health.
The whole operation is being funded and authorised by the World Court. This is The International Court of Justice based in The Hague (Netherlands). European involvement in what, at surface level, appears to be an American banking problem seems curious. But the Citibank scandal is about international financial fraud. And the USA's historical connections with The British Crown are still legally potent. The British Crown includes the Queen of England, but is much bigger than her. It is a covert financial cartel which embraces the British and European aristocracy, Rothschild bankers and pan-global Jewish finance. Based in the City of London and in the upper echelons of the United Grand Lodge of England (the mother lodge of world freemasonry), The British Crown is sometimes referred to as "The Club of the Isles" or as "The Crown Temple". The foundation documents of international law indicate that the USA is owned by The Crown Temple in London. All American attorneys and judges work for The Crown Temple, whether or not they aware of this technicality. From a modern American point of view, therefore, all USA attorneys and judges are foreign agents and cannot lawfully stand for public office at any level of government. But they do. This is a dog's breakfast of such legal complexity that it makes the Schleswig-Holstein Question look quaint.
A team of British specialist bankers from the UK Citibank HQ in London has flown into New York to take charge of due process at Citibank USA. This will include expediting the release of the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds.
On Monday 5th November 2007, an attempt was made by President George W. Bush to intercept the delivery of papers to the Provost Marshall. The agents sent by the White House were arrested at gunpoint.
Also on Monday 5th November 2007, the USA Provost Marshall, by Court Order, nullified the electronic codes used by the USA Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, and took over direct control of the United States Treasury himself.
A senior USA Treasury official, quoted by the Hal Turner Show, said: "This is a financial disaster caused by wilful criminal acts, perpetrated by the highest officials in the U.S. federal government during the course of several Presidencies. This ongoing criminal conspiracy is so terrible, so enormous, so far-reaching, the country may never be able to financially recover. It appears that officials in the Administrations of Bush I, Clinton I & II and Bush II, along with thousands of their closest banker buddies, have stolen upwards of $27 trillion (twenty seven trillion USA dollars) since 1988." Another source states that this $27 trillion was, in fact, stolen during an eight day period up to and including Wednesday 7th November 2007.
In related events in São Paulo, Brazil, on Tuesday 6th November 2007, Brazilian police arrested twenty people, including an employee of UBS, on suspicion of crimes including money laundering, tax evasion and illegal transfer of money overseas. Those arrested included three bank employees - two foreign and one Brazilian - six or seven black market currency traders, and several wealthy private Brazilian citizens. The group had been illegally transferring money overseas at a rate of $4m (four million USA dollars) a month for at least the past six months. The police operation involved 280 federal agents and 44 search warrants.
On Thursday 8th November 2007, the USA State Department said that Lee Wanta was collected in a car at 3.25pm, driven to Morgan Stanley and took economic receipt of his $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds. This did not happen. There was no car. Lee Wanta stayed in his hotel room all day. Morgan Stanley blocked every call from Lee Wanta, diverted him to voicemail and failed to respond. Lee Wanta is a major private client of Morgan Stanley. His Morgan Stanley account manager returned no calls.
At that time, the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds were still held at Citibank. Citibank had agreed to pay Lee Wanta $352 billion (three hundred and fifty two billion USA dollars) in interest payments on the $4.5 trillion principal tranche. It is not clear how many of Citibank's major shareholders are aware of this.
On Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th November, George Bush Snr attempted to interfere with the $4.5 trillion payout. His collaborators both in the USA and abroad have now been arrested. These included six bankers in Germany, one in Switzerland, and three USA Treasury personnel or agents.
It is now thought unlikely that the USA Provost Marshall will be able to safely instruct release of the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds until both George Bush Jnr and George Bush Snr have been arrested.
Early on Saturday 10th November 2007, the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds were transferred from Citigroup to Morgan Stanley. The money was paid into a fictitious account with a name very similar to AmeriTrust Groupe Inc, but subtly different. In this account they could not be accessed by Lee Wanta. Shortly afterwards, Christopher Story, the investigative financial journalist working with Lee Wanta, reported that the $4.5 trillion were transferred out of Morgan Stanley to an undisclosed account elsewhere, thought to be at Bank of America.
It is very possible that the only way, now, that the USA Provost Marshall will be able to effect the final purging of the Augean stables in the USA will be to impose Martial Law for a short period of time in order to round-up the malefactors. It is the USA Provost Marshall who is Commander-in Chief, not the President.
Residing in hotels and diplomatic residences in New York at present are 160 high-status delegates from foreign countries who are waiting to take economic delivery of funds for their own countries which will be released as soon as Lee Wanta receives his $4.5 trillion. They came to New York to receive these monies on Monday 5th November 2007. The fact that they have been kept waiting by American banking fraud has turned the issue into an international crisis. This, rather than Iran, was the main focus of the talks which the German Chancellor Angela Merkel held with George Bush Jnr and George Bush Snr on Saturday 10th November 2007 in Crawford, Texas.
Christopher Story's view is that the USA Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, has been trying to blackmail the USA Provost Marshall. In the period Monday 5th November 2007 to Saturday 10th November 2007, Paulson repeatedly disobeyed orders from the Provost Marshall to cease his illegal financial transactions. In effect, the USA Treasury Secretary was saying to the Provost Marshall: "You can't touch me, and you know it. If you arrest me, the stock market and the dollar will collapse, there will be an uncontrollable global crisis, and you will be blamed for it. So go to hell."
George Bush Senior's concealed Latin American bank accounts have now been traced and frozen by the Provost Marshall.
On Sunday 18th November 2007, it was reported that the USA Provost Marshall was allowing himself to be manipulated by the White House conspirators and was only doing half his job. The key task - the release of the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds - would only take twenty seconds. The Provost Marshall was under pressure from his political controllers to stall on this core responsibility in order to buy time for the major conspirators to assemble a cover-up. The USA Army Chief of Staff was poised to file formal charges against The Provost Marshall, Brigadier General Rodney Johnson, because he was in contravention of his oath as a commissioned officer in this matter. Other members of the USA Joint Chiefs of Staff were actively discussing this issue and were ready to urge due process. While quick to arrest many of the middle-ranking conspirators in the banks and the law firms, The Provost Marshall appeared unwilling to confront the major conspirators in any effective manner. A large number of extra USA special forces personnel were called up for an undisclosed mission related to these events.
A probable consequence, now, of this Wantagate scandal will be to engulf the Bush II Government in a nexus of investigations into complicity in the 911 mass murders in New York on the 11th September 2001. The cover story here had to do with a couple of hijacked passenger planes getting crashed into the World Trade Centre by Jihadist patsies. This did happen, but the permitted terrorist attacks were smoke and mirrors; subsequent studies have shown that the collisions and their consequential infernos were insufficiently energetic to raze the buildings to the ground. Something else that had been strategically positioned inside the buildings in advance did that. The Bush White House is now being associated with possessing prior executive knowledge of this controlled demolition of the WTC. For more background information about 911, see here, here, here, here and here. Both main political parties in the USA (Republicans and Democrats) have senior figures involved in the 911 cover-ups.
On the morning of Tuesday 20th November 2007, Lee Wanta and Michael Cottrell, Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Lee Wanta's Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, turned up, as officially instructed, at Citibank's office at 399 Park Avenue, in Midtown Manhattan, to sign the relevant documents to finalise the transfer of the $4.5 trillion Wanta Plan funds to Lee Wanta's corporate securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York. The two men visited the bank after the USA State Department, the USA Federal Reserve and the USA Treasury, had each separately advised, and had subsequently confirmed on Monday 19th November 2007, that the $4.5 trillion was on the books at Citibank.
Upon arrival at 399 Park Avenue on the 20th November 2007, Wanta and Cottrell asked to see William Rhodes, the Chairman of Citibank. They were told that he was away from the bank. They then asked to see William Ferguson and were told that he was not available. Richard Lava, the Securities Chief, and other Citibank officials, stated that Wanta and Cottrell had no business with Citibank.
Faced with this refusal by Citibank to implement the instructions of the USA State Department, the USA Federal Reserve and the USA Treasury, Wanta and Cottrell informed all three official parties, each of which expressed shock at the situation. Wanta and Cottrell then requested the USA Provost Marshal, Brigadier General Rodney Johnson, to come immediately to Citibank to enforce his official legal will and that of the USA State Department, the USA Federal Reserve and the USA Treasury.
The principal criminal conspirators at Citibank appear now to be William Rhodes, William Ferguson, and Richard Lava.
Shortly after the above events on the morning of Tuesday 20th November 2007, Lee Wanta and Michael Cottrell were ordered off the Citibank premises by the owner of the building, Boston Properties. The Chief Executive Officer of Boston Properties is Edward Lynde.
Posted by Raven at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: 911, AmericanWarOfTerror, Law, Politics
August 21, 2007
Is this the proof that spirits DO exist?
At first, it seemed no more than a curious coincidence. Professor Klaus Heinemann, a researcher for NASA, the U.S. space agency, was studying a collection of photographs his wife had taken at a gathering of spiritual healers when he noticed that many of them featured the same pale but clearly defined circle of light, like a miniature moon, hovering above some of the subjects.
Like most rational people, he assumed that the pictures were faulty. 'I presumed the circles were due to dust particles, flash anomalies, water particles and so on,' says Prof Heinemann.
'But I was sufficiently intrigued that I returned to the room in which the pictures were taken, in the hope of finding an explanation - like a mirror in the background. None was forthcoming.'
Nor could he find any faults with his wife's camera. And as a scientist with considerable experience in sophisticated microscope techniques - examining matter down to atomic levels of optical resolution - his methods were nothing if not rigorous.
Still puzzled, Heinemann set out to discover what else might have caused the mysterious circles. He and his wife began taking hundreds of digital photographs at random events to see whether they could recreate the mysterious effect.
The answer was that they could make these shimmering 'orbs' appear again, but only - absurd as it may sound - if they 'asked' the apparitions to make themselves visible to the camera. And they found this method worked particularly well when the couple photographed spiritual gatherings.
What on earth was going on? Again, a maverick technical glitch seemed the obvious answer. Such anomalies happen frequently in digital photography. If you accidentally jog a camera while a picture is being taken, especially in dim light, you can easily get a double image.
But again, Prof Heinemann ruled out a technical fault. 'We were quickly able to eliminate the common problems associated with photography - such as dust particles, water droplets, reflections and a host of other likely causes.'
Yet the orbs still kept appearing. And the more images he took, the more he was able to study the bizarre properties of these shimmering lights.
Heinemann set up dozens of experiments using two cameras on static tripods under controlled conditions. His early experiments found that orbs can move very fast, up to 500mph or more.
Heinemann also found that during his numerous dual camera experiments, when he used twin cameras to capture an object from two different angles, a single orb shape would often appear - but only in one of the two images taken simultaneously.
It was as if the orbs somehow chose which camera to appear on, or whether to appear at all.
Eventually, Heinemann was left with only one conclusion: that he was witnessing some form of paranormal intelligence.
'There is no doubt in my mind that the orbs may well be one of the most significant "outside of this reality" phenomena mankind has ever witnessed,' says Professor Heinemann.
'Until now, there has been a huge amount of anecdotal evidence that the spirit world exists. I believe it's no longer anecdotal. Thanks to digital technology, we can see it for the first time. We are dealing with a non-physical - albeit real - phenomenon.'
The temptation, of course, is to dismiss such claims as bunkum. Indeed, many of Professor Heinemann's colleagues consider his research to be 'utter flaky nonsense'.
And yet a growing number of respectable scientists refuse to write off the possibility that these orbs, which are starting to appear on cameras around the world, just might offer a fascinating glimpse into the unknown.
Earlier this year, the world's first conference on orbs took place in Sedona, Arizona, where several scientists controversially stated that they believed orbs were indeed a genuine paranormal phenomenon.
Their conclusions, if correct, could have huge implications on the way we view the universe and our part in it. The experts say that just because something has not yet been scientifically proven, it doesn't mean that it is not real.
Professor William Tiller, a theoretical physicist who spent 35 years researching consciousness and matter at Stanford University in California, reminded the conference that what we see with our physical eyes comprises less then 10 per cent of the known universe.
This is because human vision operates only within a limited range of the electromagnetic spectrum. For instance, we cannot see radio waves, which carry huge amounts of information, yet we know they exist.
Similarly, Miceal Ledwith, a former professor of Theology, who for ten years was President of Maynooth College at the National University of Ireland, reminded the sceptics that when, in 1861, Dr Ignaz Semmelweis had claimed there might be some unseen link between surgeons who didn't wash their hands and the high rate of infection in childbirth, his mainstream colleagues ridiculed him.
Yet he had found the first evidence of what was later to become known as bacteria.
'Most great discoveries throughout history have been initially ridiculed,' Ledwith told the orbs conference. 'To my mind, there is no doubt that the orb phenomenon is real and deserves to be taken seriously. There are not just a few pictures of orbs, which could easily be faked, but hundreds of thousands from all over the world.'
To date, Ledwith, who was also a member of the International Theological Commission at the Vatican, has a collection of more than 100,000 orb pictures .
'They come in all sizes, ranging from a few inches to several feet across,' he says. 'Sometimes they appear alone, and at other times hundreds of them, in colours ranging from white to blue, green, rose and even gold.
'Over time, I realised that a flash seemed to be essential to capture them, even in daylight. I believe this is because we can see the orbs only through the process in physics known as fluorescence. The camera flash sparks this fluorescence process, making the orbs visible to the camera.'
Ledwith is still uncertain about what these orbs might actually be, but he has no doubt that they are some sort of paranormal apparition.
'I believe they could be many things. They may turn out to be the spirits of those who have passed on; or, as some spiritual teachers state, they might be spirits waiting to be born into a physical body,' says Ledwith.
'They may also be, or represent, a host of other intelligences - from nature spirits to beings of pure energy that have never been incarnated in a physical form. There are hundreds of different types of orb.'
Many of the scientists at the conference believe the orbs are plasma-like balls of energy - but an energy that can be detected by physical means, and which appears to have some control over its own shape and form.
It's certainly the case that they can often be photographed best at places of psychic significance. 'They definitely seem drawn to spiritualtype gatherings,' says Ledwith.
'We regularly see orbs near healers' hands or heads. Perhaps they assist in the spiritual healing process.'
Take the case of Anna Donaldson, a freelance photographer who was commissioned to take pictures of Keith Watson, a medium who had been drafted in to help solve the disappearance of Sarah Payne, the little girl who was snatched while playing near her grandparents' home in West Sussex seven years ago.
The shoot took place at the exact spot where Sarah was last seen, because the medium had suggested that he 'might pick something up'. Sure enough, when the pictures were developed, a mysterious glowing dot appeared in one of the crucial images.
'I didn't believe in any of this paranormal stuff,' says Anna, 'but I couldn't find any fault with the camera - if there had been, then all the images would have been tainted, not just one of them.'
Still sceptical, Anna had the film and images analysed for technical faults, but again no one could provide a logical answer - until a member of the Psychic Institute suggested that the pictures could indeed be evidence of 'auras'. In this case, Anna was told that the blueish colour of the orb suggested the presence of a very young soul.
Still intrigued, Anna arranged to photograph Watson again - at the exact spot from where another young child had disappeared, this time in Greece. To her astonishment, the photographs again showed the presence of a blue orb.
And when Anna repeated the shoot the next day, in a bid to rule out a trick of the light, she got the same result - only this time it was two orange orbs.
'So what I now had was pictures of orbs from three different cameras, in two different countries, on three different days - there's simply no way that could be a chance occurrence or a technical fault,' says Anna.
'I still don't know what to think about it, but I suppose because a camera can pick up an image at a shutter speed of 1/2,000 of a second, it's possible it can detect things the naked eye cannot see.'
Could it have been the spirits of the lost children?
Terri Caldwell, a healer from Belbroughton, in Worcestershire, is among those who are convinced that orbs are a visible manifestation of human spirits.
'To my mind, the orbs are the spirit world simply going about their business,' she says. 'I believe we are all spirits having a physical experience, and when we die our energy field which carries all the information about us continues on.'
But not everyone is convinced. Gary Schwartz, Professor of Psychiatry at Arizona University, has conducted many experiments into orbs with the help of optical scientist Katherine Creath and remains sceptical.
'We feel that a large majority of so-called orb pictures are too readily attributed to some form of paranormal phenomena when, in fact, stray reflections in uncontrolled environments often produce orb-like images,' he says.
That does not deter those, like Miceal Ledwith, who feel orbs are simply too widespread to be written off as a misunderstanding. 'The orbs are an everyday part of reality, as much as we are,' he maintains. 'Their world may be as real as ours, but exists on higher frequencies.'
'If you change your TV channel, you switch to different frequencies, which contain different information. It's illogical to think that what we cannot see is not real, because the human eye is able to receive only a very narrow part of the light spectrum. Many animals can see in spectrums invisible to us.'
As Professor Heinemann summarised: 'Research into orbs is only in its infancy. But the photographs of these spirit emanations offer evidence - as close to scientific proof as we have ever come - in proving the existence of spiritual reality.'
Klaus Heinemann's and Miceal Ledwith's book, The Orb Project, will be published by Simon & Schuster in November.
Posted by Raven at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Spirit
Disclosure Project ( Director Dr. Steven M. Greer reports that government insiders have revealed the existence of a shadowy, highly classified program related to UFOs.
The reasons for the secrecy are simple: The inertia of highly classified programs, embarrassment over past illegal actions taken to enforce secrecy, and the fact that the energy and propulsion systems behind the mysterious UFO objects have been studied and fully understood. This disclosure would spell the end for oil, gas, coal and other conventional forms of power - and with that, the end of the current oil-based geopolitical order and economy. The truth is our tax dollars have been used to investigate this matter for decades and it is time for a dividend on that investment. The full disclosure of the facts will enable humanity to attain a sustainable civilization without global warming or the need for oil.
Recent calls for a US government investigation into UFOs have not taken into account the fact that such investigations are on-going, highly compartmented and top-secret.
Dr. Greer states, "As early as 1993, when I personally briefed CIA Director James Woolsey on the UFO matter, we knew of on-going, secret projects to which President Clinton and Mr. Woolsey were denied access. The senior counsel for the Senate Appropriations Committee, then headed by Senator Byrd (D-WV) told me directly that upwards of $100 billion per year was going into so-called 'black' projects, including UFO programs, but that with a top-secret clearance and a subpoena power, he could not penetrate the veil of secrecy."
Subsequently, working with philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller, Dr. Greer provided in-depth briefing materials for President Clinton and Hillary Clinton, who reviewed the matter while staying at the Rockefeller's JY Ranch. (The briefing materials are at
Dr. Greer reports that "The Clintons refused further disclosure of the!
matter. CIA Director Woolsey frankly stated that they could not disclose programs over which they had no control or access. Mr. Woolsey and the Clintons were shaken by the secrecy, and the power behind it."
Since then, The Disclosure Project has uncovered thousands of official US documents and top-secret military and corporate witnesses to programs dealing with UFOs, including project code names and numbers. Such operations are rogue and are beyond the scope of Congressional oversight committees.
For further information or for an interview with Dr. Greer contact: http://www.DisclosureProject
Note: The two paragraphs referring to Laurence Rockefeller and to Bill and Hillary Clinton had to be removed from this press release when we sent it out through our press release service -, because they refused to send out the original press release with those references. It was referred up the chain of command at their organization and censored by them. When you think that we have a free press, think again. This was not even censored by the outlets themselves, but by the entry point to those outlets!
Posted by Raven at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Energy, Politics, StarNations
Within five years, solar power will be cheap enough to compete with carbon-generated electricity, even in Britain, Scandinavia or upper Siberia. In a decade, the cost may have fallen so dramatically that solar cells could undercut oil, gas, coal and nuclear power by up to half. Technology is leaping ahead of a stale political debate about fossil fuels.
Anil Sethi, the chief executive of the Swiss start-up company Flisom, says he looks forward to the day - not so far off - when entire cities in America and Europe generate their heating, lighting and air-conditioning needs from solar films on buildings with enough left over to feed a surplus back into the grid.
The secret? Mr Sethi lovingly cradles a piece of dark polymer foil, as thin a sheet of paper. It is 200 times lighter than the normal glass-based solar materials, which require expensive substrates and roof support. Indeed, it is so light it can be stuck to the sides of buildings.
Rather than being manufactured laboriously piece by piece, it can be mass-produced in cheap rolls like packaging - in any colour.
The "tipping point" will arrive when the capital cost of solar power falls below $1 (51p) per watt, roughly the cost of carbon power. We are not there yet. The best options today vary from $3 to $4 per watt - down from $100 in the late 1970s.
Mr Sethi believes his product will cut the cost to 80 cents per watt within five years, and 50 cents in a decade.
It is based on a CIGS (CuInGaSe2) semiconductor compound that absorbs light by freeing electrons. This is then embedded on the polymer base. It will be ready commercially in late 2009.
"It'll even work on a cold, grey, cloudy day in England, which still produces 25pc to 30pc of the optimal light level. That is enough, if you cover half the roof," he said.
"We don't need subsidies, we just need governments to get out of the way and do no harm. They've spent $170bn subsidising nuclear power over the last thirty years," he said.
His ultra-light technology, based on a copper indium compound, can power mobile phones and laptop computers with a sliver of foil.
"You won't have to get down on your knees ever again to hunt for plug socket," he said
Michael Rogol, a solar expert at Credit Lyonnais, expects the solar industry to grow from $7bn in 2004 to nearer $40bn by 2010, with operating earnings of $3bn.
The sector is poised to outstrip wind power. It is a remarkable boom for a technology long dismissed by experts as hopelessly unviable.
Mr Rogol said he was struck by the way solar use had increased dramatically in Japan and above all Germany, where Berlin's green energy law passed in 2004 forces the grid to buy surplus electricity from households at a fat premium. (In Britain, utilities may refuse to buy the surplus. They typically pay half the customer price of electricity.)
The change in Germany's law catapulted the share price of the German flagship company SolarWorld from €1.38 (67p) in February 2004 to over €60 by early 2006.
The tipping point in Germany and Japan came once households twigged that they could undercut their unloved utilities. Credit Lyonnais believes the rest of the world will soon join the stampede.
Mike Splinter, chief executive of the US semiconductor group Applied Materials, told me his company is two years away from a solar product that reaches the magic level of $1 a watt.
Cell conversion efficiency and economies of scale are galloping ahead so fast that the cost will be down to 70 US cents by 2010, with a target of 30 or 40 cents in a decade.
"We think solar power can provide 20pc of all the incremental energy needed worldwide by 2040," he said.
"This is a very powerful technology and we're seeing dramatic improvements all the time. It can be used across the entire range from small houses to big buildings and power plants," he said.
"The beauty of this is that you can use it in rural areas of India without having to lay down power lines or truck in fuel."
Villages across Asia and Africa that have never seen electricity may soon leapfrog directly into the solar age, replicating the jump to mobile phones seen in countries that never had a network of fixed lines. As a by-product, India's rural poor will stop blanketing the subcontinent with soot from tens of millions of open stoves.
Applied Materials is betting on both of the two rival solar technologies: thin film panels best used where there is plenty of room and the traditional crystalline (c-Si) wafer-based cells, which are not as cheap but produce a higher yield - better for tight spaces.
Needless to say, electricity utilities are watching the solar revolution with horror. Companies in Japan and Germany have already seen an erosion of profits because of an effect known "peak shaving". In essence, the peak wattage of solar cells overlaps with hours of peak demand and peak prices for electricity in the middle of the day, crunching margins.
As for the oil companies, they are still treating solar power as a fringe curiosity. "There is no silver bullet," said Jeroen Van der Veer, Shell's chief executive.
"We have invested a bit in all forms of renewable energy ourselves and maybe we'll find a winner one day. But the reality is that in twenty years time we'll still be using more oil than now," he said.
Might he be wrong?Posted by Raven at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Energy
One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.
Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe; he looked poor and hungry.
He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill which only fear can put in you.
He said, 'I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.'
Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.
As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid.
Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.
He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, 'And think of me.'
He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.
A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan .
After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin.
There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: 'You don't owe me anything. I have
been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you.'
Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.
Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the
money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard....
She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, 'Everything's going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.'
There is an old saying, 'What goes around comes around.' Today I sent you this story, and I'm asking you to pass it on. Let this light shine.
Don't delete it, don't return it. Simply, pass this on to a friend
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Posted by Raven at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Inspiration
The People vs The Banks - First Anniversary
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 15, 2006.
Exactly a year ago today, on April 15, 2005, we filed the biggest class action suit in Canada - "The People vs The Banks." This class action created shock waves in heart of the world's banking business that deals in unlawfully created, non-tangible, non-existent digital money.
The class action involves millions of people in Canada. Despite the mainstream media's continued bias reporting, the news of the class action suit has traveled all over the world. The whole world is watching, waiting to see how the banks and the courts are going to stop John-Ruiz: Dempsey from proceeding with this major lawsuit.
The suit arises from the fact that banks as credit-lenders flourish only because of fraud and deception, breach of contract, deception, unjust enrichment, unlawful conversion and illegal creation of money. The Plaintiff (as well as the other millions of people), the "borrower" is always the source of the principal amount of any alleged loan by virtue of his "promise" to pay (the "promissory note"), from which a negotiable instrument is generated, i.e. "money," pursuant to commonly accepted banking practice which the credit-lender then converts into another form (bank draft, cashier's check) in accordance with their lending policies which is then reissued in the form of a "loan." This "loan" is nothing more than accounting entries on the bank's ledgers, because the financial institutions like the defendant banks, loans nothing of substance, and are forbidden by banking regulations from loaning the bank's cash or assets.
Money simply does not exist. What we call money, the Canadian bank note they call "legal tender" is not money. It has no intrinsic value. It costs two cents to make a five dollar bill as well as it is for a hundred dollar bill. It is money by decree; it is money only because the government says it is money. Worse, in this case, the "money" in question in this lawsuit is the privately created, digital, computer generated money surreptitiously created by the banks and "loaned" to their unsuspecting borrowers with criminal interest at no cost to themselves.
As far as the representative Plaintiff, John-Ruiz: Dempsey is concerned, the People of Canada do not owe the banks any debt or money. It was the other way around. John says: "How can we owe them anything when we never received anything of any value [substance] from these banks?" The money which was assumed to have been credited into the borrower's account was derived from "thin air" - God's money, or money that never belonged to the banks at all. The banks have no legal right to use God's money and pass them on to the unsuspecting borrowers and call it a loan and then start charging usury. This is nothing but pure skullduggery.
"Only God can create something of value out of nothing. no action will lie to recover on a claim based upon, or in any manner depending upon, a fraudulent, illegal, or immoral transaction to which Plaintiff [the bank] was a party." Per Justice Mahoney in First National Bank of Montgomery v. Jerome Daly, 12/07/1968.
In First National Bank above, (more popularly known as the Credit River decision) further stated: "The [bank's] act of creating credit is not authorized by the Constitution and laws of the United States, is unconstitutional and void, and is not lawful consideration in the eyes of the law to support anything or upon which any lawful right can be built." - Justice Martin V. Mahoney.
The above Minnesota trial court's decision holding the federal reserve act unconstitutional and void; holding the National Banking Act unconstitutional and void; declaring a mortgage acquired by the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota in the regular course of its business, along with the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale to be void. This decision, which is legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and personal property, and all U.S. and state bonds held by the Federal Reserve, national and state banks to be null and void. This amounts to an emancipation of the nation from personal, national and state debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every American (as well as Canadian) owes it to himself, his country, and to the people of the world for that matter to study this decision very carefully and to understand it, for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.
The above statement by Justice Mahoney also holds true in Canada because there is no law in Canada, whether federal or provincial that remotely suggest that it is lawful for any bank to create money out of thin air and then use this created money as valuable consideration whereby they could now loan this created money as principal and then charge their unsuspecting victims interest for the rest of their lives! This is legalized slavery.
An earlier decision by the Supreme Court of Canada which dealt with the same issue of lack of consideration per Henry J.: ".I know of no law to oblige me to pay it. When I deliver and execute a note, I am presumed to have received a consideration for it, and I am therefore bound to pay the legal holder or endorsee, but it would be contrary to every equitable, and I may say legal, principle to make me pay in the other case, where I received no value, or did no act from which such may be presumed." Scott v. R. (1878), 2 S.C.R. 349.
The People have a strong case. The only problem is money, and the banks have lots of it. The banks have been known to spend $100,000.00 or more trying to collect a $5,000.00 claim. The banks simply cannot afford to have any precedents. They can afford to pay their highly paid lawyers and perhaps even bribe the judges in order to achieve their evil goals.
Just recently, the banks and The People were compelled to appear before Madam Justice Garson, the assigned case management judge who heard the banks' lawyers argue that the statement of claim should be struck in whole or in part. The banks argue that the People's claim has no merit based on their flimsy arguments that the pleadings are either vexatious, frivolous, scandalous and abuse of process. However they all failed to show why the claims are vexatious, frivolous, scandalous and abuse of process.
John and his team, submitted the truth, that the court has no jurisdiction to hear or decide the case simply because the judge herself is in direct conflict of interest. Prior to Judge Garson becoming a judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, she worked for one of the defendant banks, TD Canada Trust. John filed a motion to have Garson recused. This motion was intended to be heard by the Chief Justice himself. Notwithstanding, Garson took it upon herself to decide on the motion to recuse without any notice of hearing being filed which violates the maxim: "nemo judex in sua causa" which means that one cannot be the judge of his/her own cause. Garson saw nothing wrong with that.
During the last hearing on April 6, 2006, John personally served Garson a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim. John and others filed this lawsuit against Garson in her personal capacity for interfering with John's personal right of unlimited contract with his principals. The suit also named another judge, Justice James Williams who, without proving any jurisdiction or proof of claim or evidence against John decided to grant an injunction against him from representing other people in court because he is not a member of the BAR or law society. With this writ filed against Garson as a defendant, this judge is now in clear conflict without any excuse.
At the hearing on April 6, John and the others told Garson they will not accept any decision or order made or done while she is in direct conflict of interest and without proper jurisdiction. However, knowing how she made her previous decisions that have no foundation in law or fact, it will not come as a surprise if this judge puts her blindfold and ignore the law in order to give the banks a great favour. The whole world will have the opportunity to see whether or not the courts deserve the kind of respect they think we owed them. Needless to say, the ball is in their court.
Whatever happens however, this is only the beginning. The greatest battle, "The People vs. The Banks" has only begun. This battle will continue until the tables of the money changers have been overturned once more. If God be for us, who can be against us? May God Bless Us All.
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Visit our websites at: http://www.freewebs.comPosted by Raven at 8:39 AM 1 comments