Sunday, December 10, 2006

Angelic Harmonic Update Dec 7/06 - Mark Stearn

Angelic Harmonic Update Dec 7/06
Harmonic Resolution.’

Message from the Legions of home.

By Mark Stearn. (7th December, 2006.)

Angelic ones,

We acknowledge you as such as you carry your qualities high for all to witness. The shifting of paradigms is closing. The restoration of Earth is still to complete itself however the harmonic patterns of closure are now being experienced on your world. You will begin to experience many voices of home speaking from your soul welcoming you into the new world. Closure speaks of the new paradigm settling down into your conscious awareness. It is all at hand. As the old paradigm recreates itself into the new many souls are in intense transition. It is once more a letting go of all that is of yesterday and embracing the exciting day that we are creating together. The light legions of home are beside themselves. A major victory is being announced. The dark have been vanquished on a planetary level. This has yet to filter into your conscious thought streams however the qualities of renewal are unmistakeable as they are unavoidable. It has been a harsh time for you all beloved ones. Soon harmonic resonance that is the full cognition of the New Earth will settle into your hearts. It is coming to your world from prime creator as we speak. The settling down of the vibration is enormous as we are collectively aware of all that has ever been experienced.

The dark chain that reached across so many timelines has been dissolved. This affects how your society operates in such an expanded manner. The realigning of this world with the affairs of home is such a strong cause for celebration. You are in the new world although still having a conscious physical experience of this expansive realm. It is all here beloved ones. The separation in the dimensions is also dissolving. All barriers are being cleared up and the fire of hope is being ignited all throughout the Earth. It is a time for intense celebration. That is all for now. Until we speak again. We are your friends.

Blessings, Mark. Blog:

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