Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Cosmic Paradigm Newsletter - 2006Nov11

The Cosmic Paradigm Newsletter
November 11, 2006

In this newsletter and for the next few months we are going to examine what each of us can DO about the situation on this planet. Those who observe us from afar are awaiting a sufficient stirring among Earth's inhabitants so that they might offer their assistance. Until they can detect sufficient numbers demonstrating a willingness to listen, they are constrained in what they can do. I.e. until we act, they are unable to act. This situation has been going on for some time, all are getting restless to see when we will break from the chains of our enslavement. Please note that I say "when, "not "if."

To start this off, we first need to wake up to what is going on about us. The world is applauding the recent election in the U.S. What are the implications of this for me as an individual, for other countries? Economists are predicting a slowdown in the U.S., a falling dollar. How does this impact me? What does this portend for the rest of the world? The environment continues to degenerate. The signs of global warming are manifesting themselves in many ways. What does this mean for my lifestyle? Can the nations of the world cooperate to reverse this? What is the real story behind these headlines?

We must each come to a realization that things are not as they appear. We need only scratch the veneer of that which surrounds us to realize that we do indeed live in "The Matrix." As I have traveled about this country and abroad, I have said to people, "97% of what you grew up believing is not true." When I started saying this a couple of years ago, I did not fully understand how true these words were. Now with each day, with each new conversation I have, with each new book I read, with each new email I receive, I understand more and more. We are living in a fabricated reality.

The fabrication began many, many years ago and has grown to encompass every aspect of our lives. History has been rewritten to gloss over our origins, origins that involved active intervention from beings not of this planet. Indigenous peoples have been marginalized so that their truths about contact with celestials and star people would appear to be the ranting of a primitive people.

In more recent times all of our institutions -- government, religious, financial, medical, legal, scientific, educational, military, media -- have been captured and turned to serve those (both planetary and non-planetary) who do not have our best interests in mind. Our money continues to be inflated, a hidden tax wielded by politicians. A shadow government controls events behind democratically elected governments. Those who know the truth are ridiculed and forced to play the game or risk loss of career, loss of income, loss of family, and/or loss of life.

A quote from, "The Report from Iron Mountain," from the Hudson Institute, a private think tank from the 1960's, may help you comprehend the scope of one aspect of what we are faced with:

The war system not only has been essential to the existence of nations as independent political entities, but has been equally indispensable to their stable political structure. Without it, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence in its "legitimacy," or right to rule its society. The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power. The historical record reveals one instance after another where the failure of a regime to maintain the credibility of a war threat led to its dissolution, by forces of private interest, of reactions to social injustice, or of other disintegrative elements. The organization of a society for the possibility of war is its principal political stabilizer.

Yes, our first job is to recognize the veneer of our society. Our second job is to decide whether we wish to continue to play along, or not. It is one thing to complain about the current condition. It is something entirely different to decide to turn our back on it. This decision has far-reaching implications. Once you start down the slippery slope to admitting the truth and refusing to play the game, you enter a whole new ballpark. IT IS PROBABLY THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION EACH OF US CAN MAKE.

There are hundreds of worthwhile web sites, the following give additional insights into the truth behind the veneer:

Interested in adding your energy to those who are dedicated toa positive transformation of this planet? Join the Cosmic Paradigm Network at

Next newsletter we will explore what steps each of us can take after we make THE decision.

In Truth and Love,

Mark Kimmel

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