Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Cosmic Opportunity for Divine Government

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


We have a rare Cosmic event occurring on October 17th and 18th that will
give us a jump-start in manifesting the things we would like to cocreate
in our own lives and on this planet. There is going to be an ultraviolet
pulse beam from higher dimensions than we have previously been able to
experience crossing the path of Earth.

We will be held in the embrace of this highly charged ultraviolet beam of
Light for approximately 17 hours. The energy emanating from this beam
resonates with Humanity's 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras.

The Beings of Light are revealing that during this 17-hour period the
ultraviolet pulse beam will have the effect of amplifying our thoughts and
emotions ONE MILLIONFOLD. This will be the case regardless of what our
thoughts and emotions are expressing. Needless to say, it is imperative
for all of us to be Peace Commanding Presences during this auspicious

The ultraviolet pulse beam will be a wave of Light that traverses the
planet, so no matter what time zone you are in the important times will be
the same. For 17 hours, from approximately 10:17 a.m. on October 17th
until 1:17 a.m. on October 18th our thoughts and emotions will be
amplified ONE MILLIONFOLD. The peak time will be 5:10 p.m. on October

Can you imagine how powerful it will be for Lightworkers around the world
to take advantage of this Cosmic Moment by using our thoughts and emotions
to expand the archetypes and matrix for Divine Government on this planet,
as well as empowering the newly reactivated patterns of Heaven on Earth?


This edict is reverberating through the ethers in ways that cannot be
ignored. Outer-world events confirm that this facet of the Divine Plan is
in full swing. Now it is the responsibility of every conscious person on
the planet to focus our attention on what we want to cocreate in place of
the negativity being pushed to the surface. From our current perspective,
probably nothing is more critical than expanding the matrix and archetypes
for Divine Government.

The focused attention of Humanity is being drawn to the actions of
governments in practically every country in the world. This is creating a
collective cup of Humanity's consciousness through which the Light of God
can flow to manifest the changes we want to create on Earth.

Our thoughts and feelings are creative. Light is infinitely more powerful
than discord, hatred, war and chaos. If we want to change the horrific
things that are happening on the planet, we have the ability to do so. By
invoking the Light of God and the I AM Presence of every soul involved
with the governments of the world, we can change the course of direction
for this planet. By asking their I AM Presence to take dominion of their
thoughts, words, actions and feelings, a shift of consciousness can take
place that will transform their behavior patterns.

The upcoming elections in the United States of America and the various
challenges taking place around the world are providing an opportunity for
monumental change.

In alignment with the request of the Company of Heaven, this month I AM
dedicating this E-mail article to the manifestation of Divine Government.
The invocations, decrees, visualizations and meditations included here
have the ability to shift the consciousness of those associated with the
governments of the world at national, state and local levels.

All we have to do is affirm these activities of Light effectively and
consistently enough to reach a critical mass for a higher level of
government. We are closer than outer circumstances indicate. Do not under
estimate your ability to add to the Light of the world or to change the
course of direction for the governments on this planet. The Light of God
is ALWAYS Victorious, and WE are that Light!

In order to grasp the significance of the opportunity at hand, we must
understand what Divine Government represents. First of all, Divine
Government is NOT One World Government, a New World Order or any of the
other concepts that have been used to describe the manipulative,
controlling shadow governments ruled by the embodied forces of imbalance.
Divine Government is the antithesis of that level of consciousness.

Divine Government reflects the Universal Law, As above, so below. It is a
self-governing body guided and directed by the I AM Presence of all
Humanity: a government OF our I AM Presence, BY our I AM Presence, FOR our
I AM Presence. When we truly understand what that means, we will see the
tremendous effect Divine Government will have on the World and all Life.

Our I AM Presence is who we really are. This aspect of our Divinity is
multidimensional and transcends our fragmented, manipulative human
consciousness. Our I AM Presence is one with the Divine Heart and Mind of
God. It is our super conscious
mind, and it understands the Divine Principles governing this Earth. Our I
AM Presence knows the urgent need of the hour.

This aspect of our Divinity understands that all Life is interrelated,
interdependent and interconnected. If the family of Humanity is going to
survive, we must come together as a unified force of Divine Love, Harmony
and Balance.

Our I AM Presence also knows that every evolving soul is going through a
unique learning experience and that our various races, religions, creeds,
beliefs, cultures, nationalities and lifestyles are part of that

Tragically, our fear-based lower human consciousness is distorting much of
what we are expressing through these diversities. However, when our I AM
Presence is in charge, we will revel in the beauty and wonder of all of
our differences.

When our I AM Presence is in control, once and for all, we will understand
that our diversities help us learn and grow. Then we will happily share
our gifts, talents, wisdom, knowledge and abundance to enhance the lives
of all people. We will know that we are cocreating this reality together
and that God's Abundance and the God supply of all good things are

As the matrix and archetypes for Divine Government are expanded in the
physical plane, the obsolete, fear-based cup of human consciousness will
be shattered, and the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God
that are associated with Divine Government will be available to flow into
the hearts and minds of every Human Being.

This event will greatly expand the Divine Intelligence within the Flame of
Transfiguring Divine Love in every Heart Flame. Then, even the most
resistant souls will awaken and allow their I AM Presence to take command.

Eventually every country will be governed by the I AM Presence of the
people abiding in that country. Since our I AM Presence knows the full
significance of the Oneness of all Life, it understands that only by
working toward the highest good of all concerned in every facet of Life
will we succeed in accomplishing the Divine Plan. Only by creating win-win
situations in every governmental exchange, every human exchange and every
exchange with the environment and the Nature Kingdom will there be Eternal
Peace and Limitless Abundance on Earth.

When our I AM Presence is governing the planet, we will tap into the
patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God that govern the Universal
Laws affecting energy, medicine, health, healing, the economy, food
supply, shelter, technology, communication, travel, education, science,
sacred geometry, music, art, movement, meditation, spiritual growth,
enlightenment, peace and every other pattern of perfection.
Then we will tangibly cocreate Heaven on Earth in every facet of our

Now, please become the Instrument of God you are destined to be.
Individually and collectively with your spiritual groups join with fellow
Lightworkers around the world who are participating in these activities of
Light with you. This is a critical moment, and your Light and Love are
needed NOW!

For this full article, please go to Patti Cota-Robles website at www.eraofpeace.org

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-749-6643; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it
through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

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