Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sananda: The Energy Grid That Supported Darkness is Gone, Today

Sananda: The Energy Grid That Supported Darkness is Gone, Today


Something fantastic is happening right now.

Everything you thought was real is shifting, evolving, changing.  We are protecting you in new ways.  The first step has been to send higher dimensional beings to Earth as walk-ins to lift the vibration of all Cabal members.  You are going to see the Dark Hats suddenly changing their tune, and they will be as surprised by it as you will be.

Think of it!  It is a wonderful plan, a reverse play on what the Reptilians did for generations on Earth, subduing and sickening the brightest Lightworkers by inhabiting their bodies.  We are doing the same, with the goal of en-lightening the darkest of those who were brainwashed and controlled by the dark thought-forms which linger from the thousands of years of mind control.  All this will be defeated by the presence of the Light beings who are joining us this very day.  The evidence will reveal itself as the days pass.

A new era of reconciliation and joyful cooperation has already begun.  You have seen the trading partnership which Russia and China have newly established.  This has been presented in the U.S (by the cabal media, of course) as a threat and a disaster.  It is not true.  Although the petrodollar will lose its grip on world trade, and the U.S. dollar will indeed drop in value, it will create a new freedom from the Cabal control of the financial markets and world trade.  This is a good thing, and will unfold to allow great freedom of movement and trade throughout the world.

It truly is a time of reconciliation and movement toward new systems, new methods, new ways.  Humankind is very flexible, capable of changing direction quickly.  You can look back at old movies and be amazed at the level of dichotomy you can feel, between men and women, black and white, socially powerful and powerless.  Look how quickly things have changed in the last 60 years.  It will change now at warp speed compared to what you have seen before.

You will notice how quickly the incidences of unrest and violence disappear, and how quickly everyone is able to shift their consciousness into higher level thinking, acclimating to the new atmosphere of harmony, trust and cooperation.

Yes, many of you have been compromised at times by interference from the Dark Ones.  They can be destructive, obstructionist, and sometimes dangerous.  It is their purpose to defeat you, our beloved Lightworkers, because their purpose is to defeat God.  As you know, that is not just an impossible pipedream.  It is just plain silly.  Nothing can win over the power of Light.  The entire Universe is designed, by architecture and intent, to preserve and increase Light.

It is as silly to always bet against "the House" in this card game as it would be in Reno.  The Dark Ones have tried over the ages to infiltrate, to co-opt our members through abduction, implantation or physical illness.  They have discovered over and over (but never believed the obvious) that you can torture, maim and kill, but you cannot do away with a soul - especially one that has lived many eons in service to God.  The soul may be seemingly subdued for a time as it works to heal and sustain the body, but the soul itself goes on.   So, you see, no matter how difficult the life, no matter how troublesome the conditions, the soul cannot be defeated.

You, Beloved Ones, are now on the forefront of creating the New Golden Age.  You are establishing the feeling tone, the social conditions, even the beginnings of the new governance.  As you go through your days, interacting with one another, you are laying the groundwork for what is to come for others.  You understand deeply how to preserve your own peace of mind and the peace of others.  You are working out ways to understand and express the meaning of freedom, justice, and equality.

We are constantly impressed and gratified to see the creativity with which you carve out new pathways.  You are original and unique, and you hew to the path of Oneness at the same time.  This is new ground for all of you - something you harbored in your heart, tried to shape into reality in your minds, but there was no template, no present day experience to rely upon, and yet you feel your way with confidence and joy.  It is wonderful to behold the way you nudge and comfort each other simultaneously.  You have become such Masters of communication, even with the limits of your language and your electronic aids.

Continue, dear brothers and sisters.  Keep going.  You are forging new pathways, as you celebrate your newfound closeness and Love.  You are not afraid to express that love, regardless of the circumstances.  Strangers, partners, new friends or old companions, you build the bridge of affection and understanding.  We admire your courage and your light-heartedness.  This combination of simply forging ahead regardless of the challenges, regardless of the requirements being new and unfamiliar, and your joy at the prospect of creating anew is a precious human quality.

This quality alone - the ability to be explorers, adventurers and leaders while maintaining your heart deep and abiding connections - is the essence of why humankind was created to be the leaders of the New Golden Age.

You have "cut your teeth" on millions of years of unending challenges, and here you are, seasoned warriors of the Light, bearers of the flag of God under which we all sail.  We celebrate now, throughout the Cosmos, for it is truly a new day.  All is evolving, changing daily on the surface of Mother Terra.  Soon the waves of change will be acknowledged across the land.  You can feel it creeping day by day toward real change, real recognition that things have indeed changed!

When the law enforcement people begin to realize that they have little to do but rescue kittens and lost children, record fender-benders, and help old people carry their parcels; when teachers begin to see their children for the angels they really are; when the soldiers all come home to the loving embrace of their families, it will then dawn on everyone that the world is no longer what they thought it was.  It is coming, Beloved Ones, it is here.

Your blessings will be bestowed upon you with great joy, and when you receive the economic blessings, it will be without worry for its being stolen or taxed or in any way interfered with.  You will find newfound freedom with these gifts, since many of the terrible traumas you have suffered will be easily resolved when you have the means to take the needed action.  Now, let me explain how we envision this transition.

You live still within the conditions which were created by the Cabal, where everything depends upon money, because money represented power.  You, my dear friends, are the new power because you are going to be wealthy.  You will have the means to pay for the help you need legally, for instance, to overturn the travesties of justice which have imprisoned political prisoners and innocent bystanders, because it has been obvious to all that money can buy you freedom.  So, buy your freedom, in any form you see fit, and do the same for your loved ones and fellow humans.

This will be the transition time, when all the rules which were established by the Cabal will be used to overturn the very rules which enslaved you.  You will be the ones who "beat them at their own game," so to speak.  Yes, it sounds a bit conniving, doesn't it?  You must learn to recalibrate your thinking.  The rules of the game which the Dark Ones established are not sacred, neither are you like them if you play within the framework of their established practices for the time being.  It is simply a necessary part of the shift, that those who see the corruption and greed should defeat it by coming out on top, thereby changing the game.

Many of you developed the mentality that you must remain outside the system, suffering terribly in the process, in order to remain "pure."  It served a purpose; you kept the fire alive by refusing to be co-opted by the system.  We admire those courageous ones who have offered themselves to be arrested, to even be imprisoned for a principle.  It was a necessary step in keeping the hope alive, but it will no longer be necessary to pay with your lives to preserve freedom.

We have given you the means to create a bridge to a new life.  Money in the hands of Lightworkers in great numbers is a completely new phenomenon.  Do not underestimate the power you will have when you organize now.  Your political system in the United States has been completely overtaken by the back-room money handlers who simply elect the people who are most willing to be bought and who will cooperate in their schemes to gain power on all fronts.  The protective screen of corporations and banks, and the power to write laws to protect themselves is the system they have used to rake in billions of dollars and use it to promote their own agenda.

It is not a complicated system, really.  They have designed complex systems of book-keeping and subterfuge to hide their actions, but the whole matrix was built on the simple idea that once money could be used to regulate every area of life - food, shelter, transportation, energy, medical care, education, entertainment, and everything else you can name in your "civilized world," the game was fixed.  Now it will be your work to unfix the game, dismantle their power, and gain freedom for all humankind.

Your first act of storming the Citadel will be to either buy out or turn your backs on every form of graft, inequality, extortion or blackmail-backed system in existence.  If you don't like the educational system in your town, create a new one. If the police force is brutal and arrogant, stop the flow of money to it and create your own neighborhood crew to help and assist rather than "police" your streets.  This will now be possible because of the dismantling of all weaponry.  The dangers you have faced in the past will no longer exist.

The possibilities are unlimited.  If you don't like the government, form a new one, along with the intelligent and dedicated souls who have already began to form your new Constitution-based governments.  When money is no object, and no one can buy out your dream from under your noses, the resistance will drop away.

There is yet more good news.  As this message is being written, a new world is beginning.  The energy grid around the planet that supported and protected the Forces of Darkness has been dissolved.  No soulless or heartless being will be allowed to continue in their devious work.  All will now be given "walk-in" souls to lift and humanize them.  No more will assassins and ruthless abusers be allowed to exist, walking freely among you.  All will be reconfigured, because humankind has now reconfigured the rules by which life on Earth will be governed.

I send you my blessings and my endless Love, Dear Ones.  You are heroes, all, and now you will be free to act on your Love, your inspiration, and your feelings of Oneness.  It is truly a new day, and we are here weeping tears of joy for your triumphs.

I am your Sananda, your brother, in Love and Light.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, May 26, 2014, 10 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,www.whoneedslight.org.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed


Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed

9/11 Test
9/11 Test

Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation

…by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The report below is taken from an intelligence dump by Russian sources.  As the origin is from an intelligence agency in the form of a “leak,” there are always questions.  Thus far, we have found not only is the majority of the material confirmed but several solutions to serious problems involving 9/11 are included.
I have redacted little here.  However, this arrived with vast supporting documentation which can, in the future, be uploaded on SCRIBD for access. One key area is that the US had supplied Israel with surplus nuclear weapons. (Editor’s note:  We are advised that some of the documentation can never be uploaded or distributed for reasons that will be obvious.)
We have a very solid confirmation on this.  Back during the 1980s, Israel showed her inventory of Davy Crockett tactical nuclear warheads to one of our editors, who at the time was a senior NATO intelligence official.  These early “micro-nukes” were taken out of US inventory in 1978 and “disappeared.”
Nuclear "Test"
Nuclear “Test”
This highly classified report is being published unaltered except for bad machine translation errors being repaired.  My personal opinion is that this is NOT a disinformation piece but rather represents a significant breakthrough.  I believe that this is a rare glimpse behind the curtain.
I am publishing this for the use of those qualified to understand how little of this is really new.  Those things that are new are groundbreaking.  For those who find this all a bit over their heads, there is little I can do other than to let you know that this is the world “your elders” really live in and that you finally have a chance to look in mom and dads top dresser drawer.
The Dave Crockett
The Dave Crockett

Too Classified to Publish

W48 - 155mm
W48 – 155mm
According to a retired FXX agent specializing in Israeli counter intel: The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells that were covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 and 1998 from US surplus stockpiles illegally exported during the Bush/Clinton era.
Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandi was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 911 of the fallout at ground zero. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use at ground zero is confirmed from multiple sources)
All plutonium based warheads have a chemical fingerprint that can identify the type of design and where the PU was made and how old it is. This was the 911 blackmail on Bush 1 and 2, the illegal transfer of surplus US nuclear weapons to the Israelis and why the continued cover up, along with the stolen gold and stock fraud that was going on Wall Street etc. According to file ENW57.pdf on page 66. (Editor’s note: Document received and confirmed)
Only a 2 kiloton device was needed to drop the buildings. A 2 kiloton device will produce a fireball of apx 150 to 200 feet in diameter at over 4000 degrees Centigrade. Just large enough to melt the I beams of the central core of the building and drop them in place. The light flash would last less than 1 second and primarily be in the UV light range. Overpressure would only be at 60PSI max and directed upwards with the blast. See underground effect.
Fallout would be minimal and located to within ground zero range only. Radiation would drop to acceptable levels within 72 hrs. after the blast. Most fall out was trapped in the cement dust thus causing all of the recent cancer deaths that we are now seeing in NYC amongst first responders. (Editor’s note: Consistent with site data)
High FluxIsotope Reactor Core - Cross Section
High FluxIsotope Reactor Core – Cross Section
Melted steel and iron oxide or “nano thermite” is a byproduct of the very high gamma ray / Neutron flux induced into the central steel core. The radiation dissolves the steel into iron oxide consuming the carbon and silicone in the steel.
This explains the missing steel columns and the very important clue of the “vaporized’ 20 ton antenna tower atop the south tower. The upward blast of radiation literally vaporized it. Video evidence proves this to be true. (Editor’s note: Tower issue a vital one.)
The total XXOO data file from DOE Sandia on the 911 event is well over 72 MB. P.S. Snowden didn’t have a Q clearance so he missed this one. Carnaberry had a pretty good stash of documents on the subject. (All under the transit stuff.) The entire nuclear nonproliferation story of stolen nuclear material coming from Russia was an Israeli cover story to hide the original source of weapons material coming from the US stock piles. (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed)
Illegal distribution of US nuclear material to foreign allies was not limited to Israel. Virtually all NATO allies were in on this scam too. Dick Cheney was the bad guy on this one. Bush2/Cheney traded nuclear pits to foreign country as IOU’s in order to get what they wanted. Tom Countryman a well-known Israeli operative is curiously now in charge of N.N.P. at the State Department under Obama.(?) He was put there by Ram Emanuel.
Early Israeli core model - Vannunu photo
Early Israeli core model – Vannunu photo
It appears that the weapon of choice for the Israelis were the W-54 and follow on series of nuclear pits taken from the Amarillo TX storage dump. This was what Carnaberry was working on for Bush senior in Houston.
A total of over 350 pits were transferred to the Israelis over a 10 to 20 year period of time. The W-54 type of pit design were the most desirable due to the 2 point implosion pit design. This is the easiest to re manufacture and modify as compared to other circular pit designs.
The pill shaped design of the W-54 type weapon contains over 1.5 times more plutonium than a standard pit. This would allow enough Plutonium to be recovered that was still of weapons grade use even after 32 plus years of age. Americium build up in the pit over time eventually makes the Pit unusable as a weapon so they have a limited shelf life based on how fast or slow the Plutonium was produce in the reactor at Stanford.
Usually it was about 150 days max. Irradiation time in the reactor during production determines the shelf life of the pit as weapons grade material. All of the micro nukes used by the Israelis are re-manufactured W-54 type series devices.
Khazelov confirmed this a micro nuke bombing
Khazelov confirmed this a micro nuke bombing
These devices were used in the Bali bombing and the London bombing and in Japan on their reactors. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use in Bali confirmed) Also used in Damascus, Iraq and Afghanistan by the US. (Editor’s note: Multiple confirmation including site samples.)
These are stored in most Israelite embassies for ease of deployment. The one’s used on 911 were kept at the Israeli consulate in NYC until put in place. After 911 the FBI now checks all diplomatic pouches with a Geiger counter before entering or leaving the US. The South African weapons were also surplus W-54 artillery shells acquired from Israeli and final assembly and testing was done in South Africa with Israel assistance. (Editor’s note: This explains Pelendaba production issues.)
This was done because the Israelis needed a testing ground in order to make sure that there rebuilt weapons would work as designed. (Editor’s note: Testing on Sept. 22, 1979 multiple confirmations.) The North Korean weapons are also of the 155 mm artillery design as provided by Israel.
The true North Korean nuclear weapons program is based on nuclear artillery use and not missiles. The plan is to use a massive artillery barge on South Korea if war breaks out this include the use of small nuclear artillery shells to counter US tanks rockets and artillery.
The Saudi’s also have a stash of W-54′s acquired from the US under Bush2. (Editor’s note: Confirmed) The Israelis have also provided them to India, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South Korea etc. (Editor’s note: All but South Korea confirmed. Canada had been believed to be the source of Brazilian nuclear weapons.) Dimona is a standard 75 megawatt thermal open top reactor as used in France for their plutonium weapons production program, their version of Stanford (Editor’s note:  Probably “Hanford”).
Dimona - Israel
Dimona – Israel
Due to over use as a fast breeder reactor by the Israelis, Dimona suffered a “steam explosion” IE a flash over indecent due to neutron criticality back in the late 1980′s under Bush 1. This shut down its operation for many years until repairs could be made.
It know only operates at very low power levels due to neutron absorption damage to the containment vessel. Now mainly use for isotope production. This forced the Israelis to turn to stolen nuclear stock piles from the US for the continuation of their nuclear program.
The Israelis knowing that the nuclear material that they had acquire only had a limited shelf life left before it was no longer usable as weapons grade then tried to dump it on the surplus market as fast as possible before it was of no use to them. So they dumped it on unsuspecting nations who would only sit on it and not be able to test it. These were the fissile tests in North Korea. (Editor’s note: Confirmed, multiple sources)
When everybody caught on to the scam such as Japan and Korea. (IE the Korean sub sinkings etc) they were angry because they paid big bucks for junk. This started a mini cold war with Israel and her old clients. However with micro nukes even as the plutonium ages it will still fissile producing a smaller size detonation well under 2 kiloton in size.
So they can still be used as small dirty bombs or as very small tactical nukes such as the nuclear artillery strikes on Damascus with rocket assisted W-54′s. (Editor’s note: Confirmed strike, May 4, 2013) On the W-54 pit design it is pill shaped and it is only about 4 inches in diameter and weighs about 24 pounds.
Most of the fuel is consumed in the plasma fire ball when detonated so there is very little plutonium fallout left to escape. If it is salted with other materials the fallout can be even reduced to lower levels such as in an enhanced radiation device or the so called neutron bomb. This is what was used on 911.
Falling man - 911
Falling man – 911
The primary purpose of the nuclear weapon used on 911 was to produce a massive Gama ray / neutron flux that would vaporize about 150 to 300 feet of 6 inch thick steal I beams that constituted the central core of the WTC buildings. This created a free fall event as seen on TV that day. (Editor’s note: Critical information here.)
The flash would be hidden from sight due to the underground detonation. Most of the light was in the non-visible light spectrum any way. Over pressure would be reduced to 6 psi due to the blast traveling up the central core and neutron radiation vaporizing the TV antenna at the top of the building as see on TV.
The fallout would be mainly vaporized concrete cement and iron oxide. This is why after 911 they told everyone on TV that the beta radiation burns that people were getting were due to the caustic cement dust and not due to the radiation effects from the radioactive cement fallout. (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed)
The iron oxide found all over the place was what was left of the steel I beams. This was the so called Nano Thermite that was found everywhere. Fallout was limited to a 1 mile area around down town NYC. See charts. (Editor’s note: Received)
Radiation decay was reduced to safe low levels after 72 hrs., (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed) outside of ground zero its self. This is why the area was blocked off from the public for 3 days after the event, in order to let the radiation drop to safe levels
Editing:  Jim W. Dean

Friday, May 02, 2014

Matthew 2014May2

May 2, 2014
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The brilliant light of compassion has been streaming around the world to the families whose members’ lives ended in the South Korean ferry and to the families of those who are thought to have been lost at sea in the Malaysian plane. Wherever many hundreds grieve after a trauma is suddenly shared, an outpouring of compassion for them rises from all corners of Earth.   
Thus, it may seem that your hearts are united only in times of multiple personal tragedies, and that is not so. Always you are united in your love of family and the desire for your children and all future generations to live in a better world than you inherited—and this foundation of your unity is far, far stronger than your differences, beloved sisters and brothers! That is why, in the timeless continuum, all of Earth’s cultures and races are living in harmony with each other and all of Nature. You are co-creating that world as you surmount challenges in this world of the moment.  
Let us quell concerns about Russia’s aggressiveness in Ukraine—it will not lead to all-out war. Vladimir Putin doesn’t want a war and he’s not all wrong by attributing the turmoil in part to interference by the United States. It’s not the country’s government, it’s that the US is the home of the CIA, and it is the Illuminati-controlled faction of that agency that stirs the pot globally. Oh yes, their “black ops” still has enough viability to step in where people are dissatisfied and exacerbate the situation.
However, the time for new warfronts is past, the vibrations will not support much longer war temperament and combative divisiveness. The era for negotiating conflicts has arrived and ultimately, all serious differences within and between nations will be resolved by this means. Discussions will go in fits and starts, so please don’t expect a smooth transition or prompt results especially where fighting still rages and in the numerous circumstances where high emotions still run roughshod over reason.
Talks to end decades of unrest between Israel and Palestine bogged down again not because the residents prefer discord to living together peacefully, but because the peak of the Illuminati doesn’t want harmony there until the region is under their control—those few individuals are holding onto their delusion of world domination with Jerusalem as one of their headquarters. Never could their plan have come to pass once Earth’s ascension began, and eventually vibratory levels will bring to fruition a lasting peace accord.   
We have been asked to comment as well on several countries in Africa—“Why is there still so much brutality?” is the bottom line question. Historically the continent has been an arena for oppression and bloodshed. Along with ruthlessly killing each other, stronger tribes captured weaker and kept them in subservience or sold them to slave traders. The negativity that amassed during the centuries of slaughter and slavery and later apartheid and civil wars, has been released gradually during Earth’s ascension, and lingering low vibrations in those lands leave inhabitants susceptible to upheavals. Because Mother Nature’s abrupt means of uprooting and releasing entrenched negativity—earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and powerful storms—are not prevalent in Africa, a “clean slate,” so to say, definitely is on the way there, but it is coming more slowly than to some other areas.
Along with raising your society’s consciousness, the prevailing vibrations are producing other effects. Persons who endure trauma of one kind or another, perhaps prolonged combat, sexual molestation or other physical abuse, or mental aberrations, are especially vulnerable. When those experiences lead to uncontrollable anger or overwhelming despair, the individuals’ minimal stability snaps and often they kill others or themselves. Persons who are trained from childhood to avenge what was done to their ancestors are feeling intensified urgency to annihilate the designated enemy—that will run its course as the will to kill ebbs around your world.
The commonality in those diverse situations, past and present, is that all were and are opportunities for souls to evolve spiritually and consciously. Now, not only are former Earth residents eagerly taking advantage of the unique chance to complete third density karma in one lifetime instead of many, but souls from other civilizations also are coming in to do this. Yet, even for you who understand the purposeful karmic cycle, we know it is extremely difficult to think that way about the many millions who are choosing to live and die in painful circumstances. So please think of the many thousands of lightworkers, most of whom have never heard that term, who are participating in or donating money to humanitarian programs that are uplifting those lives, and feel grateful for their efforts—always the light of gratitude is a worthy contribution.
Numerous recent comments and questions can be summarized thusly: Several countries have hostile relations and some have nuclear weapons; how can you be certain that none will be used deliberately or accidentally to start a nuclear war? But if a nuclear war can be prevented, why can’t all wars be prevented?
We can say with certainty that there will be no nuclear war on Earth because Creator decreed that there will be no more such wars anywhere in the cosmos. When bodies die in ground-level or very low atmospheric explosions, souls are not damaged—the density of the bodies safeguards them. When nuclear weaponry explodes in space, as has happened in other civilizations, souls living as free spirits or in light density forms are not protected—they have been shattered and their parts scattered throughout space.
They cannot be left in that shocked condition, and retrieval and restoration are lengthy, intricate processes that start with specially trained teams searching for soul parts. Some may be floating aimlessly, oblivious to anything other than their existence; others may have entered the bodies of benevolent souls that took in the “orphans”; still others may have been captured by dark entities and held hostage; and some may be so frightened and confused that they can only tumble about. But wherever each part is, it retains the soul’s unique frequency and that is the tracking signal the search teams use as their guidance system.
When a soul part is found and retrieved, it is taken to what you would call a rehabilitation center and given treatment that is customized for its condition—that is, whatever care is appropriate for its experiences during its separated state. As other parts of that soul are located, each is taken to the center and gently reintroduced to the parts being rejuvenated. After all parts have been found and nurtured, they are carefully reintegrated so that all experiencing, knowledge and memories are in proper order in accordance with the soul’s file in the Akashic records. Only then can the soul be fully healed and restored to functioning, and in some cases, this has taken as long as thousands of your linear years.
This immense undertaking shows how important each soul is to Creator and, in this universe, to God, and what those fractured souls endure is why Creator decreed that never again will there be another nuclear war. In keeping with that, God authorized all spiritually, consciously and technologically evolved civilizations to prevent every attempt to detonate nuclear warheads anywhere in this universe—in your world, they have done this more than a dozen times.
Because a “standard” war—and it pains us to speak that way when some of our beloved family are being killed by others whom we also love unconditionally and their karmic merry-go-round keeps going—is initiated by someone’s free will choice, God cannot intervene.  He is bound to honor Creator’s law that permits no exception to any soul’s free will choices other than starting a nuclear war. What God is permitted to do within that law is honor Gaia’s choice for a massive inpouring of light to save her planetary body and all of its life forms. Vast, powerful distant civilizations that responded instantly enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension pathway. 
Although this is proceeding with unprecedented swiftness, we know that in longing for all suffering and violence to end, at times your patience runs thin. You tire of hearing us say grand changes are underway—it’s evidence you want, not only encouraging words. So we shall speak about progress in an area that you may not be viewing in the context of planetary and personal ascension, but it is a vital—essential!—aspect of a civilization’s evolvement: the treatment of its animals.  With joy we have seen activity on animals’ behalf become widespread in your world! 
Animals are souls; each is a part of Source just as you are and they evolve just as you do. Among some species are souls of highly evolved humans who chose to embody in those forms specifically to enhance the bonding spirit between all animal life and humankind. Love is the key—animals show you how to love without conditions or limitations.  
The intelligence of higher orders is very close to yours, and species-wide, the cetacean family of whales and dolphins comprises the most highly evolved souls on the planet intellectually and spiritually. The spectrum of animals’ emotions and characteristics is similar to yours too, except for acquired traits like tact, deceit, bitterness and killing for sport; and in some ways their awareness is superior. They know your thoughts, they are more energy-sensitive than most people, and one or more of their basic five senses is keener than yours.
They are multidimensional souls just as you are, but they consciously go back and forth between physical and spirit worlds, and they understand that there is no such thing as “death.” They communicate telepathically with each other and interact with the myriad Devic souls about whom most people know little or nothing, yet these precious beings are indispensable to the flourishing of all life on Earth. 
Let us back up a bit here. Eons ago animals lived peaceably with each other and with the peoples, and there was telepathic communication among all life forms, including the plant and Devic kingdoms. The entire planet was the Garden of Eden then and every life flourished. When strong civilizations with dark proclivity succumbed to the will of the dark forces, they downgraded the DNA of weaker civilizations and included brutality and they introduced the ferocity in animals that led to the predator-prey chain. As the light in people’s consciousness dimmed, they started massacring each other and the animals—that is what caused the planet to spiral down into deep third density and stay stuck there for long ages.  
The dark forces knew that whales were serving the critical function of anchoring light in ocean depths where darkness cannot reach, and to eliminate all light on Earth, that force influenced humans to kill whales as part of the culture or commerce, and much later, cause them serious harm by sonar testing in ocean waters. But the darkness did not accomplish its objective—the whales agreed to let their light remain deep in the seas after their bodies were killed.
The same dark influence was at work in the near annihilation of bison herds that roamed the plains of the land that became the United States. Individuals who came under that spell ordered the mass destruction because they knew the animals were the source of food and hides that the native population needed for survival.  By contrast, the natives killed only enough bison to provide those basic requirements and they expressed their honor and gratitude for the lives they took.   
Other examples of the darkness’ influence was motivating the populace to prize items carved of ivory tusks, to think that wearing animal fur is fashionable, to stuff heads of wild animals and entire “game” fish and mount them on walls, to believe that some animal parts are aphrodisiacs or strengthen sexual prowess. Millions upon millions of animals in the wild or the waters were killed simply to satisfy the cravings of humankind.
Never did it enter people’s minds then that animals have emotions and intelligence and many species are family-oriented. There was nary a thought that those parents love and care for their youngsters just as people do and mourn the loss of a family member or dear friend just as people do. No, animals were simply objects to satisfy human whims. That deep third density mentality had to change so Earth could ascend, and that is why, during the seventy-some years she has been on her ascension course, the light has been raising the consciousness of your society to see animals’ critical importance in the balance of all life on Earth.  
After some voices proclaimed that animals have the right to be treated humanely and with dignity and respect, groups started forming to act upon that premise; and a few courageous individuals were inspired to live in the wild and record their observations of specific species. Those beginnings burgeoned into today’s local, national and international organizations with the mission of saving animals and their native habitats. Some are making or expanding preserves forinjured and orphaned wild animals, others are operating shelters or rescue and rehabilitation programs for maltreated domesticated animals, and many people are financially supporting these groups.
Outrage about inhumane conditions under which food animals live and die is forcing improvements in those areas. Zoos are creating or enlarging wildlife surroundings for their animals and breeding programs are saving endangered species. Circuses are responding to pleas to care for their animals conscientiously and kindly. National laws prohibit the export of native animals; part of enforcing anti-poaching laws is helping poachers find other livelihood; laws require breeders of pets to meet higher standards.
Extensive research into animal behavior, intelligence and communication is showing their similarity to you in those respects. Increasing numbers of companion animals are being adopted; school children are being educated about the need to spay and neuter pets as well as their proper healthcare and nutrition. Many petitions advocating for animal’s wellbeing are in circulation—the very act of signing a petition sends forth light streamers—and the Internet abounds withfilms and photos showing cross-species friendship, even in the predator-prey chain, as well as some wild animals’ willingness to befriend humans.
You know this, so why did we speak of it? So you will think about these giant strides your society has achieved and feel grateful! Yes, a great deal more must be done, and many of you have written poignant letters asking what you can do. Of paramount importance, we urge you to stop focusing on the cruelty and negligence animals endure and feeling distraught about it. Via the universal law of attraction that’s in perpetual operation, the low vibrations of those negative feelings and thoughts are helping to continue what you want to end. Sending out the high vibrations of gratitude for the innumerable endeavors on animals’ behalf spreads light throughout the animal kingdom.
Beloved family, there is far more goodness and light in your world than you may think, and your every loving thought, feeling and deed adds to the abundance that is transforming your world. With love, respect and honor, we salute you and accompany you every step toward the myriad glories of Earth’s Golden Age.
Suzanne Ward

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SaLuSa 2 May 2014 - We come with good news...

SaLuSa  2 May 2014

We come with good news at a time when most countries are experiencing change or uncertainty. The Light and dark are clearly separating as the vibrations are being lifted, and it is the Light that is lifting up more speedily than anytime previously. This will ultimately lead to a complete separation as the Light moves into a higher dimension. An indication of the changes is already apparent in some countries, where populations are experiencing a certain calmness and rising above the lower vibrations. Whereas in the past they have resulted in a more aggressive and violent response to problems encountered.  Now there is a notable change in attitude where more people are looking for peaceful settlements, and are sufficiently influential to achieve them. This will continue to be the response where circumstances exist that could lead to confrontation. The warmongers are still intent on resolving issues their way, but now the pendulum swings to more peaceful solutions that cannot be ignored.

Out of the chaos you are experiencing will come changes that will be very welcome, and will lead to worldwide peace. It means that there will be many changes where the top people and Governments are concerned, and the lead will be taken from President Obama. In each era where important changes are necessary, you will find that the “right” people are always on hand to lead the way. We would not pretend that there are easy times ahead, when in fact the cleansing that is taking place means that it will get worse before it gets better. Some of it is the clearing of ages old karma as the New Age must have a clean sheet, without the responsibilities of mistakes that have been made in the past. The new way of thinking is gathering pace and cannot be ignored indefinitely. In the present situation on Earth much needs to be done to bring hostilities to an end, and we can intervene to establish peace if we are called upon to do so.

Over a long period of time we have stepped up our presence in your skies, and rest assured we have absolute protection against any action intended to destroy us and our craft. There have been times when circumstances were different, and “allowance” was made to speed up your evolution by giving you the opportunity to acquire certain crashed spacecraft. In fact your dark Ones have advanced very rapidly, but be assured their activities are very much under our control. Our role will be to advance your knowledge even further, but not until the time is right and you can be trusted with it. The dark Ones think only of their personal power and gain, but they will not achieve the goals that they have in mind.

Your beautiful Earth has been almost destroyed by the many wars that have taken place. It is in a sorry state and Mother Earth has appealed to us for help. We are pleased to tell you that a limit to the damage has been reached, and we have already prevented more nuclear wars and the resultant worldwide damage. From hereon the Earth will no longer be subjected to destruction or poisoning, and when the time is appropriate you shall witness a wonderful cleansing and restoration to bring it back to its original pristine condition. With our technologies you will be surprised at how quickly the changes can be made. We shall work together and encourage you to take more responsibility for your planet.

Great times lie ahead, and you have much to catch up upon so that you can eventually take your place alongside of us. The changes that lie ahead are going to take you way beyond your dreams, so that you may eventually become Cosmic Beings. Life for you has just about begun, and the seeds for change are well advanced. Only those of you that have earnt a place in the higher dimensions can go forward, and we commend you for having risen above the challenges that have been placed before you. Each of you have had the same opportunity to evolve through this period, but some have become mired in the lower vibrations and unable to rise up sufficiently to move on. However, it is no disgrace to take longer to find your way, and it is not held against you in any way. Indeed, you will receive more help to enable you to progress until you too will be ready to ascend.

To use one of your expressions, “keep your head above water” at all times knowing that these times are a prelude to the end of the cycle. Every soul learns so much by experiencing the end times, and indeed by living lives in an environment that contains so much hostility. However, as we have often informed you, the challenges that you have encountered in the lower dimension have speeded up your evolution. It has been what you might call a “fast track” to the completion of your experiences. Also bear in mind that a long, long time ago you willingly volunteered to experience a journey into the darkness, knowing that we would always be with you. Very soon you will meet us in happy circumstances, as by then you will be on your path to full consciousness.

Whatever experiences you have still to encounter, bear them with pride and joy knowing that your time in duality is coming to an end. Once you reach the end of the present period you will not carry any old outstanding karma with you. You will already have learnt the lessons that have been of importance to you, and are ready to commence another exciting period in your evolution. You are somewhat like a prisoner being released for the first time, and the world will be full of surprises and opportunities to follow your passions. At all times there are always more advanced souls who are able to help you on your journey. As a Cosmic Being it will be your choice as to which path to travel and there will be so many opportunities given to you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel your weariness but also joy of the realisation that journeys end is so near. You have already started to enter the new energies and in general terms it will bring about a more peaceful feeling. The Galactic Fleet draws ever nearer and is frequently seen in your skies, sometimes carrying out its responsibility to keep under control any attempt to start another nuclear war. I leave you with my blessings and love.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.