Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chapter Eighteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus

Chapter Eighteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
I am so looking forward to the time when I can walk among you.  This time it will be a celebration for all of us.  We will be celebrating freedom - the freedom to define yourselves a sovereign beings under God, untrammeled by the control of the Dark Ones who enslaved everyone on the planet with their economic sleight-of-hand maneuvers. They had gained control over nearly every financial transaction in nearly every part of the world, siphoning off enormous wealth. 

The pervasive use of money to define every transaction between one individual and another became their tool to eliminate all trade that was not controlled by them.  As you know, most of the world is now under the grip of that program.  It allowed everyone to be taxed, assessed, and overseen in all the important interactions in their lives.

This oppressive framework of control is being dismantled, nullified, because it was based on illegal practices.  It is being replaced by a completely different system which will level the playing field, as you like to say.  No individual or group will be permitted to control enormous amounts of money, as for instance the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. has done.  It is already being dismantled, and its head has resigned.  Taxes will be a thing of the past, for they are not needed when all individuals have access to the unlimited funds which were controlled by the International Monetary Fund and the Banks of each country, all of whom were in league to steal and hoard the resources of their countries.

The noose around everyone's neck will be loosened, and you will all be able to walk away from the old system, debt-free.  All debts will be forgiven, because the majority of the world's bank loans were written fraudulently.  This illegality does not include, of course, those independent small banks which were established by the people to help each other, like the micro-loan lending programs which keep individuals - borrowers and lenders - in contact with one another.  

Imagine a life without bills to pay, in which all individuals are free to train themselves, with help from talented experts, to accomplish any creative endeavor they wish to accomplish.  All community activities will center around celebrating the skills and abilities of its members, and the power of creativity will be unleashed in a way that was unimaginable under the old system.  When no one has to work at a dreary job (most of which had to do with moving money and papers detailing the movement of money), all will be free to invent, organize for productive purposes, and help their neighbors.  You will no longer be pressured to meet the schedule of a boss who is insensitive or rude.  You will choose who you wish to help, and how you wish to use your creative skills.

Many of you have already laid the groundwork for the projects you wish to nurture, whether it be non-profit social programs, arts programs, or assistance for the most vulnerable among you.  All these projects will be supported, when their mission is truly in the Greater Good.  These will be the first recipients of the Prosperity Funds, so that all those among you who are struggling will be offered help. 

You have been programmed by the Dark Ones to believe that anyone who is poor must also be lazy and irresponsible.  This is not true.  Many who live barely above poverty have created a life in which they are fulfilled by their artistic work, which they feel they must pursue.  Little has been done to recognize the talents of budding artists and musicians, especially when their work carried a profoundly meaningful message, and your culture is poorer for it. Success has been defined by how much money a person earns.  This will all be turned on its head in the New Golden Age of Planet Earth.

I am telling you these things now because of Universal Laws which determine what will come to pass.  Without the Vision of the future and your active participation in creating these conditions of which I speak, the Golden Age will not come to pass.  It is a joint endeavor, you see.  We envision it together, and the power of our combined energies create the reality we are determined to manifest.  Only this way does real change take place within the social and economic structures of the planet.

Many of you have already witnessed the "miraculous" recovery of those who have taken part in our healing groups.  The evidence is beginning to come in.  People with chronic, "terminal" conditions are returning to complete health.  As the power of the healing intentions of hundreds of people is focused on the individuals in need of healing, disease and disability melts away as if it had no substance, which it does not.  It takes courage to defy the medical establishment, to cure yourself when your doctors have told you there is no hope, but many have done just that.

The condition of perfect health is a state of mind, one which has not been recognized or taught in your recent cultures.  Asian healers still continue to pursue their ancient practices of herbal and energy treatments, helping people to take charge of their own health, but even those honored crafts have often been brushed aside in favor of more abrupt and invasive Western methods.  New forms of healing will be allowed to develop once the medical establishment run by drug companies and large corporations and special interest groups are eliminated from the mix. 

There are extremely effective technologies, developed by civilizations more advanced than your own, which combine the best understandings from every discipline throughout the ages.  The Arcturians, in particular - the highly evolved civilization from Arcturus - have developed very sophisticated methods of healing the human body.  They have done this not for themselves, since they have no need for these treatments; their existence in higher dimensions does not allow for disease or deformity. 

The Arcturian Masters are doing this simply because they are dedicated as a group to being of service to others, and they are able to create methods which are brilliantly effective healing tools for the maladies of the human body.  They have dedicated their energies to developing methods which will aid humankind in learning to prepare for Ascension, by healing the physical disabilities which lower your vibration and keep you in a state of misery. 

You are greatly blessed by having such friends from the stars here at your service.  Their ships are in orbit now, just above the Earth, available for your use.  It is here we meet when we do the healing groups on  On the mothership which is parked in high orbit above the North Pole, we are greeted by the Arcturians, Mother and Father God, and dozens of the Archangels and Masters whose expertise in the healing arts is well known.  There are now thousands of Arcturians here to help you, and there is no limit to the number of people they are willing to assist.  They are there for you in the groups we lead, or individually.  You only need to call on them.

You are practicing your meditation skills, are you not?  It is crucial for you to do that now, because there is so much for you to learn and so much information available to you when you open your heart and your mind to reestablish your own psychic abilities, which many of you gave up under the pressure of a disbelieving and closed-minded culture.  Be daring, Dear Ones.  Open your third eye.  Breathe gently and persistently through your brain to ease and sooth all the cramped and constricted places where information cannot flow freely because of anxiety and a preoccupation with everyday concerns.

Let it be, as the wonderful song implores you.  You are not in danger of not surviving until tomorrow.  Do not allow your anxiety and the instilled fear of the ages throw you off track to the most exhilarating opening of your consciousness.  The benefits of developing your sensitivity to higher dimensions is immeasurable.  Never mind that your so-called scientists (or those who misquote them) pretend to know nothing of the etheric world beyond your five senses.  The wonders of the Universe occur on endless levels - levels upon levels of potential experience that you have not yet begun to explore. 

Go deep into your subconscious mind - there at the center of your brain you have a channel which leads directly to it - and connect with your Higher Self, as we have been instructing you to do.  Follow the links of consciousness which will lead you to the level or to the person you wish to communicate with, whether it be an ancestor, a Master with whom you have a personal affinity, or your Guardian angel.  We are all here to be of service to you, and we revel in your growth.

This is the purpose of these messages and meditations, is it not?  Your growth and the growth of the entire human race.  You have no idea what a profound impact it has on the world around you when you reach down, take hold of yourself and rise to meet the dawn of the New Golden Age which awaits all of you.  Lift yourselves, Dear Ones, out of the old, despairing negativity which has pervaded your world and your thinking for thousands of years.  It is a time to leave behind mistrust, paranoia and fear.  Together you will overcome all these old feelings and Dark philosophies. 

It is not easy to shift your entire belief system, but you will succeed if you follow along with the many tools we have created for you.  Initially, our messages were only in English, but translations are now being done, under my supervision, to provide the messages in as many languages as possible.  There are about 14 languages already being done, and many more in the future.  If you know skilled or professional translators in the less well-known languages, we welcome their participation.  We wish to share the good news with everyone on the planet.  As they are completed, the translations are posted on  We offer these to share, only asking that you include the name of the channel, the translator, and the website.  It is very important to me that the translations be done by people who have been chosen for this purpose, and that no "robot" translators be used, for obvious reasons.

Now, Dear Ones, begin by dedicating your days to your spiritual development above all other activities.  Your close relationships, and especially your relationships with your children, are a part of that spiritual development.  You will not need to spend long hours alone in a quiet place - this is not a solo experience.  Ascension is something you must ultimately accomplish for yourself, but you will accomplish it within the ebb and flow of life, in relationship with loved ones, the Animal Kingdom, and Mother Earth herself.

Know that you are not alone.  The Ascension of humankind was planned within the democratic process of consultation and shared ideas.  You were a part of that planning, and your vote was needed to initiate this holy project.  You see, it was unanimously agreed within the Councils of humankind that all be included, all be assisted in any way necessary, and all be cheered across the finish line into the 5th dimension, whatever it takes.

Of course, as you look around you, you see that there are still some who are asleep, belligerently clinging to negative attitudes of superiority, judgment, blame and victimhood.  These stubborn attitudes will mellow and fade away in the face of the waves of Love and Light which will continue to pour across the Earth realm, lifting all beings to higher levels of consciousness.  You will very shortly be treated to the wondrous announcements which will make it clear to everyone on the planet that everything is changing.  There will be no denying the presence of our Star Brothers and Sisters when the ships land, to great cheering and celebration.

We are arranging these celebrations now, Beloveds, and no one could be more excited than I am, to dance with you in the streets, to proclaim the freedom of all humankind, and to share in the glorious experience of being embraced in Love and Light.

I am here for you; I am dedicated to the Ascension of humankind, and I will do anything necessary to help each and every one of you to achieve the destiny for which you were born.  Reach deeply into your hearts; feel the peace which comes with endless Love. 

We are One.

I am Sananda/Jesus. 

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept. 14, 2013, 11 PM EDT

Disclosure in Russia

Friday, September 13, 2013

Chapter Sixteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus

Chapter Sixteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus

You are all working hard to absorb this new information.  I appreciate how different it is from what you were taught about me and my life here with you 2,000 years ago.  Many of you have subliminal memories of that time with me and knew the teachings were not accurate, but it is difficult to know you are right when everyone around you seems to know something different.

Take heart, Beloved Ones, you are following your hearts, and that is what really matters.  Take all the information we are giving you, immerse yourselves in it, and you will find you can lift your vibration a little each day, and it will become a familiar state to be swept up in feelings of joy, generosity and good will for those around you.  This is the essence of Love, the actions of Love and Light.  You were born to feel this, to experience this glorious uplifting of spirits.  It is the reason you all wanted so badly to be here for this unique time.

There are still those among you who have believed that Ascension means an escape from the sensations and trials of life on Earth.  This is not the case.  Your experience on Earth at this time has been a gift to you - an opportunity to take hold, to accept the deeply felt sensations, and to revel in the possession of a body, that unique 3-dimensional experience.  You are now on your last round of incarnations.  You will not be back here again for the learning experience of being born, growing and living a regular Earth life which ends with the death of the body.

Acknowledge this life as the precious gift it is. You were allowed to take part in this incarnation on Earth because of your strong desire to be here for the Ascension, and because of your prior preparation for this task.  All of you have lived many lives, taken the path of learning by experience and by overcoming difficult obstacles.  Now it is time to consolidate that learning, absorbing the true meaning of these lives you have completed, and accept your place among those who will Ascend to a higher dimension with body intact, without having to experience death as you have known it.

Do not accept your ego's complaints and misdirected feelings of impatience, unhappiness with your present state, and dark judgments about the state of the world as you see it.  It is not what it appears, I assure you.  Yes, there is suffering in the world, but from the perspective of a soul, this is not the main concern.  The soul's deep sense of knowing (and the responsibility of the Higher Self) is to absorb the lessons offered by that suffering, not to relieve the suffering itself.  It would not matter to the Higher Self if you have died of starvation or on a satin bed.  The important thing would be how you approach that death experience and what you learn from it.

As sensitive human beings, it is difficult for you to see suffering.  You want to change it, alleviate it, put a stop to the abuses which caused it.  This is one of the wondrous things about your human makeup.  An infant in a nursery will cry if it hears another child crying, because its young heart is stirred to sympathetic tears, just as we are touched by another's pain as adults.  But this intense response which leads you to anger and resentment must now be mitigated by the understanding that each soul here now on the Earth came here to experience these difficulties and challenges in an effort to expand their compassion and their strength.

With that knowledge as your backdrop, perhaps you can now come to understand more fully that there are truly no victims here on Earth.  Although no one likes to be abused, starved or beaten, you have each agreed to some or all of these elements in order to fully reach the potential of your mental, physical and spiritual strength.  To someone unfamiliar with this, it seems unbelievable that anyone would choose to live the most difficult kind of life, but those, Dear Ones, are the most ambitious and determined among you. 

You have known for some time that your opportunity to experience life here on Earth in the 3rd dimension would be limited by the coming Ascension, and so you were eager to make the most of this last chance to be tested in this way.  Now, here you are, most of you finishing your last life here.  It is truly a time of bittersweet feelings, the end of an era.  You might even look back with some nostalgia on times of struggle, because they were also times of forging intense and lasting relationships, and times of learning to reach deeply into your soul to find happiness in the smallest delights of life.

You have grown here, Beloved Ones.  It was our original design to provide this testing ground for ourselves in our climb up the ladder to higher dimensions.  The dark nights of the soul which you experienced as a result of Reptilian influences were also your finest moments.  You have each risen to the challenge to rescue a comrade in mortal danger, or sooth a broken heart of one you loved, or feed a stranger in need of sustenance.  You have given without question, acted heroically without prompting, and found your own strength in the process.

And now it is time for you to experience a different kind of challenge.  You have become so acclimated to life "in the trenches" that it is difficult for you to even imagine a world without war, without powerful criminals imposing their Dark ways on the entire society.  I assure you, the cabal is being unraveled, dismantled and given the same ultimatum you saw being given to their Reptilian leaders before August 22, 2013.  All will be given the choice - to return to the Light, or to be dissolved back into the All That Is, souls no more.  Some will require a sojourn in prison before they are willing to believe their choices are truly limited to Light.

Like you, the Dark Ones have become accustomed to the never-ending power struggle, and they are used to winning because they were willing to use any vicious and immoral strategies they thought would gain power over God's Lightworkers.  This is no longer an option, as you would say.  There are courageous activists at every level, investigating the crimes against humanity which caused such suffering on the planet, and they have made enormous inroads into the power structure of the cabal.  The remaining minions - those who aspired to be Lords of the Dark in spite of their human DNA, which does allow a connection to their hearts, are beginning to awaken to the end game, and there is nowhere for them to go but up.

You have been told that you will all ascend together.  This is true, in relative terms.  There will be those who are ready to go with very little preparation.  Others will need a bit of training and help to raise their vibrations.  Never fear, Dear Ones, there will be many Lightworkers among you who have spent many lifetimes perfecting the skills needed to help their fellow beings learn the necessary skills to make their ascension.

Those skills of which I speak have been described in Prime Creator's Ten Commandments, in my Chapter 11.  Yes, we understand it is a skill to be in absolute command of your own thoughts, feelings and actions, but it is a skill that can be learned.  You have it in your human beingness to live a life of Honor, Love and Light.  Those teachings which held you back from experiencing your integrity fully, and those that suppressed your joy can be unlearned. Now is the time for you to work in earnest on any leftover inclinations toward anger, resentment, discontent, and all ideas which lead to judgment of others.

Search out any tendency in yourself to sink into negative pronouncements and attitudes of jaded disbelief in the human capacity to rise above the past.  Examine your motives whenever you decide to tell a story about violence or criminal behavior.  Find it in your heart to discard the "dog eat dog" attitudes you were taught by your Reptilian invaders.  Those days are truly over.  Even dogs are becoming more peaceful and friendly.  There are some who have already begun to shift to a vegetarian diet where they are allowed  to do so.

All beings on the planet are experiencing a shift to crystalline-based DNA.  This means for all a new ability to sustain yourselves with a much lighter, less protein-based diet.  This is the most fundamental shift which will make the idea of anyone eating their friends the animals a thing of the past.  It was foretold in your Bible that there will be a time when the lion will lie down with the lamb.  That time is coming, my beloved ones.  You are already seeing hundreds of videos on your internet of cross-species friendships, which you have thought to be "unbelievable."  It will soon become so commonplace as to elicit nothing more than an amused chuckle.

From now on, we will need to shift our consciousness to identify all others around us as an extension of ourselves.  This is the meaning of being One with all others.  What they feel, we feel.  What they need, we need.  The Animal Kingdom has aways been the bellwether system which tells us the state of health of the planet, and the state of emotions of the humans around them.  When humans no longer eat animals, animals will stop eating each other.  You see, their behavior is a reflection of the human emotions on the planet.

As your vibrations rise from the 3rd dimension up to the higher 5th dimension, the higher vibration will raise all consciousness along with it.  Since all conscious beings also have the ability to think, reason and make choices, it may not be a simple one-to-one shift immediately. All conscious beings also have feelings, are conditioned to some extent by the events of their earlier lives, and therefore must unlearn their responses to the environment, especially the fear response, which all have absorbed.

Imagine a life in which there is no fear, Beloved Ones.  Imagine being able to walk freely through the streets and through the forests without a thought about protecting yourself from harm.  What a glorious time it will be when all humankind truly understands the meaning of Oneness and can behave accordingly.  Of course, someone has to start in order to create the change, don't they?  All beings will learn a new sense of cooperation and cohabitation by experiencing the shift in others.  Will you be one of those "others" who sets the trend?  Will you break the mold of old suspicions, old fears, and throw your heart open to find out what is possible when you transmit great waves of love and acceptance rather than fear and paranoia.

The air you are breathing is becoming sweet and clean, sustaining your health in a new way, thanks to the efforts of your Galactic brothers and sisters.  The healing they have accomplished with Mother Earth would have taken hundreds of years to complete on her own.  Toxic chemicals, radiation, pollution of all kinds have been returned to their harmless carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen-based states. 

There will be no more poisoning of your crops, no more genetically modified Franken-foods as you have so appropriately labeled them.  Already the companies that have perpetrated the worst poisoning of the food supply are beginning to feel the pinch of decreased profits as more people awaken to the disastrous and cruel methods of husbandry and farming which were developed under the Reptilian profit-above-all business model.

The coming times are going to be exciting, challenging for many, and unexpectedly joyful for all.  You are beginning to feel the excitement in the air, and your spirits are rising to look forward to each new day.  Soon this attitude of anticipation will become the norm for you, for every day will bring new delights, new knowledge and brand new feelings of peace and fulfillment to all of you.  We understand that you are just beginning to trust in our words, for the slow evolution of your new life was not what you expected. 

Because of the religious teachings which painted God as the one who wielded great power over all his domain, and who could and would strike down anyone who displeased him, it has taken quite a lot of reassurance to convince you that this is not the way God actually behaves.  Now that you have begun to grasp, through the hundreds of messages from Mother and Father God in recent years, that it is not God's way to control and punish, you can begin to understand why there will not be forced change for the better either. 

As much as you continue to urge rapid change, special dispensation for the poor, immediate punishment for the criminal banksters and so forth, you are beginning to understand that this is not the True Way.  You came here to be tested, even if that meant hardship.  That has not changed.  What has changed is the agreement that those hardships will now be lifted so that everyone can now experience a new life. 

This is not being done to alleviate the suffering.  It is being done because this was our agreement - that when the consciousness level of the planet rises sufficiently to warrant a complete shift, all past contracts and all the traditional ways in which you learned your life lessons would be changed.  People have always fallen sick, suffered and died, lost their way, and felt alone and bereft.  That was the way lessons were learned here on Planet Earth. 

In the planning of your life contracts before you came here, there were no complaints about how hard life would be or how stressful it would feel to work long hours.  You were eager to rise to the challenge and take on whatever obstacles might be thrown in your path.  You are indeed an intrepid race of adventurers.  It is only after you arrive here, behind the Veil, that the suffering here becomes a fretful preoccupation.

This is part of the plan, Dear Ones.  The empathy you feel for others in need is what helps you to grow.  What you do about those feelings will shape how far you move in your ascension toward complete Love and Light.  Rather than curse the Dark, as they say, remember to light your candle, and to move into the places of darkness where others are in despair and cast a great beacon of LoveLight for others to see by.  This is the meaning of being a Lightworker. 

It is a delicate balance between wanting to improve conditions for others while also respecting the fact that they are here to learn their own lessons.  The answer is to only offer that help which will allow others to help themselves.  In this way, you encourage independence and competence, the backbone of self-respect.  We have taught that the ability to love yourself is the first step in learning to love others.  It allows you to experience how important it is to feel respected, to accept never-ending love, and to thrive in the great nurturing Light which is Divine Love.

You are learning that you are Divine, that each one of you is Divine, and that you all carry the spark of Divinity which is God.  Remember to repeat the mantra which will strengthen and nourish you:  I AM in command of my life; I AM strong; I AM sure; I AM good; I AM alive; I AM competent, I AM Light; I AM God.  Add whatever characteristic you feel is most important for you to recognize now. 

Enjoy your days, dear sisters and brothers.  Enjoy the experience of being in this body, in this time and place, for it will never be the same day again.  Join with me to rejoice in the changes which are already happening on the surface of your dear Mother Earth.  You are surrounded by angels, guides and friends.  We will soon be visible to you, and you will recognize us because you have been developing a relationship with us all along.

I love you beyond words, dear Human Ones. 
Your brother, Sananda.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Scott Mowry: The End of Economic Slavery Has Arrived

Scott Mowry: The End of Economic Slavery Has Arrived

Posted by Stephen Cook
Freedom like the butterfly

The End of Economic Slavery Has Arrived

Scott Mowry, Miracles and Inspiration, Aug. 31, 2013
• Global Debt Discharged as of July 1, 2013
• James McBride of Divine Province announces human race has been released from bankruptcy
• Pope releases game-changing Apostolic Letter
• Numerous resignations forthcoming including Fed Chairman Bernanke, Homeland Security Chief Napolitano and much more
For more news stories see our News Archives
Our world continues its inexorable march towards total and complete freedom.
As we had anticipated, humanity is throwing off the chains of slavery and finding itself being liberated at a truly astonishing rate. A miraculous process continues to unfold where we are seeing very tangible results coming forward into the public consciousness, despite a massive mainstream news media blackout.
Almost every other day some new, amazing development emerges to positively confirm major and dramatic changes are upon us as never before. The momentum of these successive events is building to such a fever pitch, the end result will be a great shift of the paradigm which we call our reality. This shift is absolutely inevitable now.
What we now see developing in our world is the return of personal power within each and every one of us. This power comes from the understanding and recognition we are completely sovereign beings with God-given, unalienable rights which no man, government nor corporation can put asunder. Those unalienable rights include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” as laid down by our Founding Fathers in the great document known as the Declaration of Independence.
Regrettably, those God-given rights have been under attack ever since the Founding Fathers established our great nation. Through a slow and methodical campaign by the Crown of England (the City of London)the international banking cartel and the Vatican, we have witnessed the tables turned to a point where America has become a virtual police state and our rights have been ground into the dirt.
Although many assume the United States of America is a “free” country, the actions of our government, the political elite, the wealthy aristocracy and the multi-national corporations over the last 140 years belies the ideals of freedom as envisioned at the birth our nation. The words of German politician and writer, Johan Wolfgang von Goethe have never rang more true: “none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who believe they are free.”
The United States and the entire world remain controlled by one very key tool of enslavement ––  the availability of money. And nearly all the money in the world today has been reduced to mere worthless paper, or fraudulent numbers upon a bank’s computer screen.
To that end, the world economy and its many currencies have been systematically hijacked and are now solely based upon the foundation of debt. In fact, debt is the engine which drives our global economic system and without the debt/credit relationship, the world economy as it is currently constituted, would cease to function.
Thus we have reached a most critical point in the modern world history where a debt-based economy and its related fiat currencies simply must go. Neither can sustain themselves any longer nor do they adequately serve the needs of a rapidly evolving human race. In their place must come a wholly new system based upon lasting value, sustainability and fairness for all.
And that is precisely what is happening at this very moment.
A very determined effort from a contingent of brave, noble people and alliances is working feverishly behind the scenes to transform our world economy for the better. And now, we are seeing the results coming out into the open in a series of historic steps which are unfolding. Ultimately there will be an unveiling of many landmark initiatives such as the Global Currency Reset, the World Global Settlements, the Global Collateral Accounts and the Restoration of the Republic, among many others.
It is truly remarkable to behold all of which is occurring in our world.
The year 2013 has already been one of the most historic and revealing years in the history of mankind. And we still have a whole quarter left to go. The amount of revelations which have come from heretofore secret societies and clandestine institutions has been nothing short of staggering.
As we dive further down the proverbial rabbit hole to uncover an understanding much more closely resembling a truth, we find the same story repeating itself again and again. That story is –– all roads lead to Rome. The Roman empire of Constantine, Cesar, etc. never really went away. It just moved into the Vatican and has remained there ever since to rule over the entire world in secret, hidden to nearly everyone on the planet.
Nonetheless, the Holy Roman Empire finally began the process of seriously unraveling on the date of February 11, 2013 when Pope Benedict XVI announced he would be stepping down as of February 28th due to health concerns. This marked the first time in 700 years a sitting Pope voluntarily chose to leave office rather than being forced out.

Who says lightning doesn’t strike twice? Two lightning bolts strike the Vatican on February 11, 2013.

Later, during the very same day at 6 PM local Vatican City time, lightning struck the very symbol of Vatican control, St. Peter’s Basilica, not once buttwice. As it turns out, these lightning bolts were very foreboding signs of even more amazing developments yet to come out of the Roman empire.
Within days of the Pope Benedict’s announcement, it was revealed an arrest warrant had been issued against him for crimes against humanity. OnFebruary 15, the Vatican revealed Pope Benedict would lead a quite life in retirement residing in a convent within the walls of Vatican City. In essence, the Vatican proclaimed it will protect him from any or all prosecution regarding the ongoing pedophilia and sexual abuse allegations against numerous priests and other members within the Catholic church umbrella.
On March 13, 2013, the famous white smoke arose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel to signify a brand new Pope had been chosen, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit Archbishop no less, from Argentina, who decided upon the name of Pope Francis.
Almost immediately, the new Pope seemed intent on displaying a much different public profile than his predecessors when he returned back to pay his hotel bill, chose not reside in the lavish Papal apartment and to take the bus rather than luxurious limousines. Then, on Easter Sunday, March 29, 2013, in an surprising break from tradition, Pope Francis went to a youth prison to wash the feet of Muslims and atheists in an emulation of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
On June 3, 2013, yet another surprising resignation rocked the Catholic Church when the second most powerful man in the Vatican hierarchy, Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, walked away from his post, as well. Once again rumors persisted an eventual arrest warrant was awaiting Cardinal Bertone too.
News emanating from the Vatican then took yet another noteworthy turn on July 25, 2013. Jaemes McBride of, the de jure Postmaster General of North America, held a special free live webinar. He proceeded to make a number of amazing announcements regarding the world economic condition and the Vatican, which has thus far gone unrecognized by the mainstream media. (See video archive below.)
Click here to view the embedded video.
Shift Happens! ~ July 25, 2013“We’re seeing that there is this shift that is happening. We made it, that we won. We’ve been fighting for years to discharge the debt. And we did that,” he stated on the live webinar. “As of July 1, 2013, we do have global debt forgiveness. All the accounts and claims have been settled,” he added.
For years, Mr. McBride and others have been negotiating with Vatican and the Crown of England to release the burden of world-wide debt from the people of th world. He claims he was able to accomplish this feat by obtaining the coveted Seal of St. Peter from the Vatican which gives him authority to effect changes to the laws.
Divine Province has also gained control of the Global Estate Trust, “previously held by the Vatican and the Crown by default, having successfully assumed control and claim of the commission and powers of the Apostle Peter without challenge for centuries”.

The Divine Province: Birthing New Earth book

Mr. McBride also revealed he was given confirmation of the discharge of the debt by the Chinese elders who have been an integral part of the Global Currency Reset about to be implemented.
According to Mr. McBride, although the global debt discharge became official on July 1st, the world rulers requested a three year period until the old system is completely fazed out.
“There is a transitional window. The powers that be and the banks and everything have a window to make this transition so as not to excite chaos,” he explained. “They have a three year window that they plan to exploit.”
However, Mr. McBride was adamant this three year window was simply an arbitrary number which can be severely reduced by the awakening of the people of the Earth to the truth through a process of education and awareness.
Here is further information about Divine Province and Jaemes McBride from one of their sister websites,
“Divine Province and Jaemes McBride, along with the labors of all who are committed and passionate for freedom and Natural Law, have broken the spell and power of the Vatican and Crown (City of London), and its presumptuous claim on the land and assets of the world as being under their sole and ultimate control, being managed by its structured hierarchy (which extends down to governors, cities, and towns worldwide).
The Vatican and Crown established the thoroughly incorporated, international commercial system throughout the world that has severely debilitated justice, governments, and the People’s wealth, power, and standing; by holding and controlling their divine estates in bankruptcy/dishonor, covertly treating them as lifeless subjects under commerce and numerous debilitating presumptions and adhesion contracts, and exploiting them and their souls as chattel for trade and profit.” (Also see Jaemes McBride’s & Ed Rychkun’s book “The Divine Province: Birthing New Earth” for much more detailed information. Also linked here.)
Click here to view the embedded video.
A Rare 20/20 Interview with James McBridePOPE ISSUES HISTORIC APOSTOLIC LETTER
Within a short period of time of the global debt discharge, even more dramatic world events began to unfold in rapid succession.
On July 11, 2013 a new Apostolic Letter was issued by Pope Francis. Effectively, this letter states all immunity for anyone under the auspices of the Roman Curia including not only priests and bishops but world leaders, political figures, government officials, judges, lawyers, etc., officially ends on the date of September 1, 2013.
In essence, this letter states any or all of these parties can be held accountable and sued for war crimes or crimes against humanity. Although, given their long history of malfeasance, it would be unwise to assume the Pope and the Vatican will be politely stepping aside as their numerous crimes are revealed to the world’s people.
Nevertheless, beginning on September 1, 2013, we may begin to see a degree of profound changes unfold in both the US and throughout the world. It is no coincidence that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has announced his resignation effective on that particular date. As has Federal Reserve Board Governor, Elizabeth A. Duke and Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, both of whom be resigning on September 1st.
In addition, numerous other resignations of priests, bishops and clergymen have also been quietly announced for September 1st. We can expect to see more resignations forthcoming from many other public officials in the very near future.
Click here to view the embedded video.
James McBride of Divine Province on As You Wish Radio August 10th, 2013A BRIEF HISTORY LESSON ON MONEY 
“The truth shall set you free, but first it may piss you off,” it has been said. Frankly, the truth is hard to come by.
Admittedly, there is no real accurate historical account of how the world found itself in such a desperate state of enslavement to the Vatican, as it has been so well concealed. It is safe to say it has been accomplished by a very meticulous, elaborate and devious plan in order to bring the entire world under the Vatican’s collective thumb. Therefore, to tell the story it is necessary to piece together a wide variety of information from a number of sources. And these sources don’t always agree.
With an economic system based upon debt and a worthless fiat currency, where does the value of the US dollar come from? Many will be shocked to learn the truth behind how our financial system has been set up and has operated since the official implementation of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1933.
The short answer is the value for our money is obtained directly from you and all Americans who have been born in the US since the 1930′s. The value is drawn from our life force, our good will as consumers, spenders, wage earners and taxpayers. Thus, we can see where a term such as “human resource” figures into the equation.
Our life force is represented by one very important document which is then used as an instrument of value to back up the worth of the US dollar and to act as collateral against the fraudulent, illusionary US debt. That instrument of value is the birth certificate.
Naturally, this system has been instituted very slowly over many years in a strictly covert fashion. It has relied upon the ignorance and low level of consciousness by the people in order for it to take root. And it begins at the moment of birth and entangles us until our last breath upon this Earthly plane.
When parents sign off on a birth certificate for their new born child, they are authorizing him or her to be entered into the system as a bona fide debt slave. At the same time, each of us is issued a line of credit sanctioned by the world-wide economic system and ultimately controlled by the Vatican.
That credit amounts to anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars within the confines of the system and only accessible via a financial institution, insurance agent, public utility, medical care provider, etc.
Your birth certificate, in turn, is tied to your social security number and becomes the method by which the banks draw upon to establish a line of credit when you come of age to open a bank account, a credit card, apply for a home loan, car loan and/or educational loan, etc. In fact, nearly every business relationship you enter into with a corporation, whether it is a cell phone contract, cable TV, telephone, electrical power, water service, insurance, health care, loan, traffic ticket, lawsuit –– you name it –– all tap into the same credit system.
In effect, these banking institutions are lending you your own credit and then charging you an exorbitant amount of interest for the use of it. If you default on a loan, the banks or the corporations then have the legal right to confiscate your home, property, car, etc. or take you to court for payment.
All of this is accomplished because the Vatican believes it has been bestowed the Divine right through the Papal bull to have dominion over all land, property, valuables and even your own body and your children through their possession of the birth certificates. In their eyes, the people of the Earth are merely debt slaves or paupers, and thus, must not become a burden to the Church. And as such, slaves have no rights, have no say in the matter and by law, cannot own anything. In other words, slaves are property and not human beings. (See video below for more Vatican secrets from Jordan Maxwell.)
Click here to view the embedded video.
Vatican Secrets EXPOSED! Jordan Maxwell | in5d.comYet here we stand, in the year 2013 and we are witnessing the disintegration of this entire corrupt and insane system. And we are now actually getting to see how its demise is being accomplished.
Granted, most people of the world will be shocked to the core to learn the true and absolute powers which lie within Vatican City, the Holy See and the Pope. The Holy Roman Empire has been the most powerful force on the planet for over 2,700 years. The Vatican has wielded indisputable temporal power over world affairs for centuries, including over the US as it sits at the very top of the pyramid when it come to the pecking order of planetary rulers.
Therefore, the very fact they have now authorized the discharge global debt is one of the greatest milestones in the history of the world.
Ironically, as the world’s people are released from all debt obligations, the USA, Inc. shadow government, also known as Washington, DC will not be afforded the same privileges. The USA, Inc. has been over laid on top the original Republic envisioned by the Founding Fathers by an act of Congress known as the Organic Act of 1871, which established the Washington, DC/District of Columbia corporation.
Despite the illegal formation of this corporation, the Republic of the united States for America, as it was originally intended to be still very much exists. The USA, Inc., the entity responsible for the national deficit, is now bankrupt and we are now witnessing its free fall.
––  As if to further confirm the discharge of the debt and the bankruptcy of the USA corporation, a series of strange events began to unfold over the weekend of August 3rd and 4th.
The US government announced as many as sixteen embassies in the Middle East would be closing for a period of several days. Within hours of that report on CNN, the US State Department declared the embassies instead will be closed for as long as a week, with a further number of African embassies added to the total of nineteen.
––  Then, on Monday, August 5th, the Daily Mail reported HSBC Bank had informed the many foreign embassies and consulates located in England who are account holders, they will need to find another institution to do their business. As the foreign embassies, including even the Vatican, scrambled for an alternative, they found no other banks in England were willing to take on their banking needs either.
Very likely the numerous embassy closings by the US State Department and the refusal of HSBC Bank to retain other foreign embassies as customers are intricately related to the ongoing bankruptcy of the world corporate governments.
––  On August 12, 2013, Attorney General Eric Holder announced he would recommend the states begin to release prisoners in victimless crimes such as drug offenses, tax evasion, etc. It should be noted nearly one quarter of all prisoners world-wide are found in US jails. And yet we are told again and again, by our history books and our media we are a free nation.
Make no mistake about it, the penal system is part of the international slave trade where prisoner bonds are bought and sold like livestock on an underground market. The very fact the US Attorney General would make such a pronouncement is clearly directly tied to the discharge of the global debt.
––  In still another astonishing development, on Thursday, August 22, the NASDAQ stock exchange went dark for a full three full hours during daytime trading. In the aftermath, many Wall Street media pundits and insiders were scratching their heads in an effort to figure out what really happened. They were unable to come up with any definitive answers.
––  On August 23rd a report emerged insisting the down time was due to an attempt to link the NASDAQ exchange with the Global Currency Reset which ultimately crashed the entire system as many as six times. The NASDAQ collapse caused numerous other stock entities to briefly go off line, as well, including: the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE); the Toronto Exchange (TSX); the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX); among several others.
Although most sources attributed the outage to some kind of major technical glitch, it is important to note a malfunction of this magnitude had never occurred in the entire 42-year history of NASDAQ, easily the most technologically advanced exchange in the world.
––  Ironically, tech titans Google and Amazon, as well as, media conglomerate, the New York Times, all had similar outages during the month of August. It is highly likely these other technical failures are not merely coincidental but perhaps part of a series of warning shots to the global elite. It should be noted, the heads of Google, Amazon & the New York Times all have been active members of the Bilderberg group.
––  The very same day as the NASDAQ outage, August 22nd, the annual Federal Reserve meeting was convened in Jackson Hole, Wyoming without Ben Bernanke in attendance but with IMF Managing Director, Christine Lagarde. Ms. Lagarde was interviewed during the conference and proclaimed: “The banking system needs to be unclogged, and liquidity as well as instruments need to move fluidly throughout the system, which has not been the case.”
––  On August 23rd, David Wilcock reported in his latest post the US military is now working with the hacker group Anonymous in a united effort to take down the Federal Reserve banking cartel. He also stated the majority of the military is in support of the take-down of the Federal Reserve cartel. If accurate, this report would mark a crucial development ensuring the proper security will be in a place for any type of scenario to institute the Global Currency Reset and the Restoration of the Republic.
––  Meanwhile, the international cabal in an act of total desperation continues to try to ferment World War III in Syria in order to stave off their own bankruptcy and the implementation of the Global Currency Reset. Having already miserably failed to do the same in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Egypt, Syria remains one of the few remaining Middle East countries vulnerable for manipulation through a false flag attack.
Yet, even with a threat of world war, we are seeing more and more of the globe uniting to stand directly opposed an international cabal whose support may have now dwindled down to a mere eight member countries including: the US; Canada; France; England; Israel; Turkey; Saudi Arabia; and Qatar. Another clear sign the game has dramatically shifted. We have come to the point where nearly the whole of the planet has mandated we must begin the move towards a world of peace.
Clearly we are seeing the collapse of an old paradigm no longer sustainable within our rapidly evolving reality. From this point on, we can expect big and spectacular changes to become the norm.
Unfortunately, it appears as if the sheer scope and scale of the Global Currency Reset and all its many components was a far grander and more complex undertaking than any had anticipated. The numerous technical issues which have cropped up recently with NASDAQ, Eurex and the co-ordination with other financial systems such as Forex as well as the newly created International Currency Exchange (ICX) have proven it to be so.
Many, many reports have suggested numerous attempts of the GCR have been done without success thus far. We must now conclude there may still be several important pieces to this puzzle which must align themselves for the Reset to be finally launched. Yet we must appreciate the many steps which have already been accomplished and thus we can confidently determine we are very, very close to completion.
With all of this extraordinary amount of activity, it should be abundantly clear by now we are dealing with a much, much bigger undertaking than revaluing one or two currencies. We are deep within the process of a total global phenomenon unprecedented in human history. As we sit now, humanity is at a critical stage of evolution. We have reached the point of no return.
Besides the upcoming date of September 1st, other significant dates to look towards include September 30th which is the end of the Fed fiscal year and October 8th when the new symbolic $100 bills will be released, ideally by the newly revitalized US Treasury, and not the Federal Reserve.
It is interesting to note the numerology for the date of August 31, 2013, the ending date before a new paradigm kicks in on September 1st ––  8 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 18. Then if broken down to single integer – 1 + 8 = 9. Nine is the symbolic number for completion.
If you have been following this story for some time, you have also likely noticed a great deal of conflicting and confusing information has peaked to an all time high. Understandably, you may have reached a point where you are ready to throw your hands in the air in a state of exasperation.
As events accelerate towards a crescendo, we may well be in the midst of what scientists have often referred to as the Chaos Theory. In this instance, reality begins to accelerate into an increasing state of chaos. Eventually, it reaches what appears to be an out-of-control stage. At this point, a dramatic shift occurs taking reality to a much higher level, or a more evolved state of being.
Do not be surprised if the world appears to get even stranger as we venture from an old paradigm into a new. From an old, outdated way of being to an entirely, expanded new one.
One of the greatest detriments to change is fear. As we have discussed in many previous news articles, fear can be a extremely debilitating condition which robs us of our innate power. We must resist the temptation to fall into a state of fear as we come to this critical stage in the future of the Earthly experience, despite the threats which seem to emerge from everywhere.
Ultimately, realize these are tests for us to overcome and all are merely an illusion. They are not real. In the process of overcoming our fears, we will accelerate our evolution that much more quickly.
We have outlined a great deal of very profound changes coming into our reality at this present time. These changes are directly the result of an awakening of consciousness within the human experience.
We must understand, all changes start from within. The world is not happening to us, we are directly affecting the experience we are having by our own thoughts and beliefs. All the conditions on the Earth, whether negative or positive, are the makings of the human mind.
Realize how magnificent a time we are living in as we are now witnessing the world transforming right before us. A long, sordid chapter of slavery, subjugation, fraud and fear is thankfully coming to a close. Directly in front of us lies a much more spectacular and enhanced human experience. And it is here now for the taking.
This time period which was long ago prophesied has been referred to in many different ways such as the great shift of consciousness, Heaven on Earth, or the Golden Age. Whatever label it goes by is of least importance, rather it is the feeling it engenders within which makes all the difference.
For sure, many, many challenges lie ahead us. Yet, ten times as many blessings will become accessible to you and your family like never before as we move forward.
Indeed, the time has come to begin to reap the harvest. And what a bountiful one it will be.
© 2013 MR Productions, LLC | All rights reserved
For more news stories see our News Archives
Editors note: Recently, several of our previous news articles have gone to the “viral” stage, having been posted far and wide on message boards, forums, blogs, websites, etc.
As these articles have reached more and more people, they have provoked quite a reaction. Some have reacted with a great deal of fear, trepidation and misunderstanding, particularly regarding the topics of NESARA , the Restoration of the Republic and the concept of oneness. Some have even called for my arrest for dare mentioning these kinds of possible scenarios, despite the fact many have been floating out in cyberspace for nearly ten years!
It is quite clear, this kind of fear-based thinking is a prime example of how programmed the US population has become. Unfortunately, many are simply ignorant of the true history of our nation and blindly believe in the propaganda spewed forth by the compromised mainstream media.
The fact of the matter is our government was overthrown well over 140 years ago when the corporation known as the District of Columbia was created by the Organic Act of 1871 at the behest of the international bankers.
The Restoration of the Republic is about returning to a constitutional form of government first envisioned by our brilliant Founding Fathers where the people of the US can be truly free. An overthrow of our government is NOT a part of this plan. Let me repeat –– it is NOT a part of the plan.
Admittedly, NESARA is a highly controversial and highly charged topic. Much has been said and written about it to the point where many have understandably become rather confused as to what it is all about. I have only briefly mentioned it in a few recent articles, yet it provoked quite a firestorm of debate on one particular forum.
Still others have taken the spirit of our news articles out of context in order to convince the reader their information is more accurate.
We are fully aware and understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own beliefs. And in turn, everyone is entitled to experience a reality of their own making –– be it positive or negative, uplifting or terrifying, love or fear. The choice is ultimately yours.
We are also keenly aware there is a process underway to free the world and the methods by which it may happen might all depend on who you talk to or believe in. And we also realize, all may not proceed smoothly, and in fact, it might be a bit of a bumpy ride as major events start to unfold.
Our mission is to present the most uplifting and inspirational angle on world events as possible. We intentionally look for information and confirmation of only the most optimistic outlook in order to create the most positive experience for everyone.
While some place the utmost importance upon the facts from “qualified sources,” our writings are primarily meant to generate an overall feeling of enthusiasm and excitement.
At the same time, we have stressed the profound influence of quantum physics which has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, our reality is created solely by our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs. We are not independent of the world but rather are the creators of it! In other words it really all depends on what you truly believe.
This realization is perhaps most important of all in understanding who and what we really are within the context of this 3-D Earthly experience we find ourselves in. When we truly comprehend this concept, we can then begin our evolution to a higher dimensional experience –– namely, the Golden Age.
In closing, I would also be remiss if I did not acknowledge all of the wonderful support which has poured in with the expanded readership of our articles. I would like to extend a personal thank you to all those who have written to me, who have supported me on the forums and who have signed up as new subscribers. Thank you one and all.
Best wishes and peace to all,
–– Scott Mowry
© 2013 MR Productions, LLC | All rights reserved

Chapter 10, The New Scriptures and Written by Sananda/Jesus

Chapter 10, The New Scriptures and Written by Sananda/Jesus

When this Ascension plan you are carrying out now was put in place thousands of years ago, it was considered a very ambitious design.  While there have been many planets in the cosmos which have ascended, and many groups of people who have ascended in the past, it is not generally done all together - planet and inhabitants in cooperation. 

It is common for a planet to be cleared of its inhabitants, who go elsewhere for a time to do their lessons, while the planet itself raises its vibration to a higher and higher level, finally achieving the transition to a higher dimension.  Some have done this several times, and now reside in the plane which is not visible to you.  In other cases, the individual souls have taken on the project to raise themselves to a higher dimension, where they too exist in a dimension which your human eyes cannot perceive. 

You are familiar with the story of my death and resurrection.  This was my ascension from planet Earth into higher dimensions.  It was intended to represent for you the possibility of eternal life, with a body risen to be your vehicle by which you can return to lower dimensions if you wish without having to go through the birth and death experience.  Unfortunately, that was not the part of the story that has been told, so I will take the opportunity here to explain it.

I did not come to our beloved Planet Earth to die for anyone's sins.  That is a nonsensical idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs.  I came to teach Love, simply that.  I wanted to express my own Love for the Creator, and to show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with those in spirit form who oversee and assist in our lives.  I saw the cruelty and greed on the planet and wished to find a way to lead people away from the suffering it caused.

Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the march of the Reptilian race.  They distorted my teachings, in the way they compiled the Bible, and even more effectively in the way they interpreted my teachings.  My disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what we stood for, but their writings are overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose agenda was to promote divisiveness and exclusivity rather than Unity and recognition that we are all One. 

I did not come to establish the religion, Christianity.  I would not have permitted teachings which would divide my people, the Jews, from anyone of other faiths or belief systems.  I had hoped to create a body of work which could be included in any and all religious or philosophical points of view.  It was intended to expand consciousness, no matter what a person's belief system might be.  Unfortunately, I had not yet left the Earth plane when the one who called himself Paul took it upon himself to begin an energetic proselytizing campaign in which he appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles.  Thus began the divisiveness between my followers and others which has continued to this day.

Paul, or Saul as he had been known, did not know me, nor did he understand the depth of my desire to encourage Unity across races, religions and creeds.  Instead, he began a crusade to teach his own version of my words, adapted to his own narrow view of the world.  He had been a cruel man, one whose purpose it had been to persecute my followers.  It is true that he had a "vision" in which I asked him why he was so determined to do this.  There was nothing unique about his ability to hear my complaint.  Many have been able to hear my voice more consistently than he did.  It did convince him to end his overt crusade which was intended to murder us, but his attraction to power and psychological violence did not end there. 

I do not blame Paul for his zealousness nor his destructive effect on my teachings.  He was under the sway of Dark forces, was inhabited by Reptilian entities, and was strongly influenced by his early family lessons.  He has long ago been forgiven, and has returned to the family of Love and Light.  He will play an important part in the coming Ascension of humankind.  In fact he is now a Commander of one of the large ships which will aid in the healing process of those who come to us in the first waves of those who have raised themselves sufficiently to cross into the 5th dimension.

Now, many of you have been given the impression that the coming event is something that will "happen" to you because you are here on Earth.  You have been frightened with images of massive war, catastrophic weather, and other life-threatening events.  This has been a fear campaign initiated by the Dark Ones, to distract you and lower your vibration so you cannot raise yourselves high enough to ascend to the Light, where you would be completely out of their reach.

You see, the Reptilian race which controlled the media and all the other important institutions on the planet were not capable of ascending higher than the 4th dimension.  They were mired in their self-created genetic limitations; they were not capable of great Love, and they despised the Light.  Their only desire was to control humanity, and they did that by keeping you in a state of fear.  Fear is the opposite of Love, therefore if you are in fear, you cannot ascend to join the Company of Heaven.  It was a very simple but effective strategy, and it is the way of life from which we are now working to free you.

The Reptilians and other Dark Entities are now gone from the planet, as of August 22, 2013.  You can hear the narration of the great ceremony in which they were given the alternative to go to the LIght or be dissolved as souls.  Nearly a million of them were rescued and went voluntarily to join Mother and Father God and the other Masters who welcomed them Home.  The recording of the event is at,* available for all to hear.  I was there, observing the momentous moment which marks the beginning of a new era.  It was truly the turning point which will allow your Ascension to proceed in an atmosphere of freedom and individual independence.

Many of you were "possessed" by the affliction of carrying a Dark Entity within your bodies.  They were able to move, in spirit form, from one human body to another, inflicting pain, illness, and perhaps worst of all, instilling ideas of despair, depression and anxiety in the host.  They had developed technologies to promote their propaganda and to torture those who defied them.  They were truly the nemesis of Humankind.  Mother God has spoken of these things eloquently in her messages to you, on the same radio channel and in the recent message given in her name. 

The leader of the Reptilians, Reginald, has taken the responsibility for leading his people to the Light, and will play an important role in their restoration and recovery from thousands of years of living as followers of the imaginary being called the Devil, or Satan.  They were mistakenly convinced that Lucifer was their Dark hero.  When he publicly and tearfully announced his return to Mother/Father God, and was welcomed as a hero of the Light, it was the beginning of the end for them. 

In the short period of one month, their reign of terror came to an end.  Their leaders have been removed from the planet, their hero was revealed to be the leader of their supposed enemies, and they were invited to be welcomed back as the prodigal race they had been for eons.  The implications of this dramatic ending - the true Apocalypse - has just begun to be felt across the planet.  It will unfold gradually, as people awaken to the knowledge that they are no longer living under massive oppression. 

There are a few holdouts, like the Syrian dictator who was allowed to remain as the final example, or object lesson, for how cruelty will be dealt with, should the human converts to the Reptilian program - the ones our Kathryn has called Wannabes - decide to continue their Dark actions.  This will be resolved when he realizes he no longer has any supporters, because everyone has "given up the ghost" when it comes to profiting on the backs of the poor and holding power over others.  There is no more power structure to protect them, and to allow them immunity from prosecution.  The collapse of the Tower of Darkness is at hand.

This is your Apocalypse, Dear Ones.  It is an event that will bring dancing in the streets, as the entire globe experiences Arab Spring - the term that has come to represent the final rising up of those who have been oppressed, to form more humane and viable forms of governance for all.  It has gone by fits and starts, as can be expected, but it is a powerful and unstoppable force for Good which has taken hold of the imaginations of all who strive toward the Light.  It will be done, as Earth as it is in Heaven.

Heaven, you see, is a place of endless Love.  There is no punishment, no judgment and no retribution.  It is what you would think of as a democratically governed multidimensional place beyond time or space.  There are no limits to the possibility for each soul to evolve, to learn and to thrive.  All creativity is celebrated, all individuality respected, and all efforts toward Love and Light are supported by Prime Creator and the Ascended Masters who are his Legions of Light.  In the Milky Way Galaxy, which is home to us, the governance of the galaxy is overseen by Mother/Father God, those great Enlightened Beings of Pure Love who have created All That Is within this galaxy.

You have been taught that there is a Trinity of leadership which is responsible for you here on Earth and beyond.  We are Prime Creator, the Creator of all Creators, Mother/Father God, and I, Sananda, the one you knew in my most recent incarnation as Yeshua ben Joseph.  Mother God has been known as Sekhmet, Isis, The Empress, and has been represented as the lioness, the great Sphinx.  Father God has been known variously as Alcyone, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva and more recently, Zorra.  Prime Creator is the Invisible Hand behind all creation, the Source of All Things, and the one we honor and love above all.  There is no designation to describe Prime Creator, such as he/she/it.  We simply honor and adore our Creator, who is Love, the source of all Light.

Within the great cosmos, which includes the star systems, visible and invisible to your human eyes, there are many races, many inhabited planets, and infinite energy.  It is this energy which is managed and used by the powerful Creators, the Gods who create all beings, all souls, all planets and stars.  The mystery of Creation is known and taught by them, and is the height of the ascension ladder - the ability to create.  This ability is held sacred, a holy responsibility which is only carried by the Highest of the High. 

There are many Dark Ones who have tried to command the power of Creation, but their efforts have always come to naught, as in their efforts on Planet Earth to clone beings, artificially engineer plants, and manipulate the sacred DNA structures.  It will not continue, now that the originators of these projects are gone.  In addition, the massive poisoning of Mother Earth through the extraction and use of fossil fuels will be completely discontinued, because it is an unholy invasion of her sacred body. 

There have long been technologies which could have taken the place of these destructive practices, but their use has been forbidden by those whose hold on power and profit would have been weakened.  This stranglehold on technological progress has been lifted with the removal of the Reptilian race.  You will now see a blossoming of invention as never before, and your access to advanced knowledge will be unlimited as your brothers and sisters from other star systems will now be able to share their own knowledge in every area of life. 

Not only will new forms of energy and transportation be available to you.  All the problems of agriculture, water supply and management, and all the comforts of living will be brought into new light by cooperation and inspiration from everyone and anyone whose expertise you wish to draw upon.  This cooperation will be offered, but never imposed, because that is not the way of the peaceful and loving members of the Intergalactic Federation of Light.  Of course, this English translation of their name does not capture the sense of freedom and cooperation they stand for.  It is an organization of planetary leaders from all the cosmos who have pledged their allegiance to the work of Prime Creator, which is the action of Love and Light in the interest of all Good.

The Supreme Commander of the fleet of spacecraft belonging to the Intergalactic Federation is the one you have known as Ashtar.  He has been present in Earth orbit, and has often been channeled by various ones among you, as he gathered and organized the great fleet which has come to be of assistance to you.  His ship, The New Jerusalem, has been my home since my last incarnation as Jesus, as together we have overseen the coming Ascension of Planet Earth.  It is Ashtar who has been in charge of the protection of Mother Earth from any outside influence as she has gone through the process of her own Ascension. 

Yes, there are still some in the lower dimensions of the Universe who would bring military force to disrupt the movement of the entire planet into higher vibrations, but they are not as dangerous as they imagine themselves to be.  The Federation would always prefer peaceful means to settle any conflict, and will not use their considerable might if it is at all avoidable.  This gives the Dark Ones the impression that We are afraid to fight them, an idea that is of course entirely false; we simply prefer not to use force.  The IFL has taken action when it is completely necessary, when a planet calls upon them to do so, as in the current removal of the Dark Ones from your midst.

So you see, you are entirely protected and overseen by the Legions of Light, who have been given permission by Prime Creator to carry out the mission of aiding Mother Earth and humankind in their coming Ascension.  They will help, but only in so far as it is not considered intervention.  I wish to emphasize here that this process is not something that will be done to you or for you.  It is something you will accomplish individually first, and as a group next, for no one will ascend who has not completed their own learning process. 

This means you must each learn to heal the residue of discontent, anger, resentment and fear which you have been steeped in for lifetimes. Each person must lay down their weapons, whether they be the tendency toward aggression or the inclination toward self-centered control of others.  All dark energy must be purged, all dark actions forsworn.  This is what many of you would consider a "tall order."  Indeed it is.  You may find it difficult at first, as you are newly adjusting to your physical and emotional freedom, but We have trusted in the resilience and great potential which is inherent in the human soul.  We are here to help you, and our presence will be felt increasingly, as the energy of Light spreads across your planet.

Rejoice, Beloved Ones.  Your Apocalypse has been written in the stars.  It is the end of the world as you have known it, and the world you have known was one of Darkness, war, suffering and control by the forces of evil.  No more.  Now, in this year of your calendar, 2013, begins a new era in the life of the glorious Blue Planet, Mother Earth.  You who have chosen to be here at this time, all who came as souls from distant origins across the Universes, will share in the triumph and the joy which is our destiny.

I too have chosen to be here, to help lead this magnificent Ascension, filled with Love and admiration for the courageous souls who are the brothers and sisters of my heart.

I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus of Nazareth.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 30, 5 PM, EDT

To hear Lucifer tell of his return, go to

To hear the ceremony in which all Reptilians were taken to the Light, go to