Friday, June 28, 2013

"The CVAC called GOD SKY EARTH has offered to back more than seven billion people with six million dollars apiece."

Neo The United Kingdom Of God Sky Earth
'The Royal Oath of Honor Council: A History of the Beginning of the End'
A further inquiry into the SWISSINDO Trust
         "The CVAC called GOD SKY EARTH has offered to back
more than seven billion people with six million dollars apiece."
        "The people of the earth are presently afraid to retire old systems of government, banking, and judicial structure because they don't know what will replace them, even though the complete corruption of these institutions is killing us all — softly and slowly or hard and fast, depending. This paper aims to resolve that equation by presenting the logic of a robust new framework that will handily support our transition to life on a much better planet."

What if we all have the opportunity right now to give the best of ourselves and, at the same time, be supported and rewarded for being those multi-variant selves, no matter what our range of interests is, as long as we do no harm to another being? Whose signature do you need to see on paper to believe that this is a very real option in this precise moment of now? Consider whether you’re persuaded by the concept that sufficient funds exist and are available to us, this summer, to underwrite not only a global debt jubilee, but also to sustain a return of the people’s value to the people—because we are all equally the beneficiaries of the world’s wealth. It's an entirely open question who really rules the world. It depends on which lens you want to use.

The trust that is now formally prepared to underwrite this global initiative has been misused at an international level. In February of this year, the Trustee of the SWISSINDO International Orbit Trust, Mr. A1.Sino.AS.S“2”.IR.Soegihartonotonegoro,ST, has deployed the One People’s Public Trust UCC filings to legally declare an end, worldwide, to corruption, collusion and nepotism (known in Indonesia by the acronym KKN: ‘korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme’). The people of the earth are presently afraid to retire old systems of government, banking, and judicial structure because they don't know what will replace them, even though the complete corruption of these institutions is killing us all—softly and slowly or hard and fast, depending. This paper aims to resolve that equation by presenting the logic of a robust new framework that will handily support our transition to life on a much better planet.


On June 2, in honor of Mr. Sino.AS's birthday, SWISSINDO officially published a document titled PRASASTY KERATON CAKRABUWANA DAN SUMPAH CARAKA and subtitled 'Royal Oath of Honor Council: A History of the Beginning of the End'. This declaration commemorates the establishment of the world's first CVAC (Creation's Value Assistance Center), which creates the legal structure that makes possible SWISSINDO’s distribution of funds to all the people of the earth, a value that Mr. Sino.AS understands was stolen from us all through 'korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme’. This is a model CVAC, the first of its kind. Interestingly, for SWISSINDO's purposes it is also a kingdom. This kit comes complete with a king, so it might be best to consider what the CVAC called NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH is all about, exactly.

Included among the precedents that Mr. Sino.AS cites are the following. He takes his precepts from the tenets of Pancasila; from Indonesia's Declaration of Independence as a republic under Sukarno in 1945; from the 1948 U.N. Declaration of Human Rights; from the 1955 Bandung Conference of non-aligned nations, hosted by Indonesia; from the 1963 Green Hilton Memorial Agreement between American President Kennedy and Indonesian President Sukarno; and from Sukarno's 'Supersemar' initiative of 11 March 1966. Let's take a look at the relevance of each precedent to Mr. Sino.AS’s vision of the global project now at hand.

The short clip linked below is an audio file of Sukarno reading the Indonesian Declaration of Independence along with a most striking photo of young Sukarno standing in a garage in front of 500 people, surrounded by student revolutionary representatives, early in the morning of 17 August 1945. Here's the back story: The Japanese, having supplanted the Dutch over the course of World War II as the colonial overlords of the Indonesian Archipelago, had experienced the horror of nuclear annihilation at the hands of Americans just ten days earlier. The students knew that there was only one, very finite, moment available in which to propel the Indonesian peoples out of colonialism, and they seized it. The night beforehand, Sukarno was pulled to a safe house and handed the Declaration that he read from the garage at dawn —and so the Republic of Indonesia was created.

"Indonesian Proclamation of Independence, 17 August 1945"
Mr. Sino.AS evokes that event as emblematic of the moment we have before us now. We have arrived at a singular point of historical time in which it is truly possible to return the value of the world to all of its people. Mr. Sino.AS wishes to seize this moment, and he invokes student participation (‘the youth of the world’). He sees students as the activist inheritors of all that is good.

During his long tenure in power as President of Indonesia, Sukarno was most productively concerned with developing the political philosophy of Pancasila (pronounced [pant?a?sila]), the official ideological foundation of the Indonesian state. This is Sukarno’s greatest legacy. Pancasila consists of two Old Javanese words (originally from Sanskrit), ‘pañca’ meaning five, and ‘si-la’ meaning principles. Thus Pancasila comprises five principles held to be inseparable and interrelated:

• Appreciation of the one and only Creator, (in Indonesian, Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa);
• Just and civilized humanity, (in Indonesian, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab);
• The unity of Indonesia, (in Indonesian, Persatuan Indonesia);
• Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives (in Indonesian, Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan dan Perwakilan);
• Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Keadilan Sosial bagi seluruh Rakyat Indonesia).

In addition to Pancasila, Mr. Sino.AS also philosophically links his GOD SKY EARTH initiative to the principles of the 1948 U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, here paraphrased to match Mr. Sino.AS’s articulation of them:

• Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

• Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.

• Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

• Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

• Whereas the peoples have reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

• Whereas the peoples have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with one another, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

• Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

• Now, Therefore THE PEOPLE proclaim THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance among the peoples.

Mr. Sino.AS recognizes that the above are principles that we, each of us, must start to apply in full self-responsibility if our CVAC initiatives are to succeed. We, the one people are now free to choose our own actions for ourselves, as long as we each stand in full responsibility and liability for those actions. As Mr. Sino.AS envisions the role of GOD SKY EARTH, the initial mission of the CVAC is to deploy the principles of Pancasila and the Declaration of Human Rights to improve on an international plan that almost became possible in 1963:

"In 1963 the gold that had been entrusted to the care of President Soekarno was recalled by the Nations to underpin the issuance of further US Dollars in order to further facilitate international trade. Under this Agreement, Soekarno (as the International Trustee Holder of the Gold) began the process of repositioning the gold that had earlier been entrusted to the care of the Indonesian People, back into the banking system to create a fractional backing for the US Dollar.

"The potential of this agreement led to Executive Order 11110 issued July 1963, which would have provided the Department of the Treasury the power to issue United States Dollars. Within two weeks after signing the Green Hilton Agreement which would have then enabled consolidation of EO 11110. Kennedy was assassinated a few days after his signing of the Green Hilton Agreement. With the death of Kennedy, the authority granted to the Treasury was never taken up." [see Resources, "The Green Hilton Agreement (Geneva 1963)"]

This plan, which never came to fruition, laid the framework for the international cooperation that has now resulted in the GOD SKY EARTH concept.


Post-colonialism is a useful tool for explaining and responding to the cultural legacies of colonialism and imperialism; it considers the human consequences of controlling a country and establishing settlers for the economic exploitation of the native people and their land. An important post-colonial story unfolded dramatically during the Bandung Conference of 1955, hosted by Indonesia. The Bandung Conference was co-sponsored by the governments of Burma, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The sponsoring nations brought together 24 additional nations from within Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Because the process of decolonization was still underway in many places on earth, the conference delegates took it upon themselves to speak for other colonized peoples (especially in Africa) that had not yet established independent governments.

At the conference, the delegates did an amazing thing. They debated and subsequently resolved key principles for national and local communities coming into full independence in the aftermath of colonial rule: political self-determination, mutual respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, and equality. The delegates signed a communique at the close of the conference that indicated their serious objectives: the promotion of economic and cultural cooperation, protection of human rights and the principle of self-determination, a call for an end to racial discrimination wherever it occurred, and a reiteration of the importance of peaceful coexistence.

The delegates built upon the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which had initially been worked out in negotiations between India and China in 1954. Those principles stand as an alternate, complementary version of the Pancasila principles laid out by Sino above—they come from the same root. Both seek to build solidarity within and among recently independent nations. At the time of the conference, non-European countries were forced to carefully negotiate their relationships with both the west and the east, and they were the locus of considerable collateral damage. Many territories were either engaged in fierce decolonization battles or facing the challenge of becoming autonomous nations even as a new global, neocolonial framework was being imposed on them. This is an era now finished, per Sino’s GOD SKY EARTH initiative.

The SWISSINDO Trust, while waiting patiently for its opportunity to fund development on a truly global scale—an opportunity that has now arrived—partnered with OMD (Organisation Mondiale de Développement or, in English, World Development Organization), which was originally established in Paris in 1901 and is currently characterized as a United Nations ECOSOC Consultative Member and Non Governmental Organization. OMD has been working with SWISSINDO for the past decade to provide funding for international economic development and to assist its implementation with revolutionary technological tools.

Under the direction of OMD, SWISSINDO has for the past decade had a funding program in place for projects that respect the tenets of the Bandung Conference, which are these: effective political participation in a new international democratic framework fueled by real grassroots energy to seek democratic participation at the national and local level. However, Mr. Sino.AS asserts that since the mid 1960s in particular, “global crisis and corruption swept across the line, executive, legislative, judiciary.” The net result has been the failure of “ECOSOC related Conventions and human rights law, [and] the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN-1948).” Mr. Sino.AS names in particular "money laundering conspiracy and a variety of covert transactions on Product Exhibit A. UBS Gold Certificate-Instruction and Exhibit B. UBS-Mortgage Obligation Certificate Statements, scattered throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and throughout the banking system." Mr. Sino.AS now envisions a new trajectory, and he has the signing authority to put his plan in place.

SWISSINDO has historically funded OMD’s programs via the utilization of physical metallic assets and monetary assets currently held in the largest commercial banks and institutional banking organizations throughout the world, including the World Bank, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve System. Indonesia has been described as one of the most governmentally corrupt nations on earth. At the same time, however, the ancient royal houses of the Indonesian Archipelago are leading the world to fight for freedom from economic enslavement. Mr. Sino.AS’s remedy is connected OMD’s banking apparatus, which will now assist in the disbursement of value to all the people, globally.


Mr. Sino.AS does not seek to change any existing economic systems that are doing no harm. Rather, he wishes to offer everyone, globally, the first CVAC structure as a carapace of protection under which funds can be disbursed. Mr. Sino.AS’s main intent is to preserve existing systems wherever this is possible. He does not wish to harm any other living being nor see any harmed. Here, Mr. Sino.AS’s metaphysical sense comes through strongly. Indonesian culture has retained a focus on ancient metaphysical principles that have been discouraged in western culture. GOD SKY EARTH has been created entirely to suit one sovereign being’s interaction with the needs and desires of like-minded others. Indeed, we expect this of the participants of every CVAC on the planet. GOD SKY EARTH cannot be regarded as a kingdom in any of the usual western historical senses of the term, because the CVAC structure is entirely non-coercive. Similarly, it is not necessary to subscribe to the tenets of one particular philosophy or ecclesiastical doctrine in order to be receptive to the underlying values that Mr. Sino.AS endorses, as they are universal. This is the New World Order entirely defanged.

As the 681st King of Kings, Mr. Sino.AS wishes to introduce and endorse his own CVAC recommendations for governance (not government), according to which each participant affirms that they stand in full self-awareness and declares that they are willing to become a citizen of the kingdom of the world. As a citizen of the kingdom of the world they affirm their planet's commitment to a civil world government founded in principles of universal values, the basis of the law of the world. As a sovereign being participating in the kingdom of the world, they consciously affirm their inherent responsibilities and rights as a legitimate member of the world community. Sino concludes that the principle of unity above all is a civil commitment to preserve planet earth.

The collateral supporting the accounts that GOD SKY EARTH proposes to grant directly to the people of the world is collected under the SWISSINDO Trust designation 'Exhibits A and B'. The backing for these accounts consists of 74,760,920,184 kilograms of collateral gold, stored throughout the Indonesian Archipelago. Traditionally, by “master agreement” (and prior to Mr. Sino.AS's change of plans), Mr. Sino.AS has handed the dividends of the interest-bearing accounts backed by this gold to 25 countries through the U.N. and the World Bank. These are the off-ledger accounts that have been funding the world's corporations, including the world's corporate governments, for decades.

Witnessing that there is "global change and fiscal strain and demand of a monetary nature,” Mr. Sino.AS has declared that the Committee of 300 and the United Nations have now received sequential audits performed on behalf of the SWISSINDO Trust, and so are amply informed of both his plan and his authority to execute it. These audits are represented in the Declaration as “ASBLP Final Report 1900-2008, ASBLP-0333902-2010, ASBLP-Audited Accounts 0330-2012 Data Sheets INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS (Supervision: The Committee of 300 - The World Bank Group)”. The document proclaims that the Committee of 300 and the United Nations have now had the opportunity to review the changes Mr. Sino.AS has made to the plan for disbursement of the global collateral accounts, per audits of the Trust's Infinite Bank Statements as supervised by the World Bank. Because the Bank for International Settlements (and all subsidiary banks globally) have now been lawfully foreclosed by the UCC legal filings of the One People's Public Trust, SWISSINDO seeks to establish an alternate route for disbursing the funds of the Trust to all of the world's people directly. In technical terms, this is not a complex matter. The means of bypassing the existing banking system is straightforward.

Mr. Sino.AS's instruction is for the asset-based funds that will enable the transition to be disbursed via a series of CVACs that for the sake of convenience he calls the '5 Continents': Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas, and Australia. The people called to manage this transition will work under the following auspices: “UN-SWISSINDO-OMD for Europe; UN-MUN-SWISSINDO for Asia, UN-SWISSINDO (OPPT) for Africa, the Americas, and Australia.” In implicit acknowledgement of the student revolutionaries who have been critically important to Indonesia’s history as a republic, Sino avers that this is “the new generation of the best in the world as the messenger of GOD, the Lord Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.” Sino proposes to pay out a series of accounts numbered 1-11 to “all participants”, which is to say to the global human population. The funds go to all “7 Billion people on Planet Earth (5 Continents) with the Global Key Master Plan” that has been in development since the time of the Declaration of Indonesian Independence, but which had been subverted by large corporate organizations and institutions that have now been foreclosed.

Mr. Sino.AS recommends that members of the GOD SKY EARTH CVAC stop “the bankers and heads of government who have been violators of human rights (UN-1948) since the start of the Republic of Indonesia, and which have inhibited the management of the assets” known to westerners as the Global Collateral Accounts. Accordingly, he invokes the power of the Supersemar:

“The Supersemar, the Indonesian abbreviation for Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret (Order of March the Eleventh) was a document signed by the Indonesian President Sukarno on 11 March 1966, giving the army commander Lt. Gen. Suharto authority to take whatever measures he ‘deemed necessary’ to restore order to the chaotic situation during the Indonesian killings of 1965–66. The abbreviation ‘Supersemar’ is a play on the name of Semar, the mystic and powerful figure who commonly appears in Javanese mythology including wayang puppet shows. The invocation of Semar was presumably intended to help draw on Javanese mythology to lend support to Suharto's legitimacy during the period of the transition of authority... In effect, the Supersemar came to be seen as the key instrument of the transfer of executive power." [see Resources, "Supersemar - Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret (Order of March the Eleventh)"]

Sino acknowledges that the existing government and banking bureaucracies constitute a harvesting system. This debt slavery system can now be replaced with an asset-based system of credit that eliminates usury. The UCC legal filings of the One People’s Public Trust foreclosed existing banks and governments; reconfirmed the legal framework for true common law, replacing for-profit admiralty law systems; and laid the framework for CVACs as new forms of governance. CVAC governance councils that are established by sovereign beings, each having their own system of value exchange under common law, is the only legal mandate by which the SWISSINDO Trust can be administered.


The CVAC called GOD SKY EARTH has offered to back more than seven billion people with six million dollars apiece.

Note from Taansen:  Remember what I said in my 1997 book "Sovereignty Consciousness"?  To quote from Chapter 11, "The Dawn of Golden Age Prosperity": 
Dr. Buckminster Fuller, before he passed on in the early 1980s, was considered one of the West's greatest geniuses.  He had something like 48 Ph.Ds, was a professor, mathematician, economist, philosopher, author, lecturer, inventor, and more.  [In the 1970s,] He calculated that if the estimated total world man-made production already in the marketplace -- basically the "gross world product" -- was evenly divided amongst an approximate world population of six [now seven] billion, every man, woman, and child on Earth would be a multi-millionaire.  This was not to advocate a contrived or forced unnatural redistribution such as has existed in socialist and communist countries, but it does dramatically illustrate that there is not a problem of shortage.  As you know, shortage has been the mentality of most people for centuries.  Everyone has assumed a world of scarcity, that there isn't enough to go around, so some will have to do without, and most who get more will have to fight for it.  So as you can see, Dr. Fuller's calculation blows this myth to bits.  There is no shortage -- only greedy, ignorant, and retarded priests and politicians.  It is a question of distribution, not supply."  So this proves that what the GOD SKY EARTH program is promoting is possible.

That value is located digitally on computer servers. All the people of the world interact directly with the servers, without intermediaries. Transactions are recorded via basic double-entry bookkeeping. All people are connected to the servers independently, utilizing both new and existing technologies and services. Usurious monetization of this economic value is impossible: there are no taxes or interest to be paid by the people, ever. The servers manage personal, development, and business accounts. There will also be development accounts established to fund the rebuilding and repairing of our planet. GOD SKY EARTH, via OMD, thereby establishes the first transparent and secure system for the free exchange, trade and potential increase of a person’s true value using a subset of commonly held banking concepts, if not the exact architecture of a banking system. We the people may want to retire the existing banking system, but not before we replace it with a system that enables every person on the planet to trade securely and freely with one another.

SWISSINDO has spent months preparing to release a huge tranche of representational value backed up by gold to the people of the world. Each person’s account receives and distributes its contents as that person sees fit. The servers are impenetrable, secured legally and with all existing guarantees invoked. The clients are all the people of the planet. This is a historical event that will change the essence of business forever. In the historical system now crumbling beneath us, we have had economies but not communities; we have been consumers but not sovereign beings. The GOD SKY EARTH plan for distribution of the Global Collateral Accounts directly addresses the widespread fear of a global currency. There is no need for fear. Banking as we have previously understood it will go away altogether. The system to replace it is already operational for asset transfer. We are now truly free to create local communities, digitally connected. We can create these communities on our own terms.


1. Government corporations and elite businesses and organizations worldwide were lawfully foreclosed in December, 2012.
2. These corporations’ assets all have UCC liens placed against them in lieu of payment for knowingly establishing fraudulent contracts with the people of Earth, creating a de facto slavery system.
3. All governments are corporations and have been since at least 1934 when governments mortgaged their populations for the first time, without their consent, to pay for the corporations’ combined excesses, mistakes, and wars.
4. These corporations continue their criminal acts to avoid the collapse of their foreclosed paper empire while awaiting help from the central banks and their printing presses.
5. Historically, these banks and corporations have received massive payments and loan guarantees to run the presses that have sustained their central banks. These loans are backed by the combined wealth of the planet, mostly in gold, but have also included the value placed on each individual via their birth certificate.
6. The Collateral Accounts were set up to support the combined value of the worlds’ assets, to facilitate commerce and to provide for the wealth, health and safety of the world’s people.
7. Treaties and agreements, signed and then ignored over centuries, guarantee that this money is to be distributed to all of the people of the Earth. The elected and selected government corporations had other plans and other means not made known to the people or the trustees of the accounts until it was almost too late.
8. For too long the accounts’ trustees dutifully obeyed the governments and central banks and gave payments and guarantees only to them and to their corporate associates and families -as they demanded was their right.
9. But recently, after generations of careful planning and preparation, the trustees refuted the corporations’ claims on the Collateral Accounts and have instead prepared to release the funds to the people to rebuild the world.
10. This money is entirely backed by precious metals and jewels, constituting the wealth of the world that has always been everyone’s to share equally -but wasn’t. When released, this money will cancel all odious debt for every nation and every person on Earth. It is enough to make money and all its attachments irrelevant.
11. This money, a sum large enough to guarantee the end of financial tyranny for everyone, is available now.
12. This money will enable long hidden technologies and medical breakthroughs to be released to all the people.
13. This money will enable the restoration of the planet’s natural environments and will support a commitment to keeping the planet healthy with clean energy.
14. The proof of all this new information, including the hidden history of our planet, is available now if you look. This information is less likely be found in the corporate- and government-owned mainstream media.
15. Consider the fact that any bank mortgages you may have or other bank loans or tax payments you may owe are fraudulent. Humanity didn’t agree to be sold for corporations’ and governments’ excesses, mistakes and wars; therefore no valid contract exists.
16. Consider that many new world communities have worked for decades - at significant risk to the people involved and their families - to ensure this distribution of the world’s wealth takes place peacefully.
17. As a result of this event some world leaders will be detained for a short period. No being will be harmed. A temporary government and new financial structure, already available, will be put into place.
18. Help each other get these accounts released to the people of Earth and stop paying the bankers and their governments their fraudulent claims. Only together can we replace and eradicate our bankrupt system.
19. Accept that you are infinitely valuable and in every way free and that your portion of the wealth of the world is available for you now to enjoy in peace.
20. All that remains for the people of Earth is to accept what is rightfully theirs: take back their share of the world’s wealth from those who fraudulently held it from them and claim their rights as equals among anyone. An event.


“When the OPPT Shoe Dropped: Evidence That The Black-Screen, Off-ledger Global Accounts Are Real”

“Connecting the OPPT Dots: More Evidence that the Off-ledger Global Accounts Are Real”

“Mr. Sino.AS and the Swissindo Trust: A Situational Analysis”

“SWISSINDO: PRASASTY KERATON CAKRABUWANA DAN SUMPAH CARAKA, ‘Royal Oath of Honor Council: A History of the Beginning of the End’”

“One People’s Public Trust: CVAC Government”

“New Order (Indonesia)”

"Indonesian Proclamation of Independence, 17 August 1945"

"Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence"
"United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948"
"The Green Hilton Agreement (Geneva 1963)"
"Supersemar - Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret (Order of March the Eleventh)"

"Bandung Conference (Asian-African Conference), 1955"
Organisation Mondiale de Developpement (OMD) WEBSITE DRAFT
October 2012, Paris, France (.pdf available on request)

“5D Blueprint”

“GSF System”

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

This is a time of learning...

Montague Keen - June 16, 2013

Every day, it becomes more obvious to you, why many find it so difficult to wake up. Everything they believed is now shown to be false. Every institution they supported, trusted, and believed in, is now exposed as the opposite of what they were taught it was. They feel that the very fabric of their lives is being torn to shreds, and they are frightened. They want to close their eyes to all of this. This is why they call it "conspiracy"; because it scares them.

It takes courage to look with clear eyes at what was kept secret, up until now, and see it as it is: the control and take-over of your planet and the human race. You need to be confident and strong in your conviction that you must stand up for truth and justice. All the information that you need to expose the truth is flowing into the public domain every day. You need to take every opportunity to explore it and digest it. Your very existence depends on you doing this with an open mind, discarding all the mis-information you have been fed throughout your lives.

The cabal has always used fear to control you. It is time to reject this conspiracy of lies that was forced upon you. This great crime against humanity was the result of two factions coming together and planning the take-over of Planet Earth, the destruction of the religion of love, and the distortion of history; thus forcing you to believe that everything began in the East and moved West.

Archeology proves that everything began in the West. The Earth produces more evidence of this, every day. This is why the cabal is so desperate to start World War III. They fear exposure, and what they see as the waking of "the common man", his rejection of all that the cabal stands for, and his refusal to comply with their orders. Those of you who are awake, know that the game is up for the cabal. They can no longer hide within what they saw as the safe and secret hands of the Vatican, anymore. As promised, this house of cards is now on very shaky ground. It will not be able to withstand exposure. It is responsible for the death of so many souls throughout its terrible existence.

You were justly delighted to find actual evidence of Irish missionaries in West Virginia [Ogham writing, this being ancient Irish writing], 1000 years before Columbus was supposed to have discovered America. Yet another lie exposed. The Vatican wants you to believe that the Irish were savages when their so-called St Patrick and his armies went to Ireland to destroy all the evidence of the real truth of who we are and our true history.  I remind you, once more, that Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. All the answers are there, in one place. The timing is right to uncover everything.

The corruption began in what is now known as the Vatican. It will end when its corruption is fully exposed and understood by those who blindly accept what the Vatican has decreed to be truth. It believes it controls your planet and all the life on it. Through the act of baptism, you give them this power. But there is no truth in what they teach. The real truth is so simple. Go into your hearts, for it is there, waiting to be discovered. Love is what you need to guide you, and it will do so. Leave the hellfire and damnation where it belongs - in the Vatican - where it was created by evil minds to ensure that you followed its commandments out of fear.

This is a time of learning, for all of you who wish to move forward into the new era of truth, light and love. Share all your findings and communicate with each other. This will give you the strength to become the 99%, and this light will then remove all the darkness from your world. Learn to see the light in those around you. Share your light and help others to find theirs. When you meet people, look carefully, and ask yourselves, "Do I connect with this person?" If you do, acknowledge that this is a sign that this person was known to you in past lives and that they are now part of your path. Feel safe with them. This is all part of the great coming-together of the light. Do not be lured off your path by false promises of financial gain and public recognition. These have been used since time immemorial to lure people off the path of truth. What you will achieve when you return your planet to the light, will far outweigh all the wealth now available in your world. Together, you are creating a world that, up until now, you could only dream of.  Imagine visiting other planets for the first time, and actually reconnecting with all the other species of life in the universe. I promise you that exciting times are ahead of you.

So much knowledge has been kept from you about Planet Earth, that when the prison walls are removed, you will see for the first time, the Earth in all its glory and all its beauty, and you will be enthralled. We are doing our utmost to bring all this about without too much disruption. We need you to work with us, and to stand up for truth and justice whenever possible.

You are many, they are few. All their secret societies are being laid bare before you, exposing their control system, thus enabling you to see the signs all around you of who these people are, and what they have controlled, up until now. It was all hidden in plain sight. You just failed to recognize the signs. Now that you are awake and aware, you cannot be fooled again. They have everything to lose: you, on the other hand, have everything to gain. Namely, peace, justice, and harmony, with love guiding the way forward, bringing humanity together again.

The cabal uses ridicule to scare people from standing up to declare the truth. No-one knows this better than David Icke.  Fortunately, he has the strength of character to withstand all that is thrown at him. Look at him now: a perfect example of someone brave enough to stand up for justice and truth. Now, those same people who once ridiculed him, go to his lectures and read his books. The Dark Ones have failed to bring him down. The light of truth, and the conviction that he was on the right path, have given him the strength to become what he is today. He is revered by so many, and rightly so. He is a man of courage and conviction.

You know, my dear, I was once a Knight Templar, when it was an honourable organization.  This was before it fell into the hands of what is now called the Vatican. This is yet another example of what was good, being taken over and changed out of all recognition, for evil ends. The Vatican has even managed to take control of countries without the people having any knowledge of it.

All this information, until now, has been kept in the dark, for it was indeed dark and sinister. Even the person who rules the Vatican hides in the shadows, out of public scrutiny. Again proving that nothing is as it seems.

Yes, my dear, the truth is shocking. But it must be faced in order to move forward. Together, as people of the light, you will succeed. Truth will triumph over evil, be assured of that.

My dear, those who travel along this path with you, have been chosen to do so. Each one brings with his, what you need to succeed. They will support you and they will be at your side when you need them to work alongside you; just as I, myself, am with you at all times. Trust that the right decisions will be made at the right time.

Rest, my dear, and allow others to help you. Everything will fall into place as it should.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation