Friday, October 28, 2011

SaLuSa 28-October-2011 "things are hotting up"

SaLuSa 28-October-2011

As you are fond of saying "things are hotting up" and the signs are there for all to see. The old paradigm is breaking up before your very eyes, and those still trying to maintain it are in fear of the consequences. People power is showing up all over the world, and growing stronger all of the time. It is not just a passing phase but one built upon the intent to bring change in, and force out that which no longer serves your needs. It is working because it is carried forward by the immense Light being attracted to Earth. Your time has come Dear Ones, when your visions of the new are rapidly manifesting, and already exist in the higher dimensions. It remains only for the Light levels to rise a little further and nothing can delay or stop the changes. With the expected energy surge with the coming of 11.11.11 there will definitely be an upliftment, and it remains to be seen how far it goes.

What is happening in your world is causing confusion, because it threatens to seriously disrupt peoples lives. Yet those of you who know it is necessary to sweep away the old, are able to be a balancing energy to avoid utter chaos. You are needed more than ever and indeed many of you came to the Earth for that very purpose. Lightworkers all have their own roles to fulfill and should by now be aware as to what they are. Some are simply to be beacons of Light, whilst others are healers, or active for causes that spread the Light. If you have not yet found your vocation, spread love and joy wherever you go and help lift people up. Beyond that be assured that once the plan for your future is revealed, many opportunities to serve will come up.

Time continues to speed up and it is unbelievable to many that you are nearing the close of this year already. That is of course welcome as the next two months are going to be quite exceptional. Something that would not be noticed yet, is because of the higher vibrations the aging process is slowing down. Eventually it will stop, and once you have crystalline cells the whole process can be reversed through the power of thought. The new cells will have a greater degree of consciousness than previously, and re-act to thought more quickly. Already in your Astral levels that souls pass on to after death, they have sufficient power to present themselves to you as they wish to be seen. This is clearly useful when newly arriving souls meet with others who passed over many, many years before them. In this respect when you ascend you are not really going to experience something that is completely new to you.

Many things that you are used to now will no longer apply once you ascend, and perhaps the most far reaching will be where food is concerned. No longer will great tracts of land be used for farming, and at one stage food replicators will be used until you can "think" into being whatever you require. There will be no necessity to rape or violate the Earth for the production of food or for fossil fuels. It will be restored to its original pristine condition and you will become the Guardians of the Earth. Neither will it be a dumping ground for all of your waste, as whatever is not used will be treated or changed to serve other purposes. Pollution will be unheard of as no processes will produce any.

Bit by bit, you are learning about the new Earth, and how it will change your lives. You will realize that your old ways were rather crude, and not helped by the drive for profit. In the future all will have everything they need and money will not come into it. You will all work with one another, for the good of all, and no soul will carry the lower vibrations as they cannot exist in the higher realms. So the mentality and desire to profit by taking from others, will not exist at those levels of consciousness. In your industrial and mechanized age noise is clearly a real problem, leading to illness through stress. That again will not be a problem in the higher dimension, as production where necessary will involve totally different methods that are noiseless. Much will be "thought" into being and sometimes involve groups of people, whose combined power will be so much greater.

Anything that you are called upon to do at this time will be so worthwhile, when you reflect on the wonders that await you in the future. We mainly address those of you who are dedicated to Ascension, but as we have mentioned previously not everyone of a higher vibration desires to ascend. Some of you will be identified by your Space family, and find that you arranged to return with them to your home planet after your Earth journey was completed. Many different civilizations are waiting to benefit from your experiences, such are the magnificent achievements that you have made. Perhaps now you will understand why you are so important them, as not very soul will have entered duality or has necessarily desired to do so. You are indeed extra special souls with so much to offer to others.

As the cycle closes, remember that you have all played out lives on both sides of duality, and they are seen as necessary experiences to enable you to balance both energies. You may have succeeded now, but do not allow your achievement to cloud your mind against the dark Ones. Have compassion, and bear in mind that they are still sparks of the Light and Love, and can fully make their way back to the Light. In fact because they have dropped lower than many other souls, they will in time make great Light Carriers. You cannot know their karma so make allowances for their roles in your present period of history.

Whilst you are not punished for your "sins" you do make reparations so that you fully understand the effect of them on other souls. This can be very deep and heart wrenching, but it is the only way to learn your lessons. You have all to some degree had such experiences, so now you can understand why it is essential you are non-judgmental where other souls are concerned. Do your best to be forgiving if you have been personally hurt, and please do not harbor the energies of hate as they will eat into your body and cause you illness. They will also hold you back from progressing, as you cannot take them with you into the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and that will be enough lessons for one day, so focus on your Love and Light and all will be well.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Scott Mowry: October 28, 2011: The Beginning of the Golden Age and the Emancipation of the Human Race

Scott Mowry: October 28, 2011: The Beginning of the Golden Age and the Emancipation of the Human Race
2011 OCTOBER 27
Posted by Steve Beckow
October 28, 2011: The Beginning of the Golden Age and the Emancipation of the Human Race
Mayan Calendar completes all nine levels of consciousness as the world rejoices!

Scott Mowry, October 14, 2011

After 16.4 billion years, we are literally days away from completing the nine levels of consciousness of the Mayan calendar. And what a journey it has been for our beloved planet Earth and the human race.

On October 28, 2011, the ninth and final level of consciousness will have been fulfilled, and the Earth will end its third-dimensional evolutionary progression to begin transforming herself into a fifth-dimensional existence where an entire “new Earth” will be born into being.

This will mark the beginning of the long prophesied Golden Age for the human race where life will become the most magical magnificent and beautiful it has ever, ever been. For some of us, it is about time!

This entire process has been orchestrated under a master grand plan by the Divine, or the higher realms of light, to save the Earth and its people from destroying their home planet and themselves.

The new Earth scenario became the only plausible solution to rescue humanity from eons of war, violence, strife, conflict, fear and most particularly, karma, without directly interfering with its free will nature. This whole transformation has been made possible through a coordinated plan of raising the frequencies of the present Earth by implanting volunteer souls from across the universe within the fabric of humanity.

It became necessary to place these volunteer souls to perform their work from the inside so as not to violate the Earth’s condition of non-interference, a dictate that has not always been honored by outside forces.

Thankfully, this plan has proven to be highly successful and now it has been confirmed that the outlook for humanity and the Earth is extremely bright!


It is clearly evident now, that our world has begun the transformation from darkness and secrecy to one of light and openness. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the real truth of the human race is being revealed to us each and every day.

Soon this trickle of truth will open into a flood and overcome everything it is path. There will be no stone left unturned when it comes to revealing the truth. Whether it is dealing with government, banking, economics, religion, military, health care, education, technology, extra-terrestrials and the very essence of life itself.

In turn, everything in your life will also be transformed for the better.

Why now? Because, quite frankly, we can handle the truth. As little as ten years ago, many people around the world wouldn’t have been able to comprehend the magnitude of this situation without a whole lot of shock and disbelief. But now, with so much blatant corruption by governments, politicians, religious leaders, bankers and media outlets, many people are finally ready for a higher way of living. And we can thank expanding consciousness for that!

More and more evidence is coming to light that the current so-called economic crisis afflicting our country, and the entire world, appears to be nothing more than a carefully conceived ponzi scheme to divert trillions upon trillions of dollars to international bankers. It was instituted with the ultimate goal of destroying the middle class in order to create a small, wealthy elite ruling class supported by an enslaved, majority working class.

All of these evil plans were part of the so-called New World Order agenda, which was meant to lock down the Earth under a state of total, brutal enslavement.

However, those plans have been foiled. And they have been foiled in the most magnificent way possible!

Instead, America is about to experience a series of deja vu episodes as we will revisit the period of the 1960′s when weekly protests, sit-ins, student demonstrations and other forms of revolt were the norm.

Get ready –– because the revolution is coming to a town or city near you! The sleeping giant has finally awoken.

The good news is that people across the United States and the world are finally waking up to the realization that there has been a vast network of control based upon secrecy around money (international banking) and power (secret societies). Hence, we are seeing protests such as the Occupy Wall Street movement centered in New York City, which has spread to numerous other national and international locations.

However, it is important to realize ultimately this will not be a violent revolution, but one that will unify the world as one under the common ideal of –– love.

In the meantime behind the scenes, nations are uniting against this New World Order agenda in unprecedented numbers. A war of unparalleled significance is waging nearly out of public view and with little media coverage.

Yet, we have been able to see some visible signs of this war literally bubbling up to the surface with what appeared to be a series of unusual earthquakes near Washington, DC and southern Colorado on the fateful day of August 23, 2011. Insiders such as Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock and others are reporting that these were not natural earthquakes but rather the aftershocks from the destruction of deep underground military bases (DUMB’s) that were situated under our nation’s capital and in the mountains of Colorado.

The bases were destroyed by a collection of white hat/good guys from the military/Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence operatives, along with perhaps assistance from benevolent ET’s. The quake was felt as far north as Toronto, Canada and as far south as the state of South Carolina, yet no significant damage or loss of life was reported.

In an amazing twist of irony, cracks appeared at the top of the Washington Monument, which harkened back to an episode of last season’s NBC show, “The Event” where hostile ET’s blew up the monument as a way to threaten the US government.

“The Event” foreshadowing?

As in any war, its conclusion is still an unknown. We can be absolutely certain, however, that the evil cabal agenda is doomed to lose and victory for the people of Earth is at hand. It is only a matter of time now.

At the very core of this war is the battle for control of the world’s economic system, in particular the Federal Reserve and US dollar, which have been the primary tools of our modern day virtual prison. Once this battle has been won, which could come at any time now, humanity will finally be truly free.

What needs to happen next is for the protesters to turn their attention to the City of London and Vatican City, where the head of the snake can be found. The City of London, (a separate country within London proper and England) is the head of the financial control of the world, while Vatican City is the head of the spiritual control.

Washington DC, on the other hand is the head of the military control and together these three countries within countries, (or city states) are known as the Empire of the City. This network is the method by which humanity has been ruled over for the last 200 years or more. (For more details, read our review of the film “Ring of Power”.)

Three Cities Rule The World

Want more evidence? In the last three years alone, UFO sightings are up 67% which clearly indicates there are a tremendous amount of extra-terrestrials poised to assist us, if they are not already. Couple that fact with yet another breathtaking wave of crop circles found in southern England during the season of 2011, signalling a new Earth is about to be born.

Yes, the signs are everywhere and you barely need to look for them anymore!

In many ways, it appears as if the world we have grown accustomed to is falling apart before our very eyes. Each and every day, some new scandal or revelations appear daily in our newspapers, television screens and internet news sites.

Whether it be some politician, government official, banker, religious leader, athlete, Hollywood actor or any other well know public figure, there is a never ending litany of exposure.

All of these scandals are causing many to become despondent and depressed about our world while others react with fear and paranoia. Still more are angered and motivated to get up off their couch and begin to change the status quo.

It is vitally important, however, that we keep a healthy perspective on this entire process.

Essentially, what we are witnessing is the total collapse of a false paradigm. This is a paradigm that was based upon fraud, deceit, lies and obfuscation from its very inception. This false paradigm was meant to benefit a few controllers at the expense of the many.

It was designed to enslave the overwhelming majority of humanity in a totally artificial and corrupt reality. For hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, this false paradigm has served those in control quite handsomely. As well as, those who dominate over us who are not necessarily all terrestrial humans, but other unseen entities from the fourth dimensional plane.

Therefore, it was absolutely inevitable this false paradigm would eventually collapse. It simply had no sustainability. It had no solid foundation. It was doomed for failure.

What has caused this collapse is expanding consciousness which in turn has propelled many individuals to begin to truly question the proclamations from the powers that be and then ask themselves – is there something better?

As this false paradigm continues to rapidly self-destruct, it will eventually become nothing more than a heap of smoldering ruins. In fact, it is highly likely that our 3-D world may look rather ugly as the false paradigm comes crashing down around us.

However, what will emerge from the rubble will be the most glorious, most amazing and most brilliant world one could possibly envision. In fact, even more glorious than we can even imagine at this point in time.

The very reason this false paradigm has been sustainable for such an interminably long period of time is that it relied on no one figuring out what was really going on. Due to our low level of consciousness, all the dirty little secrets were easily hidden in the haze and fog of darkness.

Everything from the understandings of our true spiritual nature, extra-terrestrial life, the history of the human race, the multi-dimensional aspects of life to more modern false flag operations like 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Hurricane Katrina, etc. are all of highly suspect origin and intentions.

Basically, this false paradigm had been built upon one very basic negative, human emotion –– fear. Fear has kept us anesthetized and paralyzed us from moving forward in our evolution. Fear has even robbed us our connection to our Divine creator. And we only have ourselves to blame.

Yet another manufactured aspect of this false paradigm is the idea of scarcity. The notion that we don’t have enough, that there is not enough to go around. Resources such as food, energy, oil, money, land and even spiritual sustenance have been tightly controlled to make us believe there is limited amount. When, in point of fact, God’s universe is infinitely abundant and always has been!

In the coming months and weeks, expect to see a lot of weird and bizarre developments to unfold as this false paradigm begins its accelerated breakdown. Many services, institutions and government agencies we have come to rely upon, may simply no longer be there or will be found to be inoperable.

Many large corporations that controlled certain industries such as media, energy, food, medicine, law enforcement and others may go completely bankrupt. Other companies may be completely taken over and drastic reform measures will be instituted to make them more favorable for humanity. Still others may dismantled altogether, never to be seen on planet Earth again!

Expect to see an outpouring of films, documentaries, ancient secrets, sacred knowledge, government insiders and whistle-blowers to emerge from nowhere that will prepare humanity for the long suppressed truth of our world. In fact, it has already begun and will intensify in the coming months.

Our society will be given, or come to realize on its own, that the solutions to many problems are readily at hand and will be initiated at a very rapid rate. The amount of change we will see in the next five years will be unparalleled as we move into ever higher states of consciousness.

Our common manifesto will become, “all for one and one for all” like never before.

The Day After

After October 28, 2011, we will enter the period the Mayans called, “the time of no time.” In other words, we will begin to leave this third-dimensional plane where time is measured and followed to enter into a fifth-dimensional plane where time simply does not even exist. This is the world where we will learn to become timeless!

How exciting is that?

Soon we will begin to see wave after wave after wave of people achieving the state of enlightenment. This process will have a snowball effect on others who will in turn obtain enlightenment, as well.

Eventually, the entire human race will reach the state of enlightenment where we will all live in a perpetual world of magic and miracles.

In tandem, humanity will finally come to the realization that we are all one and that we always have been and always will be one. The separation that we have felt from one another and from God, or the Divine, has been nothing more than another false paradigm meant to divide and conquer us.

As we leave the month of October, humanity will undergo the most rapid evolution/revolution ever, in order to prepare us for the long awaited Golden Age set to kick into high gear during the magical year of 2012.

It is important to recognize that 2012 is only the start of this process and it will not be an instantaneous transformation. Your life my look relatively the same depending on how much you are able to embrace the very idea of this transformation. The more you personally believe in a higher existence for yourself, the more you will experience it.

Now that human consciousness is about to reach a pinnacle point in its collective evolution, we are poised for all the great secrets of life to come pouring forth like rays from the Sun. It is about to get tremendously exciting to live upon planet Earth, without a doubt!

As the light pours forth from this planet, it is illuminating every dark corner of the globe, insuring that no dark secrets will ever be able to exist upon the Earth ever again. That act alone will free humanity forever!

Rest assured, an enormous effort has gone into saving us from ourselves. Our world simply had to change or face utter extinction. And this simply could not be allowed to happen.

Now, instead of a world of chaos, despair and apocalypse, we have the choice of a brand new, higher consciousness world where humanity will live in 1,000 years of peace. Never in the history of the universe has an entire planet been given this kind of an opportunity. We are so blessed.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at that final hour.

Our prayers have been answered. Our time has come. Our Heaven on Earth has been found.

Let the Golden Age begin! Long live the Golden Age!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Old Ways are Passing - The Time of Freedom and Peace is Rising

Matisyahu - One Day

Matisyahu - One Day lyrics

sometimes I lay
under the moon
and thank God I'm breathing
then I pray
don't take me soon
cause I am here for a reason
sometimes in my tears I drown
but I never let it get me down
so when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around
all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play
one day x6
it's not about
win or lose cause
we all lose
when they feed on the souls of the innocent
blood drenched pavement
keep on moving though the waters stay raging
in this maze you can lose your way (your way)
it might drive you crazy but don't let it faze you no way (no way)
sometimes in my tears I drown
but I never let it get me down
so when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around
all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play
one day x6
one day this all will change
treat people the same
stop with the violence
down with the hate
one day we'll all be free
and proud to be
under the same sun
singing songs of freedom like
one day x4
all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play
one day x6

Terrorists in the White House

The Real Truth of Wars

Friday, October 07, 2011

Thursday, October 06, 2011

American States Working On Financially Break Away from Federal Government

This is from a very well respected money manager, Ron Hera:

Fellow American,

This is the most important message I have ever sent. I urge you to read it and to share it with others.

Earlier this week I attended the Utah Monetary Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah. As you may know, the state of Utah passed a Legal Tender Act earlier this year authorizing the use of federally minted gold and silver coins as money in the state of Utah. Now, legislators in other states, many of whom attended the Monetary Summit, are evaluating similar legislation.

Among other things, this means the United States is approaching a Constitutional crisis because states are beginning to financially break away from the federal government. This is no less serious than the American War of Independence or the War Between the States. The Utah Monetary Declaration (below) is a financial declaration of independence whereby states are beginning to opt out of the Federal Reserve System. A major confrontation seems inevitable.

The issues underlying this historic development include:

1. The unsound condition of large U.S. banks, which have inaccurate and crumbling balance sheets along with $250 trillion in high-risk OTC derivatives contracts;

2. The unstable nature of the U.S. and world financial systems, characterized by unworkable levels of sovereign debt and private debt and by over $600 trillion in OTC derivatives liabilities;

3. The excessive levels of federal government debt and unfunded liabilities combined with falling federal tax revenues prior to the start of the double-dip recession that began in the second half of 2011;

4. The radically inflationary monetary policies of the federal government and of the Federal Reserve, which promise high inflation or hyperinflation in the future;

5. The worsening condition of the real U.S. economy outside of large banks, multinational corporations, and Wall Street firms, where federal government bailouts and Federal Reserve monetary easing (money printing) transfer wealth from proverbial Main Street to literal Wall Street;

6. The rapidly escalating polarization of the distribution of wealth, which threatens not only the economic stability of the United States but also its social and political stability; and

7. The current, highly inflationary monetary system is plainly unfair and fundamentally immoral.

As a consequence of these grave, ongoing and growing problems, which are being largely ignored by the mainstream news media, state governments must take immediate action to ensure the functioning of local economies and of state governments, should the federal government / Federal Reserve System break down. Specifically, there is an urgent requirement for an alternative currency to the privately issued Federal Reserve Note, which is erroneously referred to as the "U.S. dollar."

Replacing a stable form of money with ever expanding debt and inflation undermines capitalism and destroys jobs. The monopolistic monetary system of the United States today is inherently inflationary because it must continually expand in order to prevent a deflationary collapse. The underlying structure and root cause of the monetary system's inherent and inescapable inflationary bias is the legal construction of money as debt with no direct link to real economic activity. Debt levels in the economy and bank profits are simply out of line with reality.

In addition to the unsustainable and unstable nature of such a system, an inherently inflationary monetary system destroys savings by devaluing the currency. Savings, which are the result of excess production, precisely define the term "capital." Replacing capital with debt, while highly beneficial for banks that create money out of thin air (through lending), is a deeply flawed concept responsible for the systematic and ongoing breakdown of capitalism in America. This deep, structural problem is the absolute root cause of chronic, irremediable unemployment. As a consequence, there will be no genuine economic recovery in the U.S. and jobs will not return unless and until the monetary system is fundamentally reformed.

An ultimately more important issue is also garnering attention among state legislators, prominent (non Keynesian) economists, religious leaders, political activists and voters. Inflation, particularly if it is systematically understated by the federal government or Federal Reserve, robs savers of the proceeds of past labor and robs workers of the spending power of their wages, living standards and financial futures. Inflation robs the elderly of their retirement and robs investors of their capital by facilitating taxes on alleged gains created solely by currency debasement. Legal tender, created as debt, results in ever larger debt burdens thrust upon innocent future generations that will experience progressively lower living standards and reduced economic opportunity. Generations to come will be born into debt bondage, thus the monetary system is at the center of a profound moral crisis.

The morally and literally bankrupt nature of the current U.S. financial system is transforming America into a dog-eat-dog society where every person seeks to live at the expense of someone else rather than by producing wealth, because production is systematically stolen by the federal government and by banks through the clever device of an inflationary monetary system. The monetary system operates by exchanging fictitious "wealth" (debt based money created out of thin air by private banks) for the real wealth of borrowers, i.e., the proceeds of their labor. In effect, the monetary system is a massive scam purported to be legal but lacking any demonstrable legal authority. Specifically, there is no Constitutional or other legal basis upon which the federal government can force a private monetary monopoly on the states. In fact, the Constitution of the United States explicitly establishes the exact opposite.

The oversized banking system and federal government have grown in an unholy alliance in lock-step and now consume so much of the U.S. economy that, together, they not only pillage the real economy but threaten to kill, once and for all, what is left of the free country founded by the Declaration of Independence. The moral precedent and example set at the highest levels of the federal government and of the banking cartel is that profit, fame, success and wealth are (either directly or indirectly) rewards for immoral acts rather than for honesty in business. Moral corruption at the top–embedded in the very structure of the monetary system–has slowly spread its gangrenous effect, undermining totally the founding principles of the United States of America , enshrined in the Constitution of the United States and in the Bill of Rights. Rather than liberty, America's legacy is fast becoming one of moral turpitude enshrined in financial injustice and oppression.

The challenge before our nation today–our moment in history–is not merely a financial or economic or political or legal / Constitutional crisis. It is also, and primarily, a moral crisis that could literally destroy the United States of America and all that it has stood for in more than two centuries. A stable society requires sound principles. A moral society requires sound money. Today, the United States of America has neither.

This message is a call to action. In the words of poet Dylan Thomas, let us say for America "Do not go gentle into that good night / Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

I am personally asking you to read the Utah Monetary Declaration (below), which I, among many others, signed on Monday evening, September 26, 2011, in the Post Chapel on the University of Utah campus at Salt Lake City, and to forward it to all, especially to your state officials. Time is of the essence. Although its duration and pace are as yet unclear, the crisis is already upon us. Please act now and do not delay .


Utah Monetary Declaration

WHEREAS, money, as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of measure promotes economic activity, growth and productivity by facilitating specialization and trade, the accumulation of wealth and its long-term investment, as well as accountability in setting prices, tracking progress, and settling accounts;

WHEREAS, natural money – precious metal coin – by virtue of its inherent qualities of recognizability, measurability, uniformity, divisibility, durability, portability and scarcity has reliably retained its purchasing power, notwithstanding periodic fluctuations, over the centuries and millennia of human history, serving as an effective medium of exchange and store of value often without any governmental declaration to require, legitimize or perpetuate its adoption and operation as such;

WHEREAS, sound money, by retaining stable purchasing power over time, best serves societal needs by substantially reducing the uncertainty of inflation risk for creditors and deflation risk for debtors as well as encouraging saving and investment among the general populace and benefiting the economic zone in which it circulates by stimulating the economy and by attracting foreign capital and commerce to the region;

WHEREAS, history attests that monopolistic monetary systems frequently engender currency debasement, resulting in serious consequences such as lost purchasing power, inequitable wealth redistributions, misallocation of productive resources, and chronic unemployment, and that, as the cornerstone of a free market and society, the right to choose, whether between suppliers of goods and services, political parties and candidates, or between alternative media of exchange, effectively promotes the general welfare;

WHEREAS, for the equal protection of all people, rich and poor, the open circulation of complementary and competing currencies should be fostered and promoted by every sovereign state, including those of The United States of America pursuant to their monetary powers (expressly reserved in article 1, § 10 and in the 10th amendment of the United States Constitution) to monetize gold and silver coin as an alternative, voluntary medium of exchange, and as an effective check and balance against debasement of the national currency by the national government which is constitutionally precluded from demonetizing state legal tender, through disparate tax treatment, discriminatory regulation, the threat of suppression and seizure, or otherwise;

NOW THEREFORE, we the undersigned hereby declare and affirm that:

1. As an essential element of true liberty and of the pursuit of happiness in a free society, all people enjoy the inherent and unalienable right to lawfully acquire, hold and use as a medium of exchange whatever form or forms of money they may prefer, including especially gold and silver coin.

2. All free and sovereign states bear the moral, political and legal obligation not only to refrain from debasing their own currencies (except under the most exigent circumstances) and from erecting barriers to the unfettered circulation of monies issued under the authority of their sovereign trading partners, but also to affirmatively defend and protect against fraud, counterfeiting, uttering, passing off, embezzlement, theft or neglect by requiring full transparency and accountability of all state chartered financial institutions.

3. No tax liability nor any regulatory scheme promoting one form of money over another should apply to: (a) the holding of any form of money, in a financial institution or otherwise; (b) the exchange of one form of money for any other; or (c) the actual or imputed increase in the purchasing power of one form of money as compared to another.

4. Except in the case of governmentally assessed taxes, fees, duties, imposts, excises, dues, fines or penalties, the authority of government should never be used to compel payment of any obligation, contract or private debt in any specific form of money inconsistent with the parties' written, verbal or implied agreement, or to frustrate the intent of contracting parties or impair contractual obligations by invalidating the application of a discount or surcharge agreed to be dependent upon the particular medium of exchange or method of payment employed.

5. The extent and composition of a person's monetary holdings, including those on deposit with any financial institution, should not be subject to disclosure, search or seizure except upon adherence to due process safeguards such as requiring an adequate showing of probable cause to support the issuance by a court of competent jurisdiction of a lawful warrant or writ executed by legally authorized law enforcement officers.

We hereby urge business leaders, educators, members of the media, legislators, government officials as well as judicial and law enforcement officers to use their best combined efforts to reinstate and promote the legal and commercial framework necessary to establishing and maintaining well-functioning, sound monetary systems based on choice in currency.

The signatories hereto concur in the general principles expressed in the foregoing declaration notwithstanding specific reservations some may have as to how such principles should be interpreted and applied in practice.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Monday, October 03, 2011

George Carlin Says It Very Well....

SaLuSa 3-October-2011

SaLuSa 3-October-2011

Our craft are seen in your skies so frequently now, that Disclosure is hardly necessary where proof of our existence is required. The days of covering up our presence are pointless, and when some of your astronauts are prepared to acknowledge it we wonder what more the sceptics want as proof. However, that does not really cause us any concern, as those in doubt must find their own truth. But you may nevertheless wonder why your authorities still stick their heads in the sand. It is Dear Ones, the prospect of having to answer for all of the lies that have been told, and their ultimate admission that they have their own Space Craft for many years. Furthermore, they do not want you to know that they have not only had contact with the Grays but have worked with them for almost 80 years, a long time of deception whilst allowing "abductions" and cattle mutilations. The "truth" does not stand very well on their shoulders, and there is also a little matter of bases on the Moon and Mars.

For the dark Ones the truth opens Pandora's box, and not least of all shows where trillions of dollars of your money have been spent on black operations. We could go further, but suffice to say that there will be no hiding place for those who are the guilty of the biggest criminal acts ever perpetrated against their own people. They have so much to answer for that what we have told you is just the tip of the iceberg. We know you will question how it could happen under your very noses with you having little or no knowledge about it. The answer is that the Illuminati have wielded great power and influence, and they have worked towards this time for thousands of years. In spite of all that their days are numbered, and they will reflect on the fact that they have failed at the last hurdle. Your next question will be "why were they not stopped" and that is because it is not anyone else's place to interfere with the evolution of another species. Yes, we have been allowed to guide you and advance your understanding, but the final choice has been yours as the creators of your own evolution.

Coming up to date, you are experiencing the result of your own desires and intentions where you have given away your authority to others. It is your creation and why you will see it through to the end. As ever, the only exception is where the Higher Beings who oversee it, act for the Creator and allow intervention. Since the dark Ones should have conceded their power over you some time ago, it has now reached a point where it will be taken away from them. Even the dark Ones have to obey some rules and cannot run riot as they wish. The over-riding factor in this cycle has been the Creator's decree that it will be completed with Ascension. Therefore, it has been supported by the Galactic Federation and other bodies of Light, with the promise that it would be concluded as intended. There was not going to be a repeat of the last catastrophe when the Atlantean's destroyed Atlantis some 10,000 years ago.

Your history is another area that requires much correction, as again it bears little resemblance to the truth. Each country has written it according to how they would like it to be remembered. Naturally, they write their annals about the glory of war, and hide their atrocities and crimes against conquered people. Greed and power have accompanied most campaigns, and wars have been deliberately started for that purpose. The whole scenario is one that reflects the actions of those who have lost touch with their godself. That was not unexpected, as once you dropped down into the lower vibrations you forgot who you really were. To err is not considered as much a sin as failing to learn from them.

To ensure that you did not remain trapped in the 3rd. dimension, a plan was conceived that would see a gradual influx of souls that could still rise above such a low vibration. The result has been that for over a hundred years the Light has been re-established on Earth. Now you have powerful grids that encircle it from which you can draw the Light to yourselves. We are pleased to say that having helped supply the impetus for growth over thousands of years, it is gratifying for us to at last see such wonderful results. It means that regardless of what you see in the outer world, everything is going according to plan. Ascension is assured, and before very long the positive proof will be before you. Dramatic times lay ahead, but all point towards the end of the cycle and your opportunity to leave duality in its present form. Wherever you progress to, you will still carry the responsibility for your actions. However, in the higher vibrations of the dimensions you are moving into, you have a level of consciousness that does not carry dark thoughts or allow such actions.

You have all come to Earth to increase your spiritual understanding, and overcome the challenge of the lower vibrations by returning to the Light. If you look at your experiences as all being of value, and remember that you came from the higher dimensions to do so, you cannot and should not really view yourself as a failure. However, if a soul has been overcome by the lower energies, it is necessary to climb your way back to the higher ones before you can fully return to the Light. Since you have all infinity in which to do so, there is no great cause for concern as you will be helped all of the way back. God is All Love and has never deserted or condemned a single soul, but instead surrounded them in the Love and Light that will lift them up.

You will find that as the souls of Light put themselves in places of authority, the dark Ones will try to block them, but to no avail. This is the time that the changes must commence, and disinformation is already circulating. You should however by now be sufficiently discerning to be able to seek out the truth. If it does not bear the feel of truthfulness then you may conclude that it is false. As always trust your intuition, and if in doubt set it aside until you know one way or the other. You are not easily fooled but sometimes prone to re-act differently to fear laden predictions. We are here to ensure that your passage is as trouble free as possible. There will be casualties, but with Mother Earth needing to proceed with her own cleansing that is unavoidable.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pass on the love and greetings from the Galactic Federation. It will not be long now before we meet some of you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.