Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 28 April 2008, 12:06 a.m.

Note from Rayelan:

I received the following from an extremely well informed person. This explains the situation the Federal Reserve and its member banks are in at this exact time...

It explains how we got here and what needs to be done to free ourselves of the bankers who have illegally run our money system for most of the last century.

This is the most important article you will read. I ask that you send it to everyone you know.

It explains everything clearly and simply. You don't have to be a Constitutional scholar to understand what happened, how it happened, and what we the citizens of the united states MUST do to insure that the bankruptcy of CORPORATE UNITED STATES does NOT fall on us!!

Please read this carefully. I know that in the audience of RMN readers we have someone who will know what to do and how to do it. I also know we have friends, in high places, who are with us on this!

*April 24, 2008*


If events proceed as I hope, the Federal Reserve also will be dissolved as insolvent, and its Notes we have used as currency for 75 years will become valueless after some period where legally earned notes may be exchanged for new and legal United States money.

*There will be volumes written in the future about how the United States of America, and particularly the control of our Treasury were quietly placed in private hands and secretly, from the general population, held and used there for 75 years. Those hands were for the most part, European, and had little, if any, interest in the welfare of the Citizens of this nation. Some of the "hands" were US, and they were even more ruthless. *

*But the situation has dramatically changed during the past five years, and particularly since November of 2007.*

*This narrative will necessarily begin with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria at Mukden. That is a well known historical fact. What is not as well known and understood is the "Mukden Incident" which occurred on September 18, 1931 was, in essence, a subterfuge undertaken by a few junior officers of the Japanese army when they secretly dynamited the South Manchurian Railway (owned by Japan) to provide the motive for the Japanese military conquest of Manchuria which continued until the Japanese victory on February 18, 1932 .*

*The most available explanation for the Japanese Manchurian invasion was that Japan coveted resource-rich Manchuria as a source of cheap raw materials for their burgeoning industrial complex. That explanation's basis is true, especially given an increasing shortage of favorably priced raw materials which Japan had to otherwise purchase and import from other sources.*

*But there was another, and largely hidden, reason. In 1931, the Manchuria-China border was only a few miles from Beijing where the Chinese Emperor, Pu-yi resided. The Manchu emperors kept much of their gold and other treasury items in northern Manchuria just a few miles from the border, and therefore only a short distance from their Chinese capital.*

*Very shortly after the Japanese invasion commenced in southern Manchuria, a delegation sent by the United States Federal Reserve Bank to Beijing entered into negotiation with the Emperor. The Federal Reserve's offer was to quickly remove the Royal Treasury from its Manchurian location, and thereafter lease the contents of the Treasury for seventy years. In return, the Emperor received valid United States Federal Reserve bonds, maturing in seventy years, and in sufficient quantity to guarantee the debt as well as enough to pay the to-be accrued- seventy-year-interest. *

*The terms of the lease required the Emperor's estate, at the end of seventy years, to exchange the bonds with interest coupons attached, to the Federal Reserve in exchange for the return of all the Emperor's gold and other treasure, plus the accrued interest (to be paid in gold), to his estate's custody. *

*The contents of the Emperor's Manchurian Treasury were taken overland through China, and then by sea to Manila, Philippines, where the US quickly built and operated the largest gold refinery, at that time, in the world. After the gold was refined, some of it was sent to Switzerland where it was stored in extensive underground vaults under Zurich, while the greatest part was sent to the Federal Reserve vaults in New York.*

*Of course, much happened between 1931 and 2001, not the least of which was World War II and the Chinese Communist capture of all China except the island which was then called Formosa (now Taiwan). Pu-yi (the Emperor) remained a communist prisoner for many years and died as a gardener.*

*It apparently appeared to certain US and European financial interests who were interested parties in the leased Chinese Treasury, and it was probably their plan, that the Chinese imperial line died out, or at least was so impoverished that it had no means or power to recover any of their leased Treasury materials and articles. *

*So seventy years passed.*

*In fact, the leasing parties grossly miscalculated. The Emperor, Pu-yi, had additional gold and other assets stored in protected places other than Manchuria-assets which escaped the attentions and discoveries of both the Japanese and Communist Chinese. Within the past two decades, much of that wealth has been returned to his grandson, a certain "Mr. Yi" who resides in Taiwan.*

*The ownership and control of the bonds which were exchanged for the Chinese Treasury were placed a number of years ago in the hands of certain surviving members of the Chinese royal family, and recently Mr. Yi. *

*So when 2001 came, Mr. Yi, The Emperor's grandson, by now a very wealthy and powerful individual, formally negotiated the return of the Chinese Royal Family's leased legal estate and the accumulated interest thereof from the United States Federal Reserve Bank (the lessor), in exchange for the Federal Reserve bonds and attached interest coupons. The returned amount of the Emperor's Treasury and interest was a very small part of what was owed.*

*A major part of the problem was that the United States Federal Reserve Bank, although owned by the United States Citizens by way of their Constitutional government, was operated from the beginning as a private organization whose assets were also privately owned, held and used (that included the entire amount collected from the Citizens/citizens as taxes). *

*The Chinese Treasury was divided for years among a number of wealthy and powerful European and North American interests, many of whom never expected the Chinese royal line to survive. Consequently, they never expected to repay either the principal or the interest due on the Chinese royal assets they held and used. *

*In fact, many of them firmly resisted Mr. Yi's legal demand that whatever Chinese royal assets they held were required to be immediately returned with all due interest. *

*After some resistance, some of the Europeans holding Chinese Treasury assets returned some of the Emperor's Treasury, but that amount also fell far-far short of what was actually owed. *

*Mr. Yi has since used legal and financial resources available to him, especially the assistance of a little known but very powerful World Monetary Authority, to force the return of assets which are properly his.*

*That brings us the present. But before we can further address our subject, we need to explore more history-United States history. *

*On April 6, 1933, President Roosevelt, with Congressional approval, declared a "national bank holiday" which lasted through April 9. There is a plethora of information about that period and the reasons causing such, but there is practically nothing said about one major event which occurred during the same time. A corporation was formed at the President's order called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. That was done without Congressional action of any sort, so that organization is, and always has been, a privately owned, not public, corporation. At the same time, our legal system shifted from Public and English Common Law, to Private International Law.*

*THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION then usurped all the identity, power, legal standing, laws and mandates, and assets of the Constitutional United States-virtually seamlessly and with hardly anyone even suspecting what had happened-for 75 years. *

*Let me restate that in less complicated terms-for 75 years a private corporation, not our Constitutional government, has performed the role of our government for the exclusive benefit of that organization's shareholders and their friends. *

*The CORPORATION, through Congress, immediately passed into "law" such things as the law establishing the FEDERAL REGISTER ACT, which effectively allows the President to declare and establish "law" by publishing his declaration in the FEDERAL REGISTER, that without consulting or informing Congress, let alone requiring their debate and passage of any effective law. *

*That should explain a great deal about why our "government" consistently behaves outside our Constitution and other laws. Our Constitutional government is bound (limited) by the Constitution. The CORPORATION, however, is bound only by the tenets of the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations, both Private International Law, which, in this country, may only be tried and enforced by and in Admiralty, not civil or equity courts. Equity courts were done away with by our "government" soon after our form of law was changed.*

*A large book could be (and probably should be) written on the subject of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, however that is definitely outside the scope of this document. We will work only with the relationship of Mr. Yi and his efforts to enforce his contract with the Federal Reserve Bank. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, since it is in mortal financial default, was forced by the Monetary Authority to negotiate, for the past several months in Switzerland, their bankruptcy. Two Mondays ago the initial bankruptcy filings of that CORPORATION were placed in the United States Supreme Court. That bankruptcy was forced by Chinese and "other" interests.*

*I posit that the Citizens/citizens (yes, there is a difference), as well as those Citizens who are also Native Americans, also have a substantial legal interest in that matter, but as yet not legally entered in the case. It is absolutely essential that the CORPORATION assets placed in the legal proceeding be only theirs, and not the assets of the Constitutional United States, their Citizens/citizens assets and persons, and anything which is the property of our Native Americans. *

*I further posit that CORPORATION owes a great debt to the Constitutional United States of America and its Citizens/citizens. Our rights will be protected only if we act-it is in no one else's interest to so do. We need several very skilled Constitutional attorneys licensed and able to practice and argue in and before the US Supreme Court. If anyone fitting that description reads this document and would agree to assist, we need to hear from you immediately.

--- end of part one ---

So here is the rest of the story:

All of the business done by the Federal Reserve Bank of America since its inception in 1913 skirted the US Constitution by calling the currency they issued as "UNITED STATES NOTES" because it was specifically unconstitutional for the word "money" to appear anywhere on any note. Had the word "money" appeared, the Fed would have been guilty of counterfeiting. Furthermore, only the US government had the authority to produce and promulgate "money." The evidence of this is to be found in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

I posit that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, a private organization continuously with shareholders, officers and directors since inception, has illegally been, with the collusion of the Federal Reserve Bank (another corporation, public but operated until this last year as a private organization), in complete control of the financial life of this nation since 1932. As you know, the CORPORATION is now in bankruptcy.

As a private corporation, whatever debts they have incurred as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which by the way is virtually all the debt attributed to this nation, is actually theirs and not the Constitutional United States' and/or its Citizens/citizens. That can and will be proved in due time in a court of law, probably the US Supreme Court.

On the other hand, I believe the United States (Constitutional), its assets, its Citizens and their assets and can be proven to be not owned by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and therefore outside the bankruptcy.

I believe the hyperinflation depression information (The writer's first email was posted as part of this article) sent you earlier today can be avoided if we act quickly and wisely. I can expand on that subject later.

If events proceed as I hope, the Federal Reserve also will be dissolved as insolvent, and its Notes we have used as currency for 75 years will become valueless after some period where legally earned notes may be exchanged for new and legal United States money.
I wish to see the United States to return to a precious metal basis for its money and I know how that can happen.

But we have some rough water ahead, and unless we wish to experience hyperinflation depression or any part of it, we must act immediately to have something in place to replace the Fed notes we now use as currency.

I can expand on the above, but you have probably enough to think about now so I will call it a day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ag-agria Sirian Update April 21/08

Ag-agria Sirian Update April 21/08

Your thoughts and prayers are being heard by us loud and clear, and now more than any other time you call us to come to your aid. You have grown immensely over the last few years in your perception of us, and no longer are we seen as a threat to your existence. It is rather the opposite, as you are becoming aware of our desire to help you rise up out of your present predicament. Many of your frustrations are the result of the time factor concerned with our coming, but we have to abide by greater Beings who have planned these end times. As you are fond of saying, there is a time and place for everything, and as your reality continues to change so we look for the ideal situation to openly meet you.

With the threat of war always hanging over your heads you wonder why we do not step in and take action. The truth is that we have to approach you through your elected representatives, as without their approval any action on our part will be seen as interference in your freewill to decide your own future. What few of you will realize is that over a long period of time, we have often met your government heads to propose a peaceful pact. However, where we were concerned it had to be an exchange for our help and advanced technologies, with your agreement to broker permanent peace. That condition has been repeatedly rejected, as your governments preferred to gain such technologies for reasons of world power and domination. It should be clarified that you have powerful people behind your elected representatives, who dictate the course for mankind. You have come to know these as the Illuminati comprising of some of the richest people in the world.

Now you can understand why it is imperative that your present leaders are not only removed, but replaced with dear ones who are enlightened and spiritual aware. Within the authority that we exercise, we work with those who are bringing about the political changes that can kick-start our program of First Contact. Everything that is essential to our coming is forging ahead, and your military are aware that their weaponry cannot be successfully used against us to stop our arrival. You may know that some spacecraft have been destroyed, but that is between your government and the Greys who were allowed to have bases on and within your Earth, in exchange for advanced technologies. Their agreement had no inclusion for creating peace, or the cessation of all wars.

You may wonder why we have not stopped in and removed the Greys, but their presence was by invitation and not through the use of force. Freewill extends to all Beings, and if the dark forces come together by mutual consent it is not our place to prevent it. What we will do is monitor their intentions, and guard the people of Earth against unprovoked attacks. This also applies off planet, and no visitors to Earth are allowed unless we authorize it. We are here to fulfill the plan for Man as decreed by the higher forces of Light, and we shall ensure its completion in a peaceful manner. We are not simply policing the Universe, but caring for you as parents do for their children. We say this not to belittle you, but you need guidance and protection against those forces of darkness that hover around you.

Our role is to ensure that you complete this cycle as intended, and that you and Mother Earth are allowed to express and fulfill your upliftment into the higher dimensions. The dark would hold you back if possible, but with us on your side it is a futile dream. Already it is crumbling away, and there is no way that they can avoid the failure and self-destruction that inevitably ends such rule. They have served their purpose by bringing you the reality that you allowed to manifest and gave life to, but it now tries unsuccessfully to hold onto its power. The Light is now permeating all parts of Earth, as the grid slowly moves into place that will allow your new Earth to coalesce. Meantime, we work to limit any further damage to your environment, and make good pollution both on and off Earth. For example for a long time we have reduced levels of harmful radiation caused by your insistence upon using nuclear based devices, whether for domestic use or war.

The people of Earth are well aware that extensive changes are necessary if you are to overcome the present problems. To this end we stand ready to move into action, and we will bring about the peaceful world that you seek. It will be the start of a peaceful revolution that will totally re-organise and re-design your world. It will become the proverbial Garden of Eden, in readiness for your Ascension. Happy times are just around the corner, and what you see or experience now will be the last throes of a dark giant that is being cut down to size, and will eventually disappear. It is one of your own making, and it gives us much happiness to see you disempowering it. The negative vibrations have long brought you nothing but difficulties, and that is the Karmic outworking of energies that have been set in motion.

Your sojourn upon Earth is one of a spiritual experience that leaves you stronger than ever, and through the lessons learnt you have lifted yourselves up. These will serve you well wherever you find yourselves in the future, and that will be in the higher realms. Life is ongoing and never stops providing even greater opportunities to expand your consciousness. You may turn this way and that, but always you will ultimately come back to the Light. We are here to guide you on to the path of Ascension, and leave the old behind. Do not concern yourself as to how that is achieved, as you will be fully informed before that upliftment takes place. We will tell you that it will be a most wonderful experience, and that there is absolutely nothing to fear.

I am Ag-agria from Sirius, and based on a Mothership close to Earth as are thousands more waiting the order to commence First Contact. In reality there are millions of ships attached to the Galactic Federation, and many lie deep in space. This knowledge should assure you that you have nothing to fear from your last cabal, as you will remain in our care until this cycle is completed. We may be far away by your reckoning, but our awareness of what is happening is complete minute by minute and nothing will escape our notice. You are safe in our hands, and we constantly send immense love and healing energies to you. Call upon us as we are but a thought away from you, and pleased to serve in Love and Light.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Biggest Scam in History


The Way Ahead

Ela 18-April-2008

Dear Ones, let me for a moment take a look at the trauma and uncertainty of your lives, and the upheaval that is occurring all over your world. The old ways are no longer working, and there is little satisfaction with your leaders. They cannot see what is necessary to move you onto a new path without relinquishing their power, and this is the core of the problem. You need those waiting souls who are here especially to take the reins, to guide you through the momentous events that are unfolding. For most of you, it is easy to see the breaking up that is happening before your eyes, but few appreciate or understand how to manifest the way forward.

We the Arcturians are one of many Star Nations that are close to Man, and have followed your evolutionary path for eons of time. You have gone through change many times, but nothing has been quite like the period you are now in. This time you will avert the disaster that beckons, and out of the turmoil you will see a new way of life arise. It will happen with all speed once the main obstacles are removed, and it involves those who are still in power and hold onto the old in the face of changes that they are unable to comprehend. Their inability to lead you out of this difficult period, is because they lack the new vision that is necessary to overcome the present challenges.

Taking a leap forward that is not far away, you will rise up to meet the challenges that will be patently obvious. By then quite far reaching changes will have occurred, and a clear path to the creation of the new Earth will have been established. There will first have been a cleansing through the introduction of new technologies that are known to you, but were not given to Man to be hidden away. Neither were other discoveries meant to be used solely for military advancement, or as weapons that could place one nation above all others. They will be shared by all of you, and the Galactic Federation will ensure that their fair distribution takes place. Further to that development will be the addition of even more advanced technologies. We along side you will have become one force for good, and nothing will be able to delay or obstruct the plan for your upliftment.

The interim period will see the new approach to life quickly established. Yet there are those who are unwilling to give up their power and wealth. They will not however have been able to hold onto it, and it will have been removed from them. All of the actions that you will see will not involve force, but the Universal Laws will be applied to the letter. Our advantage is that we fully know the truth of what has been taking place, along with the Illuminati agenda for world domination. We can assure you that no smart lawyers will be able to override the law or manipulate it so as to avoid justice. The truth along with honesty will return, and once people accept it they will soon uplift their consciousness to these higher levels.

Man has lived according to the status quo established millennia of time ago, and has bowed down to the might of those who have placed themselves in power through the subjugation and control of those around them. Now equality and sovereignty are to be returned to you, as in reality no one person is any better than another. You may be at different points along your path of evolution, but those who are part of Earth are One, and no individual should be denied the opportunity to be lifted up. Some souls have not yet awakened to their true selves, but all is not lost as they will move on to complete their evolution as will everyone else. You have experienced the dark days of the soul, and it is time to move on into the Light of opportunity that you have created. Very soon you will look back and see that you have taken a quantum leap forward, and memories of the stark challenges of duality will fade away. Indeed, why should you continue to carry the old energies with you when they can now be released, having fulfilled their purpose.

As you work with us there will be absolutely no doubt in your minds as to the higher vibrations that we carry with us. You will not only “feel” them in action, but also see that all we do is motivated by our love for you as our brothers and sisters. We come not to take anything away from you except that which no longer serves you, and it will be consigned to the Cosmic dustbin to be returned to source. We wish to see you quickly brought up to the levels that we presently enjoy, and that covers your wellbeing, health and happiness. Your daily labors will become a matter of choice, rather than an imposition or need to provide for yourself or family. Life will become fulfilling by allowing you complete expression of talents and skills long suppressed.

While the changes are proceeding, the barriers that have been set up between different countries or people will be removed. Once your needs have been amply covered, you will in general be quite happy to stay in your country of origin. The vast movement of people all around your globe, is forced upon them through the necessity of finding a means to lift up out of poverty and war, and often to avoid suppressive regimes that place little value on human life. You will see that ultimately and with some urgency, all of these problems will be overcome. We shall initially be part of those teams that will introduce new healing methods, and these will be gentle and not harmful unlike much of your present medical treatment. We can treat all of your problems that hitherto have been described as “untreatable”, including epidemics such as AIDS which was created in your own laboratories. There is no disease or disability that cannot be treated or reversed by our highly advanced knowledge.

Happy people do not resort to violence, and when the wealth of your world is fairly distributed there is going to be a massive drop in criminal activity. The dark have created and maintained their control over you, by creating fear and a lack of essentials amongst you. Even education has been curtailed in many countries, as knowledge is the path to growth and understanding. Again that is an area that shall be quickly addressed, and we will introduce you to revolutionary methods of teaching, that will be more efficient and much quicker than your present systems. With all of the changes will come permanent peace, and the stage will be set for your final period leading to Ascension.

I am Ela from the higher dimensions that are calling you home. You are beautiful souls beginning to recognize your true selves as the Gods you really are. You are awakening to your full creative powers that have lain dormant for such a long time that you forgotten how to use them. They are within the capabilities of each of you, and we along with others shall instruct you as to how that ability can be restored. You are to move quickly into the higher vibrations, and as you do so you will align with us. No longer will the old ways prove acceptable, and you will understand that Man has long lacked the spiritual awareness to use his true capabilities. You have gone astray and often had erroneous teachings forced upon you, but in future you will go within and contact your Higher Self for affirmation of the truth.

You are in times where the old and new flow together, but if you are discerning you will know which path to follow. Let the Light within guide you and you will be set free from the conditioning that has kept you down. The truth is there for you to understand, and we shall be your teachers and help re-write your history. You are the Christed Ones, and you are helping lift up the Earth and all life forms upon it. You are far more evolved than you realize, and you have a wealth of experience behind you stretching back to even earlier civilizations than your present one. You are old souls finding what has been concealed from you for eons of time. Think upon it, and look ahead to your upliftment and return to the Light and Love that is your place in the Cosmos. You are going forward and uplifting with Mother Earth, and will be completing a journey that started in the mists of time, before you let yourself fall into the cycle of duality that is now closing.

I thank you for your patience and commitment to lift yourself up, and soon we shall stretch out a helping hand to accompany you in your final years to completion. May your lives be filled with many blessings and be surrounded by the Creator’s Love.

Thank you Ela.

Mike Quinsey.

Monday, April 14, 2008

What Really Happened on 911?

What Really Happened on 911?
Apr 12, 2008, 19:40

What Really Happened on 9-11?

The events of 9-11 are seared into the collective psyche of this generation. We have all been affected by the catastrophes of that fateful day, but what really happened on 9-11?

Some people believe an outlandish conspiracy theory involving 19 Arab hijackers who allegedly: commandeered four commercial jets with nothing more than their cunning, wit, resolve, hatred of America, and some box cutters; then proceed to fly these aircraft around US airspace unfettered for a total lapsed time of over an hour; on three of the planes, pulled stunning flight maneuvers beyond the capability of even expert pilots; and, managed to cause damage to their targets — one of which just happens to have been the most heavily defended building in the world — so extreme as to be in clear violation of several well understood laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Thermodynamics. This amazing conspiracy theory is even more suspicious and bizarre in that it is the one proffered by the United States Government (USG) and the 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission. In the 9-11 Truth Movement we call it the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT).

Thankfully, despite the best efforts of the corporate-controlled media and virtually the entire US Congress, there are literally millions of people in this country and millions more around the world who do not believe that these 19 Arabs, as clever as they purportedly were, could have somehow suspended the laws of Physics on 9-11.

Are There Competing Conspiracy Theories?

We just observed that the official story of 9-11 is in fact a “conspiracy theory”… and a wacky one at that, one that happens to be physically impossible!

There must be another explanation, one that doesn’t require us to rewrite most of Newtonian Physics. There is, in fact, another explanation that is supported by the empirical evidence, the observed events of the day. It is more than a “conspiracy theory” at this point. It has been sufficiently verified, tested, and refined to be rightly called a “conspiracy reality”.

True, there are competing conspiracy “theories”, but they only compete with the OCT not the conspiracy reality, as they all have anomalies, inconsistencies, improbabilities, and out right impossibilities that will keep them forever in the realm of “theory” unsupported by fact. These conspiracy “theories” that eschew the OCT only to embrace other utter nonsense (like: planes didn’t hit the WTC, holograms and “video trickery” were used instead; the three WTC skyscrapers demolished on 9-11 were destroyed by exotic, space-based, directed energy beam weapons; a commercial jet really did hit the Pentagon) are in reality all part of a concerted COINTELPRO-style USG disinformation campaign designed to splinter and marginalize those of us who have solved the Rubik’s Cube of 9-11. These “theories” don’t compete with what is known to be true by the vast majority of the 9-11 Truth Movement, they are deliberate and elaborate disinformation campaigns designed to make those of us who do know the truth look foolish by association.

What Is The Real Conspiracy?

Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available:

* yes, 9-11 was a “terrorist” attack, but it was not perpetrated by “angry Arabs”, it was a State-sponsored “inside job”, a “false flag” operation planned, executed, and covered up by elements of the USG and operatives from at least two other countries… it was the greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated;

* the alleged 19 Arab “hijackers” were “patsies”, several are still alive, several were under the care and feeding of USG operatives and were being “trained” at CIA-operated flight schools;

* FBI field agents who discovered the plot were told by their superiors not to investigate the “suspicious Arabs in flight schools”;

* no interceptor jets were launched in a timely manner on 9-11 because of the five to seven overlapping war games — “games” simulating a simultaneous hijacking of several planes — that were taking place on 9-11;

* the planes that hit the Twin Towers were most likely remotely controlled to their intended targets;

* WTC 1 and 2 (the Twin Towers) and WTC 7 were all destroyed by preplanted charges — a combination of Thermate and high-powered explosives — in controlled demolitions;

* the Pentagon was hit by a military drone painted to look like American Airlines flight 77, possibly in combination with a cruise missile;

* the cell-phone calls allegedly made from the “hijacked” flights were not possible with the technology available on 9-11 from the altitude and speed at which the jets were traveling, these calls were faked to help sell the OCT;

* the fate of United flight 93 is still up for debate at this time, it seems to have been intended to hit Congress and was likely shot down by a “rogue” air force interceptor, but some reports claim it landed in Cleveland (one way or another, all passengers are dead).

Why Kill Your Own People?

This is the toughest part for the uninitiated to understand. The people who planned and executed the treasonous, heinous crimes of 9-11 are largely drawn from a handful of people known as NeoCons. Many of these are current or former members of PNAC (Project for the New American Century). Many are disciples of Leo Strauss, a German-born, fascistic, political philosopher who taught at the University of Chicago. Strauss thought that the average person was too stupid to decide what is in their best interest and that a ruling elite should govern all of humanity.

Taking a long-term perspective, 9-11 was conceived as a “stepping stone” to eventually enable the creation of a New World Order (NWO), the ultimate goal of the ruling elite — one global, fascistic, police state in perpetual war against an unseen enemy… terrorism.

There were also several short-term objectives of 9-11: to push the USA Patriot Act through a compliant and complicit Congress; to declare war on Afghanistan and Iraq; to create a “siege mentality” in the USA and around the world; to eliminate the Constitution and in doing so eliminate Constitutional Rights and civil liberties; to dramatically increase military and “security” spending; to further divide the country; to rapidly militarize local police; to set the stage for the next “9-11”; and, ultimately, to prepare for martial law.

How Could They Keep It Secret?

Most people assume that for insiders to have pulled off 9-11 would have taken so many people that someone would have talked by now.

First of all, it seems likely that there were as few as roughly 140 people who were intimately involved in the details of 9-11. On this site, you can see pictures and a short bio of the 90 people who are highly likely to be the top criminal coconspirators guilty of the planning, execution, and subsequent cover-up of the treason and mass murder that took place on 9-11.

As far as why no one has confessed, look at it this way: everyone involved in 9-11, even those only involved in the cover-up, are guilty of crimes for which they could possibly receive a death sentence if convicted. If that isn’t enough incentive to remain silent, i don’t know what is! How many times has a criminal ever confessed to a crime for which they were not even a suspect?! Criminals will only confess if they’re convinced they’ve been caught and they’re willing to make a deal for leniency if they reveal their cohorts.

Furthermore, when you read the names on the list of suspected perpetrators, you’ll see right away what a tight-knit little group it is. If there were even a shadow of a doubt about someone’s loyalty, they would not have been invited into this cabal.

About the List of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators.

This list was compiled after many hours of research. Many, if not most, of the people named here were very likely criminally involved in the planning, execution, and cover-up of the crimes of 9-11 — crimes which include mass murder, accessory to mass murder, and treason. There is a slim possibility that a few people named here should not be on this list. If evidence surfaces that would exonerate someone named here, their name will be removed.

Clearly, there are people who were involved who are not on this list; for instance, the people on the small team of demolition experts who actually wired WTC 1, 2, and 7 for demolition. We won’t have a final verdict on all of the perpetrators until a new and fully independent 9-11 investigation is launched that has the ability to subpoena documents and question suspects under oath.

If you would like to offer someone to be added to the list of suspected perpetrators, you can submit pertinent information to contact@whodidit.org.

Please note: In an effort to reclaim the meaning of certain highly-charged words, the word “defense” has been replaced by the word “war” in all USG department names, position titles, and policy boards. For instance, “Secretary of Defense” is retitled “Secretary of War” to more accurately reflect the true nature of the position.

Analysis of the Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators.

Of the 103 people named on the list of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators there are:

  • 22 current or former members of George W. Bush’s White House (21.4%);
  • 4 current or former members of Congress (3.9%);
  • 6 current or former FBI agents or officials (5.8%);
  • 6 current or former CIA agents or officials (5.8%);
  • 6 current or former officials of New York (5.8%);
  • 12 current or former high-ranking USG military commanders (11.7%);
  • 13 current or former USG officials (not included above) (12.6%);
  • 12 current or former members of PNAC (11.7%);
  • 16 consultants, lobbyists, or members of a “think tank” (not including PNAC) (15.5%);
  • 12 engineers (11.7%);
  • 34 current or former corporate executives (33.0%);
  • 4 senior “statesmen” (3.9%);
  • 5 members of the Bush family (4.9%);
  • 1 Canadian (1.0%);
  • 1 Pakistani (1.0%);
  • 2 Arabs (1.9%);
  • 2 Brits (1.9%);
  • 4 known or suspected Mossad agents (3.9%);
  • 14 people who hold “dual citizenship” (13.6%); and
  • 27 Israelis and Zionists (including people with “dual citizenship” noted above) (26.2%).

    Note: Since the same person can be counted in more than one category, the tally above will not add up to 103 and the percentages will not total to 100%.

  • What Can We Do?

    Once you know the truth of what really happened on 9-11 and you realize that a handful of people at the highest levels of the USG and the corporate world committed mass murder and treason on 9-11, it’s impossible to simply look the other way and carry on as if the OCT fairy tale were true.

    The perpetrators of the “false flag” attack of 9-11 committed an abominable crime and have, so far, escaped prosecution. If they are not removed from power in the very near future it is virtually assured that they will do another 9-11-style attack. The biggest difference is the next one will be much worse, most likely involving a nuclear device, and the outcome will be much worse as well. Expect the following: casualties in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands; an immediate declaration of martial law; the total suspension of the constitution and all civil rights; the abolition of Congress; and the hasty coronation of George W. Bush as Dictator of the Americas.

    Don’t let anybody tell you, “One person can’t make a difference”! Tell your friends and family the uncomfortable truth about 9-11. Pass out copies of dvds like “9-11 Mysteries”. Organize talks about 9-11 in your community. Demand your elected officials launch a new and independent investigation of 9-11. Vote for 9-11 Truth Candidates for public office. Individually and together we can, must, and will see that the perpetrators of 9-11 are removed from power and brought to justice.


    Re-Growing Organs: the Future is Here

    When Lee Spievack sliced off the tip of his finger, his brother Alan, a medical research scientist, sent him a special powder and told him to sprinkle it on the wound. In four weeks, his fingertip grew back completely.

    That powder was a substance called extracellular matrix, a mix of protein and connective tissue surgeons use to repair tendons. It signals your body to start the process of tissue regrowth, and holds some of the secrets behind the emerging new science of regenerative medicine.

    In one lab at Wake Forest University, researchers are already “growing body parts,” including muscle tissue and whole organs. And using this technology, a patient’s own cells have been used to grow a bladder that was then transplanted into the patient.

    Many scientists believe that every tissue in your body has cells that are capable of regeneration, and the key is to find enough of those cells and direct them to grow. At least in theory, this process could be used to regrow limbs, organs, and other body parts.
    CBS News March 22, 2008

    Friday, April 11, 2008

    NESARA Summary 2008April8

    I've followed this story since the late 90s and it is coming to a head now and when the truth finally dawns in the media for the masses heads will roll and the world at large will be gapejawed horror struck at how this has played out. This is the final dance of the wouldbe world controllers and if you know little or nothing about this drama, this cuts to the chase and brings us up to speed to the very last few days and how we stand in history. This also explains some of the Extra Terrestrial manuvering going on. Compelling reading. Chins up,

    Nesara Drama Explained April 10/08
    A covert Roman Catholic conspiracy has been identified at the heart of the USA legal system. On the evening of Thursday 20th March 2008,

    , 255);">John Glover Roberts, the seventeenth Chief Justice of the USA Supreme Court, and a prominent American Roman Catholic, called a meeting at the USA Treasury. He was there to wash the feet of his disciples. Supported, it is understood, by senior American Roman Catholic archbishops and cardinals, the Vatican in Rome and the Crown Temple in London, John Roberts and his spiritual director, George Bush Jnr, were engaged in arranging a financial crucifixion. They were conspiring together to prevent delivery of the Wanta Plan Funds and the NESARA global prosperity packages.

    John Roberts spoke plainly to his colleagues: "I run Treasury. I decide what will be done and what I am doing is none of your business. You don't work for the government and you don't work for the American people. You work for me and you will do what I tell you to do and what I am doing is none of your business. I am sick and tired of calls from all over the world and my business being reported on the internet by Casper. Anyone caught opening their mouth will immediately be fired."

    John Roberts' problem was that several of his Washington DC colleagues in both the Supreme Court and the Treasury did not agree that it was right for the Chief Justice to act in open defiance of the American Constitution, the International Court of Justice and the International Monetary Fund, at a time of international financial danger. Yet, if insider reports were accurate, not only were the Wanta and NESARA deliveries being blocked but, over and above this, Roberts-Bush had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers' funds from the Treasury, riding roughshod over due process in several clearly-documented ways. The Mastermind behind this heist was said to be Henry Kissinger. The stolen or miss-applied funds vastly exceeded America's gross annual budget. Questions were being asked in Washington. What were Roberts and Bush planning to do with this money? Where had the $9.1 trillion been moved to? And were the funds being used as collateral in covert off-shore trading programmes to generate wealth for undisclosed third parties?

    On Thursday 29th September 2005, John Roberts was sworn in as USA Chief Justice. President George Bush Jnr welcomed his appointment: "The Senate has confirmed a man with an astute mind and a kind heart .... John Roberts will be prudent in exercising judicial power, firm in defending judicial independence and, above all, a faithful guardian of the Constitution."

    Meanwhile, two and a half years later, John Roberts was holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC. As long ago as Friday 18th January 2008, Roberts had been heard by colleagues to say that the NESARA global prosperity packages would "never be delivered".

    The Passion Play being enacted in Washington DC was watched closely from power centres around the world. Brussels, The Hague, Moscow, Beijing, Lhasa, Dharamsala, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and Riyadh were said to be following developments in detail. And in Jerusalem, the interest was particularly keen. With regard to Roberts and Bush, who was paying who the thirty pieces of silver? And what was the agreed contract? By midday on Friday 21st March 2008, John Roberts' control of the USA Treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court Justices. Three of the Assistant Justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion Treasury theft. They were: Samuel Alito (a Roman Catholic with Italian connections), Antonin Scalia (a Roman Catholic with Sicilian connections) and Clarence Thomas (a Roman Catholic with a developed interest in pornography and a public history of sexual harassment). By midafternoon on Friday 21st March 2008, Roberts' resignation was demanded. He quickly signed his resignation letter. But there was a problem with the document. It was correctly dated the 21st March 2008, but John Glover Roberts had deliberately signed the letter fraudulently - he wrote his name as Robert rather than Roberts. Centuries ago, other duplicitous churchmen had falsified the biblical texts with similar negative glosses at key points.

    Further moves were put in train by the Supreme Court to accept the resignation letter of President George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, which he had signed in the middle of February 2008, in response to multilateral international pressures focused through the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Multiple Treason charges were prepared. On Tuesday 25th March 2008, it emerged that Sandra Day O'Connor, a recently retired Supreme Court Assistant Justice, was actively involved in attempting to trade the stolen $9.1 trillion for Bush and Roberts. O'Connor is regarded as a Farm Claims and NESARA turncoat, bribed into conspiratorial obedience by the Bush White House. She is described by Asian acquaintances as a 'three-headed snake'. This is an instructive metaphor. In the Harry Potter canon, a Runespoorpropaganda poster featuring a three-headed snake. It shows the heads of Emperor Hirohito (Japan), Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Benito Mussolini (Italy) rising from a single serpent. But more likely, the Asians who know O'Connor are referring to a variant of the poisonous, polycephalous Naga, called Kaliya, featured in Hindu mythology. Krishna won; Kaliya lost. The point about being a polycephalous snake is that you look both ways, or face both ways; you are two-faced. O'Connor has always been an equivocal figure in the American criminal overclass. People disagree about her, and not everyone thinks she is unremittingly evil. For example, a more positive reading of the Sandra Day O'Connor myth, is that she is actually a Gryffindor (goody) who has courageously taken a draught of Polyjuice Potion enabling her to appear as a Slytherin (baddie), in order to obtain operational information from the dungeon common room under the lake. International visitors viewing this in translation will note the Harry Potter signifiers. On this reading, O'Connor is playing Roberts, subtly leading him to over-reach his powers and enter an inescapable legal ambush. The Chief Justice is a tickled trout about to meet his almonds. This is theoretically possible. Even by the modest standards of recent Supreme Court Justices, John Glover Roberts is not the sharpest knife in the canteen. Regarded as a dimwit by his office staff, he deploys a dyslexic genius towards grammar, spelling and punctuation. Much overtime has to be spent correcting his embarrassing garbles. is a magical, three-headed snake that grows to six or seven feet in length and is a favourite pet of dark wizards. There is also a memorable Pear Harbour-related World War II

    On the morning of Tuesday 25th March 2008, 'The Untouchable' returned to the USA Treasury to continue his investigations. Patrick Fitzgerald, Federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, paid another call. A few hours later he was instructed by John Glover Roberts to stop his work and go. On Wednesday 26th March 2008, Fitzgerald was threatened by unnamed agents. On Thursday 27th February 2008, he did not answer his telephone all day. Patrick Fitzgerald was out of town addressing a crowded auditorium at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. His audience knew that Fitzgerald was familiar with more formidable miscreants than the small fry at SCOTUS. He had successfully prosecuted George Ryan, the Gambinos, Scooter Libby and Conrad Black in his time. He took a question from the audience. "So, in dealing with such sordid characters on cases of such importance, did he ever get scared?" "You'd have to be an idiot not to," Fitzgerald replied.

    In fact, by the beginning of April 2008, Patrick Fitzgerald was the most closely protected individual on the planet. Agents acting for President George Bush Jnr and the Vatican had a contract out for Fitzgerald's assassination and had told him so. But by this time he and his co-workers were safely surrounded by tiers of security provided by Interpol and the Chinese Secret Society of which Benjamin Fulford had spoken in 2007. The Chinese enforcers also had people in place within the inner circles of George Bush Jnr, George Bush Snr, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, as well as in the hospitals these people would be taken to in the event of an accident. If the Chinese bullet didn't work, the Chinese syringe certainly would.

    Dick Cheney knew this. He had serious cardiac-related breathing difficulties. He kept going to sleep in important meetings because of his clapped-out heart. It couldn't get enough oxygen up his carotid arteries to his brain. Cheney badly needed a heart transplant, but he knew that if he was under anaesthetic for that long, he would be quietly assassinated in hospital like Ken Lay or Ariel Sharon.

    On Monday 31st March 2008, Fitzgerald had a team of one hundred and seventy seven attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the US Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The data retrieved spelled death for the Washington DC ruling class.

    Whether he was aware of it or not, thanks to The Higher Evolution, Patrick Fitzgerald was protected by additional layers of esoteric security above and beyond Interpol and the Chinese. But why was Fitzgerald suddenly so unpopular with the politico-legal overclass in Washington DC? The answer to that question was the biggest answer articulated in American history. During his investigations into the US government wire frauds at the Treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud: Washington DC itself had no right in Constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing. The United States was not the United States of America. These were two completely different legal entities. There was an illegal President of the US in post, but no legally constituted President of the USA. The US (Washington DC) was not about the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The US was about the control of the people by the corporations for the Crown Temple in London.

    The scam dated back to the American Civil War (1861–1865). Both sides in that manufactured conflict had been financed by the Crown Temple in London and all subsequent legal and financial settlements were controlled by the Crown Temple for the Vatican. That is why it was important to have pliable Roman Catholic placemen at the top of the Washington DC corporation at the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). All this might have stayed invisible but for NESARA and the American financial depression of 2007-2008. The combination of these two things engendered irresistible pressures which squeaked out the legal pips. And Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald saw them in the Washington spittoon. America's money had gone. There was nothing to replace it with except the NESARA world prosperity funds. The politicos were desperate. They didn't want NESARA because NESARA would re-establish Constitutional law and they would be forced out of office to face public Treason charges. They were terminally desperate. And in their desperation, they made serial mistakes with attempted illegal wire transfers and off-shore stealth trades. Their flailing about caused the whole corporate legal fiction to unwind visibly.

    What was happening behind the scenes was described in meticulous historical detail by a network of alternative news and analysis sites on the web.The facts came to the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald and he deftly played the end-game card. The Bush-Cheney-Clinton junta was in a fight for its political, legal and financial life. But at the beginning of April 2008, the US junta still controlled the mainstream corporate media, so the general population was unaware of anything but a politically understated financial crisis, a collapsing dollar, a rising gold price, and a few million foreclosures on domestic properties.

    In hindsight, it seems that the single document which woke Washington up was the one, published on the FourWinds10 website in March 2008. It was an official listing of US Government units, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities. Casper called this document the silver bullet. We call it Pandora's Pumpkin Pie. It was the confection which loosened the vowels of Washington and got senior lawbores talking about bad smells in their registries. A subsequent explanatory appendix to the Pandora's PP document was posted on Tuesday 8th April 2008.

    Crucially for Fitzgerald, President George Bush Jnr's interference in due process in July 2007 with regard to Lewis Scooter Libby had energised his investigative work in Washington. Libby was Dick Cheney's Dick Cheney; the perfect exemplar of American legal and political corruption. Patrick Fitzgerald had secured Libby's conviction in the Valerie Plame case only to watch as the President, under orders from Dick Cheney, cynically commuted Libby's two and a half year jail sentence. Fitzgerald was furious and he went after Bush with renewed determination. As history will show, Bush lost and the American Constitution won.

    What the alternative news and analysis sites were making plain between August 2007 and April 2008 was that the American people had allowed themselves be duped docile for generations by a series of legal fictions and a series of fictions of law. These are two slightly different kinds of elite-led control mechanisms. A legal fiction is an assumption of fact made by court as basis for deciding a legal question. It is a situation contrived by the law to permit a court to dispose of a troublesome matter. A fiction of law is an assumption or supposition of law that something which is or may be false is actually true. Or, that a state of facts exists which has never really taken place. A fiction of law is an assumption, for purposes of putative justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist. A fiction of law is an establishment rule of law which assumes as true, and will not allow to be disproved, something which is false, but not impossible.

    The English are good at recognising legal fictions; much better than the Americans. The story is told of an Oxbridge College which wished to appoint a new Provost. It was a weak field: one outstanding candidate and several grey, lacklustre also-rans. But there was a problem with the lead candidate. He had a dog. And the College's medieval statutes proscribed the keeping of dogs within the College purlieus. After much discussion, a legal fiction was suggested and a vote was taken. In the unanimous and considered opinion of those entitled to vote on the matter, Rover, the dog, was deemed by the College not to be a dog. Rover was a dog-like cat. And cats were permitted within the College purlieus. The new Provost and his cat were appointed. Due process was unsullied. The Senior Common Room broached a new pipe of port. The legal fictions operating in modern America are more arcane and more coercive. Few Americans, for example, know that income tax is voluntary and self-assessed. The American Constitution explicitly states that no citizen shall pay any direct tax to the federal government. Income tax is an indirect excise tax on privileges licensed by the State. According to the Supreme Court, income tax is not mandatory. "Our system of taxation is based upon voluntary compliance and self assessment, and not upon distraint." (Flora v. U.S. 362 U.S. 145, at 176 [1960]). The American Inland Revenue Service (IRS) is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF (Diversified metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391), and the IMF is an Agency of the United Nations. The US Government is, in effect, a corporate instrument of international bankers, mostly based in Europe. In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish income tax.

    The US Federal Reserve banking system and its monies are not governed by the people, for the people. The US Federal Reserve banking system is owned by a British foreign corporation. Linked are excerpts from a court case proving the Federal Reserve system's status. The court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations. There is insufficient federal government control over detailed physical performance and day-to-day operation of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency. The Fed does not belong to, or act in the interest of, the American people. In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish the Federal Reserve banking system. It will be replaced by a system of Treasury Banks which issue a new, reliable, gold-backed American currency. It was inside knowledge of this which was one of the factors operating to raise the gold price in international markets.

    America has a particular problem with gold. It does not have the deliverable gold it needs to survive the coming financial changes associated with the obligatory Basel II and Basel III global banking reforms. Much of the gold held at the American Fort Knox Bullion Depository in Kentucky is not gold at all; it consists of facsimile lead bars painted a gold colour for presentation purposes. This is becoming noticeable as the gold paint fades. Where the original gold went, and who took it, is shortly to be made public by a former insider. Much of the USA's gold reserves are listed as being Mint-Held Gold in Deep Storage. Dealers have always assumed that this means finished gold bars stored with their up-to-date assay certificates in deep underground vaults beneath places such as Fort Knox, Denver and West Point. The indications are emerging, however, that the term 'Deep Storage Gold' is a legal fiction. It is, in effect, a euphemism for 'yet to be mined gold'. It doesn't exist in deliverable form; it is merely an expedient paperwork forecast about future gold mining potentialities. America's 'Deep Storage Gold' is valueless in the immediate market and is valueless as legitimate collateral. It has, however, been sold several times over to foreign bankers whose first language is not English and whose skin colour is not Zionist.

    Another uncritically accepted legal fiction in the US concerns the right of central government in Washington DC to limit the power of American citizens. No such limitation exists in Constitutional law. The corporate government of the US has no jurisdiction or authority over any state of the republic beyond the District of Columbia (DC). 'There can be no limitation on the power of the people of the United States. By their authority the State Constitutions were made, and by their authority the Constitution of the United States was established.' (US Supreme Court, in Hauenstein v. Lynham, 100 US 483.) In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish Washington DC as a corporate legal entity and will return the country to Constitutional law. All legal professionals who do not oppose this change will be re-trained, free, in Constitutional law. All legal professionals who actively assist the change will be given leading positions in the new system. Those lawyers and their agents who oppose the return to Constitutional law in America will, at the very least, never practice law again in any country on the planet.

    Present-day American court systems do not operate in accord with the Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and the subsequent Bill of Rights. Current American courts operate admiralty-type British Law within the confines of a legal contract. The clerk of the court, the prosecuting attorneys, and the judges proffer the contract, and the defendant, if ignorant of the coercive legal fiction being deployed, blindly accepts the offered contract by acquiescence and obedience to court orders and sentences. A defendant convicted and sentenced, even by a jury, needs only to inform the judge that he refuses the offered contract and/or sentence of the judge. As a contracting party, the defendant does not have to accept a contract by imposition against his free will. As has happened, when such a refusal of the contract is made, the judge proceeds to use legal trickery and bluster in an attempt to get the defendant to accept a second legal fiction, a second contract. The defendant need only to continue with: "I do not accept your sentence." Or, where applicable: "I do not accept your offer of contract." The latter statement may be placed upon served court documents and returned (signed and dated) to the clerk of the court. In this circumstance the American court cannot further detain, harass or limit the defendant. An interesting court case from a few years ago has recently been brought back to attention in America by the alternative news and analysis sites. The case was rigorously hushed-up by the Washington DC-controlled corporate media when it first occurred. Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis (Wyoming) spoke at a press conference following a U.S. District Court decision (Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J (2006)). He announced that all federal officials are forbidden to enter his county without his prior approval. 'If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave, or retain them in custody.' The court decision was the result of a suit against both the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) by Mattis and other members of the Wyoming Sheriffs' Association. The action in the Wyoming federal court district sought restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution. The District Court ruled in favour of the sheriffs. The court confirmed and asserted that Wyoming is a sovereign state and that the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official. Some of the early court documents in this case can be viewed.

    The average American, even if he is an Anglophile, scoffs at the idea of the 'special relationship' between the US and the UK. At most he thinks that it is some sort of dependence hangover from World War II when America prevented Britain starving to death by running transatlantic food convoys into Liverpool. To him, the special relationship is a historical vestige; big powerful America is master, little compliant UK is poodle. In fact the exact reverse is the case. America is the poodle. The Crown Temple in London owns modern America and it owns the modern American legal system. Modern America is a cash cow which sends money to London. That is what America is for; America is a British business with all the major shareholders at the Crown Temple in London and at the Vatican in Rome. Modern America is a European financial convenience.

    Most Americans are still unaware that Queen Elizabeth II of England and the Crown Temple, unilaterally controls and amends U.S. Social Security law. Consider, for example, S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997, made on the 22nd of July 1997 and in force from the 1st September 1997. "At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: 'This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997.'" Long live the special relationship?

    JPMorganChase did not hire Tony Blair. Blair beckoned and Chase came running. And shortly after, so did Bear Stearns. And who do you think is running Citibank? Some innumerate woolly-back from Texas with an eye on the main chance? No. The chap running Citibank has no trace of a Texas accent. He is a quiet retiring type called Sir Win Bischoff. Notice the Sir. He is a Knight of the Crown Temple. A bit like Sir Alan Greenspan. And look at the spelling of the surname. Sir Win's is not a Home Counties name is it?

    Here is a related homework project for John Glover Roberts and any Southern Baptist who can read. "The Jesuits are not an operating front for the Vatican; the Vatican is an operating front for the Jesuits." Discuss. And for entry to Graduate School: "The Da Vinci Code is a vicarage tea party compared with what has been going on in Washington DC in the years 2000-2008." Explain. On Thursday 3rd April 2008, Casper posted an open message to Patrick J. Fitzgerald on the FourWinds10.com website. It was labelled for Fitzgerald's attention only, not for the regular website audience. The message warned him that Vice President Dick Cheney had infiltrated certain of his own people into Fitzgerald's investigation team, and that these individuals were putting out false information in Fitzgerald's name. The following day, the post was removed from the website.

    Untouchable Wunderkind Fitzgerald's reputation among alternative news buffs began to deteriorate. On Friday 4th April 2008, he stopped communicating with the web community and it became apparent that he had been telling lies about certain salient details. On Saturday 5th April 2008, the realisation dawned that like Supreme Court Assistant Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Provost Marshal Brigadier General Rodney Johnson before him, Fitzgerald may have been turned and bought by the cabal. These people had done extremely good and difficult work before caving in to the negative elite. The issue was transparency and justice. George Bush Jnr had been moved to a position where he was willing to leave office as President immediately, but he was adopting a Robert Mugabe-style determination to ameliorate the aftermath. He insisted that he must be pardoned and he must not be personally embarrassed or inconvenienced by the public release of his family's treasonous crime records. And there were the small matters of money and safe passage to be settled. At this point, Bush still had substantial residual powers to cause a major mess and further delay the release of the Farm Claims funds, the Wanta Plan funds and the NESARA global prosperity funds.

    Patrick Fitzgerald appeared to give way and concede to the final demands of the cabal. In order to move progress, and without higher authority, he was reported to have spent the weekend of 4th-6th April 2008 dispensing official pardons and legal immunities to all the major political and legal conspirators and their agents. Thus had corporate America conducted its affairs of state ever since the Civil War. Do bad, lie, conceal, bribe, embezzle, steal, murder, torture, manipulate, get away with everything you can, and then, when your luck runs out, compel your successors to pardon you while you still have the power to make things difficult for them. Fitzgerald, it seems, bit the bullet. He was heard to say: "There is nothing the American people can do about it, no-one can overturn my decisions, and the American people will never know what I have done anyway."

    Fitzgerald's statement was mistaken at a number of levels. First of all, by this time Washington DC was leaking like a sieve and people were changing sides from negative to positive by the minute. But they weren't advertising the fact; they were staying in place and becoming positively subversive. Documents were assembled and distributed. Tiny 4GB flash drives carefully loaded with pertinent names and data were deliberately left lying around in rest rooms, coffee shops and outdoor public areas. Bloggers found themselves receiving an unusual volume of well-informed, anonymous emails. From the point of view of elite control, far too many people knew far too much and they were becoming less and less fearful about discussing it in wider circles. In fin de siècle Washington, fear was replaced with anger and astonishment; excited tongues were wagging in the direction of newly hungry ears. The CIA and the US military were divided; strong opposing camps were well-placed, well-established and accurately briefed. The CIA itself was deeply penetrated by Israeli, Russian and Chinese intelligence. Langley was in an audible turmoil of gossip. There was no way, long term, that the American people would not learn exactly what had gone on. And there was a very obvious step the American people could take when they learned the truth; their anger could find the conspirators, burn their houses and lynch them and their families. Blind eyes would see nothing. And the Chinese Secret Society would be there to help if needed. And with regard to the legalities, post-NESARA, any decision could be revisited, retroactively, by the new Constitutional courts. Fitzgerald was flailing.

    The position of The Higher Evolution on all this was not much considered by the conspirators on the ground in Washington. The benevolent ETs had been monitoring, guiding and moderating human affairs on the planet for millennia and, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, had been present in, on and around the Earth in huge and increasingly visible numbers. As recently as November 2007, an enormous fleet of three thousand Martian craft had made themselves visible in broad daylight in the skies over the Bronx, New York (YouTube video - search key: Massive UFO Brigade High Over New York City). Generally speaking, whether it is the local constabulary from Mars, Venus and Jupiter, or the middle management people from regional offices in The Pleiades, Sirius or Arcturus, the benevolent ETs who guide and assist human evolution on Earth, seem to be both pragmatic and forgiving. There is a job to be done in the most energy-efficient manner possible, and it is recognised that evolving people, immersed in negativity down here on the surface, make mistakes. There is a terrestrial spiritual ascension being prepared, and planetary and cosmic laws are inexorably working out. Nevertheless, certain things are not permitted to, or by, The Higher Evolution. Everything that goes on, absolutely everything that happens, or is said, or is felt, or is thought, is securely recorded in vivid re-experiencible holography and is stored in crystal libraries and other higher dimensional media. No historical datum in Washington DC will ever be unknown, lost or concealed.

    Speaking on the 29th February 2008, a Venusian, called Ker-On, made some interesting comments about the Bush-Cheney White House: "They still hold power, but can no longer fool you into a false sense of security, by taking draconian measures to prevent the very conditions they have brought about quite intentionally. They have broken your trust so many times that you now question their actions, which have resulted in the creation of a police state. They have taken every opportunity to increase the threat of terror, to the point of creating their own scenario that has been conveniently blamed onto others. The game is up, and those who have deliberately misled you will soon answer for their actions. Absolutely nothing can be hidden from us, and we can support our allegations with undeniable evidence as to what has taken place. If necessary, we can take you into the secret clandestine meetings where the attacks on the WTC were planned. No one involved has anywhere to hide, and you may be sure that they will be revealed for the attacks on their own people. Our way is not to seek revenge, but it is our duty to put the record straight so that your history is correctly recorded ...." The full text of the Venusian Ker-On's 29.02.08 comments can be found (Galactic Federation Updates) A month later, on the 28th March 2008, a Sirian, called SaLuSa, spoke for The Galactic Federation: "Humankind has constant help to get through this very important period in your lives. We come in many guises not least of all when we walk amongst you, and you can pass us by without you realising we are not of Earth. Our craft can be cloaked so as to be invisible to your eyes, as we ourselves can also become unseen when we walk the halls of power. We know exactly what is planned and that is our advantage over the dark forces. We do of course give out information, but not in such detail that it would prejudice our activities or that of our allies .... As the truth reveals itself of how you have been used and manipulated for the benefit of the few, you will realise that the dark have denied you an earlier opportunity to move into a new and comfortable phase of living. You have been held back and that situation must be remedied, and we of the Galactic Federation are equipped to do it ...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 28.03.08 Many explicit messages have been received, in English, from the benevolent ETs in recent months. They date from the middle of September 2007 to the present. (Galactic Federation updates)

    On Sunday 6th April 2008, what appeared to be the final end-game meeting was convened at the US Supreme Court. It went on, with breaks, for more than twenty four hours. It became plain that four of the SCOTUS Justices had had their hands in the till again, and had attempted to purloin about 20% of the Farm Claims and other funds for their own use. Whether this was the Vatican Catholic Cabal (Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas) or another combination of high-placed embezzlers was not leaked at this stage.One of the foci of the SCOTUS meeting was a legal assessment of US default on long-standing national financial commitments. A little known 75-year-old contract had expired on Friday 4th April 2008. It dated back to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt national bankruptcy scam in the 1930s.This and other documents indicated that the US was now in naked, complex and major default in a number of areas. Seizure of US corporate assets abroad, including residences, mines, oil fields, banks and military treasure, was an imminent possibility. There were papers on the table at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

    On Monday 7th April 2008, indications began to emerge that Patrick Fitzgerald may have had a change of mind about caving-in to the Bush-Cheney-Roberts demands. In Washington DC, the screeching of U-turns was plainly heard along the corridors of power. Violinio Germain, or one of his team, had obviously been whispering in a couple of ears and courage has been rescrewed to its sticking place. Fitzgerald's team were reported to be confused and demotivated by his twists and turns, but the messy work went on. The conspirators who had been promised pardons and legal immunities a day or two earlier were advised that their arrangements with Fitzgerald had fallen through due to higher pressures. There was nothing Fitzgerald could do about it, they were told; he had simply been overruled by the big boys. Actually, the decision was his - only the persuasion was theirs.

    About five thousand more arrests were on the active agenda, this figure being in addition to the eight or nine thousand arrests already made, internationally, in connection with the Citibank/Wanta/Paulson theft. On the afternoon of Monday 7th April 2008, the trigger prosperity fund packages went out from the US Supreme Court for delivery. Vice President Dick Cheney then ordered the carrier not to deliver them and they were held in the carrier's New York vault overnight. This was part of a final attempt by Cheney to pressurise Fitzgerald into further concessions. Some days earlier, President George Bush Jnr had instructed Patrick Fitzgerald not to indict Hillary Clinton, and Fitzgerald had obeyed. The Special Prosecutor was known to be susceptible to senior Executive Branch manipulation. By this stage, Cheney was a beaten and exhausted man and on the verge of death from cardiac ill-health. All kinds of reverses had combined to sap his strength. On Monday 26th February 2007, three Special Forces teams had attempted to arrest Cheney while he was on an aircraft parked on the runway at Sydney International airport (Australia). He had only narrowly escaped. There was a firefight and three deaths were reported. Towards the end of November 2007, Cheney had been temporarily successful in corrupting the investigations of Provost Marshal Brigadier General Rodney Johnson into the Citibank/Wanta/Paulson theft. But when Johnson was found to have been taking unlawful instructions from Cheney, the World Court acted and Johnson was dismissed from his assignment by General George Casey, the USA Army Chief of Staff.

    On Wednesday 19th December 2007, in Washington DC, a major fire broke out in the Eisenhower Executive Office building, located near the West Wing of the White House. A Russian security source stated that there had been a firefight in the building between a USA military unit and a team of Secret Service Agents assigned to protect Dick Cheney. The entire building was evacuated, including those parts well away from the fire. The epicentre of the flames was on the second floor in the vicinity of the Vice President's ceremonial office. Cheney had these offices wired to act as a parallel White House. A duplicate and unlawful Emergency Alert System (EAS) was in place. The EAS is designed to enable the President of the United States to initiate an Emergency Action Notification (EAN). Here the President speaks to the people of the United States via all media links within 10 minutes of anything major happening - such as a real or fake alien invasion, or a tactical decision to impose martial law and close down public information flows and due-process media and legal scrutiny. The EAS has never been used. The fire/firefight in the Eisenhower Executive Office building destroyed Dick Cheney's parallel EAS. He himself was in another office in the White House West Wing at the time and was uninjured. But his ability to fake a Martial Law close-down from the Eisenhower building was permanently disabled. Subsequent Health and Safety inspection reports describing the charred wiring ensured that. At the end of December 2007, or the beginning of January 2008, at the time that Henry Paulson was assassinated, five of Dick Cheney's closest aides were shot dead. On Thursday 3rd January 2008, President George Bush Jnr was confronted verbally with the death of Henry Paulson at a meeting. "That's a lie," Bush responded.

    "Well, produce him."

    "I can't, he's sick."

    "Yes, dead men are usually sick before they die."

    "Can you produce the five Cheney assistants who have been shot?""No." Henry Paulson had been assassinated by a Russian special operations unit, whose colleagues had also put the severed horse's head in George Bush's bed at Crawford on Christmas Day 2007. By the weekend of 5th / 6th January 2008, the Bush White House had taken a tactical decision to pretend that Henry Paulson was not dead, and to prosecute this pretence in the media. A combination of library video footage, computer-generated imagery, holographic projection techniques, Paulson clones, and an articulate financial lookalike called Edward Lazear would be used to sustain the fiction of Henry Paulson's continued public presence. Cheney couldn't do this with his aides, so he was forced to manage without them.

    By the time April 2008 came round, Dick Cheney had run out of viable options to retain power. His interruption of the prosperity package deliveries was intended to compel Patrick Fitzgerald to grant him legal immunity from prosecution for Treason and embezzlement. He was playing his last card. Fitzgerald dithered for a few hours early on Tuesday 8th April 2008 but, in the end, due to the robust interventions of others, Cheney was unsuccessful in his machinations.

    By the end of Tuesday 8th April 2008, it was thought unlikely that John Glover Roberts would be able to stay in post at the Supreme Court. His fingerprints were all over a slew of incriminating papers and wire logs.


    footnote Nesara Canada is based on similar betrayals Canada is a corporation registered on the stock market. It is not a legal sovereign country as protrayed. The federal taxes are illegal with no income tax act to back it up at all. Our judiciary treasonously take an oath to the crown of England as do our police forces.The Bank of Canada and all local banks have been operating illegally ( including credit unions and brokerage houses) Much will be revealed when annoucements take effect. Blessings Tami