11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws
The 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos
Universal Law of Free Will
Spiritual Law of Freedom of Man
Universal Law of Change
Spiritual Law of Growth of Man
Universal Law of Movement and Balance
Spiritual Law of Strength, Health and Happiness
Universal Law of Innocence, Truth and Family
Spiritual Law of Protection of Family
Universal Law of Symmetry
Spiritual Law of Equality
Universal Law of Life
Spiritual Law of Choice
Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration
Spiritual Law of Intuition
Universal Law of Judgment
Spiritual Law of Karma
Universal Law of Nature
Spiritual Law of Protection of Man
Universal Law of Love
Spiritual Law of Healing
Universal Law of Perception
Spiritual Law of Future Sight
For additional information, and to see the symbol associated with each pair of laws, go to:
http://www.star-knowledge.net/eleven.htm , website of Ihanktowan Dakota Chief Golden Eagle.
It may be noted that these Universal and Spiritual Laws, accepted and revered by all member civilizations of the Star Nations, are not couched in the “Thou shalt/shalt not...” language of Human civil and religious laws. Rather, these Universal and Spiritual Laws may be seen as universally-valid, self-evident principles, grounded in natural law and the fundamentals of consciousness, and in every intelligent lifeform’s connection to Source.
The symbols of these 11:11 Laws were found etched into the structure of the starcraft that crashed at Roswell in 1947.
I gave my photo of these symbols to Ihanktowan Dakota (Sioux) Star Altar-Keeper and Chief Golden Eagle/Standing Elk. He took them into sacred lodge, asked guidance from the Tunkasilas, (Dakota word for the “Grandfathers”, spiritual guides from the stars), and learned that the symbols stood for the 11 Universal Laws and 11 Spiritual Laws that all Star Nations cultures accept as common metaphysical/spiritual foundation.
- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.