Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ashtar Events Update Dec 8/06

Ashtar Events Update Dec 8/06
"Well, Good Morning!! Is this not a beautiful day in your time? And so this blessed month has come, the month in which a great deal of 'popping' shall be taking place. Now we understand you have received confirmations from other messengers in other places, so to speak, that there is going to be great change and shifting and so on. And of course, let us say the greatest of these changes, or the one that shall pave the way for all else, shall be the removal of the officers in your government of your country. And so they shall be going.

"We have told you many times in our State of the Earth Report, and even before we gave it such an official name, that things are happening behind the scenes, things that you will never see in your conventional news media. You may not even see it on your internet until the results or the conclusions of these meetings are in action, so to say, being put into effect. And this is so very true at this moment. We have also said in the past that they are scurrying around back there in those hallowed halls and chambers and back rooms, and closets and even, yes in the alleyways, because they are afraid and because they have literally run out places to run to. And there is much dissention among them and you are seeing the signs.

"And it is so ironic, is it not, that voices from the past who have been there all the time but have not been highly visible, you know, the controllers behind those visible ones, that is the earthly-embodied ones, have been pulling the strings and now here they are out in the open. And alliances are being made known. And it is somewhat odoriferous, is it not? That is, all of this going on.

"Now what does this have to do with 12-12? We shall be doing, of course, the State of the Earth Report. We shall be giving gifts to the world. We have done so in some measure before and it has been most, most joyfully received and it has been shall we say, most effective. And so now upon this 12-12 we shall have a special guest, who shall we say, facilitate our gift-giving. It is my beloved, my beloved associate, one whom I call brother, and it is the one that you call Sananda. And he of course, shall be with us in this month that is honored as his birth. Even though, of course, that has been proven to be a bit off, shall we say. Nevertheless, it is the celebration of his coming into human body upon planet Earth to be the grand messenger and teacher.

"Of course, he has been here at other times and you are aware of that, and mostly what you need to know is that he yes is here now in an aspect, and he nevertheless shall be our featured guest speaker, as you might say, upon our program. Now what about 12-12? Does that not strike a note within you? 12-12 Ah, mighty it is, empowered it is- and the empowerment of 12-12 shall be a little gift. All of those who attend our gathering, whether in body or by means of your technology, shall be not only grand recipients of the gift but shall we say, direct the gifts out to all Ashtar Family way beyond.

"We shall ask that everyone participate in some manner, because 12-12 shall generally be recognized as a day that almost falls into the category of what you call sacred, so powerful shall be the love energies that shall come on that particular date to your planet and so empowered shall be all of those who open to receive them and so blessed shall be those who shall open even further their hearts and their intentions with their concscious and unconscious selves and send those loving energies out to the world on beams of beautiful light.

"And so that shall be our mission, as well as, of course, gathering and sharing the beautiful energies - the love and the hugs and the joy of coming together. And those energies shall be felt by all participants, those in bodies in the room and those participants who pick up their telephones and join in and we shall in turn send that love, that energy out. And so it shall be what you call a 12-12 high evergy day and it shall faciiitate even more the love coming to the planet and the realization of love on the part of those who are not yet awakened to it.

"And we shall open many hearts and we shall be giving these gifts and we shall be receiving them in like kind. And you Beloveds, those members of the Ashtar Commmand, those volunteers in human bodies, are facilitating a return to love and a homecoming to the hearts of all those, below on and above planet earth. And so we salute you and we see already as done this grand party, this grand celebration and we tell you that it shall surpass all those that have gone before. And this indeed is the year of the awakening, Beloveds! And so it is. Salut!"

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